City of Ledyard CT header
File #: 22-877    Version: Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Referred
File created: 12/6/2022 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 2/22/2023 Final action:
Title: MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the "Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits" as contained in the draft dated February 15, 2023.
Attachments: 1. 2022 REVISIONS - RES DEPT HEAD ADMINSTRATORS BENEFITS-A -2023-02-15-Edited.pdf, 2. TADP Revision for new Resolution JAN2023.pdf





MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated February 15, 2023.






Finance Committee 2/15/2023 meeting :Finance Committee revisions dated February 15, 2023 are noted in Green Font below:



Updates to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” have been proposed which include the following: (See attached Draft Resolution)


                     Increase Department Heads from 16 to 17

                     Update Titles of Positions as follows:

ü                     Assistant Director of Finance/Treasurer

ü                     Librarian Library Director

ü                     Town Treasurer

ü                     Police Lieutenant Captain **


                     Insurance Section - Updated paragraph (c) regarding employee’s premium.


Effective with the adoption of this Resolution, each employee shall be responsible for the percentage of the applicable conventional premium rate determined by the insurance carrier or administrator for all health and dental benefits as outlined in Paragraph d below.


                     Pension Section - Updated language for employee enrollment in Defined Contribution Plan and town match:


Effective July 1, 2022 employees eligible for the Defined Contribution Plan will be automatically enrolled at date of hire at a contribution rate of ten percent (10%) of base salary.  The Town will match the employee’s contribution effective six months after the date of hire


                     New Section “Wages and Compensation” to address salary increases and cell phone reimbursement:



Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated. Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July; and continuing until June 30, 2025, wage increases may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year.


Employees required to be available via cell phone outside of regular work hours who are not issued a Town cell phone, shall receive a monthly stipend for usage of their personal cell phone at a rate equivalent to the highest stipend paid to any of the Town’s bargaining units.


With the implementation of this Resolution, retroactive reimbursement for wages and personal cell phones shall be paid to employees who were on staff as of July 1, 2022


                     Longevity - Updated rates


                     a.                     Ten years, but less than fifteen years                                                               $350.00                     

                     b.                     Fifteen years, but less than twenty years                                          $450.00

                     c.                     Twenty or more years                                                                                                         $550.00


                     New Section - Review Every Three Years


Triennial Review: The terms of this Resolution shall be reviewed and acknowledged every three (3) years from its adoption date by the Administrator/Department Heads and Town Council.; and shall remain in place until further action is agreed upon by both parties.



Department Comment/Recommendation:

(type text here)




Mayor Comment/Recommendation:

(type text here)





(type text here)



Meeting Action Detail:


Town Council  Meeting  2/22/2023


File #:                                                               22877 Version:  3


Type:                                                               Resolution


Title:                     MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022.



Mover:                      Saums                                           Seconder: Ingalls


Action:                      Approved


Minute Note:


Moved by Councilor Saums,  seconded by Councilor Ingalls

Discussion: Councilor Saums stated the Finance Committee spent a lot of time discussing the proposed updates to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits”, specifically, the following language:  “wage increases may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year”. He stated while the Finance Committee understood the intent, that they had concerns regarding the possible long-term and unintended consequences.


Councilor Saums stated that the Finance Committee recognized that there were a number of years in which the Department Heads received zero and 2% wage increases; when bargained for employees received more than zero or more than 2% increases. He went on to state that the belief was that Ledyard’s Department Heads’ pay has fallen behind their peers’ pay in surround towns. He stated proof of this wage issue was when the town has had a Department Head retire or resign, they have had to pay the new replacement significantly more than the person who had all the knowledge and experience in the job. He commented that this indicated that there was something wrong with how Ledyard was paying their Department Heads. He stated the intent and acknowledgement of the Finance Committee was that they probably needed to do something about the Department Heads’ compensation. However, he stated the Finance Committee did not think that  having an automatic mechanism was the right way to do it.


Councilor Saums went on to state that the Finance Committee discussed surveying surrounding towns to see not only what their heads of their departments were getting paid but to find out what they do. He stated the second part of the survey was very important because no two jobs were alike among towns. He noted as an example Ledyard’s Public Works Director was also the Town Engineer and he had a Highway Superintendent supporting him, noting that other towns could have four, five, or six people doing that job and they were not also doing the work of the Town Engineer.  Therefore,  he stated they could not just call a neighboring town and ask what they pay specific positions, noting that they would need to ask a lot of questions; and he stated that this was going to take some time.


Councilor Saums stated the Finance Committee talked with the Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff about a couple of ides and they settled on the idea of accepting the Department Heads proposed language for three years:  “wage increases may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year”, noting that conceptually that would put the Department Heads wages closer to about where they should be. However, he stated to avoid the law of unintended consequences, the Finance Committee added the following language to sunset the clause after three years “….and continuing until June 30, 2025”. He stated the Department Heads were happy with the Finance Committee’s proposal. He stated what was not included in the Resolution was that a Salary Survey for Department Heads would be conducted so that the town could accurate evaluate what they should be paying their employees.


Councilor Saums continued to explain that the proposed revisions to the Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” also addressed providing a stipend for cell phones and there were also changes in how the Department Heads paid for their healthcare.


Councilor Ingalls stated that she wanted to repeat the comments she made at the Finance Committee’s February 15, 2023 meeting. She stated budgets were a value statement. She stated by putting numbers into a budget that they were communicating their values, priorities, what the community needed and the things they think were important.  She stated because there were always multiple needs pulling on the same pot of money there were tensions. She stated part of that pulling/tension was stewarding their tax dollars and stewarding their professionals. She stated the town’s professionals were paid with tax dollars and that some of those tax dollars were being demanded of people who could not afford to pay somebody else’s pay increases. She stated every time she voted “yes” on these types of decisions that she feels the tension, noting that she feels the need to take care  of our staff and that she feels the ach of someone who cannot afford to pay somebody else’s pay increase; and that she knows everyone on the Town Council feels the same way. She stated the reality of working with the budget was that it affects people. She stated that they were always working to try to find that balance, noting that they cannot be absorbent, and at the same time they cannot be dismissive of the skill set that was being brought to the town.


Councilor Ingalls continued by noting that Councilor Saums’ comments were spot-on, noting that something was wrong if the town has someone retire with a body of knowledge and they have to increase the pay just to get someone in the position, who presumably would have less experience or knowledge as it pertained to Ledyard.


Mayor Allyn, III, noted Councilor Saums’ and Councilor Ingalls’ comments about the replacement of dedicated employees who retire with someone who had less town knowledge at a higher salary, commenting that was the hardest part. He noted an example of this was when someone retires, like the former Tax Collector, who served the town for so many years; noting that she found a real disaster, she righted the ship, and brought the tax collection rate up an incredible number.  He stated when she retired the town paid the next person in the door more than what the former employee was being paid when they retired, and he commented that this slap in the face to the person who has put the effort in for a number of years.


Councilor Saums stated during the School  Superintendent’s Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Budget presentation earlier this evening, that he had the same thoughts that Councilor Ingalls expressed. He stated he was thinking that the taxpayers cannot afford an increase; or if they can afford it that they do not want to pay it. However, he stated at the same time they have to look at what was happening to their kids. He stated that they have to strike a balance, noting that they have to get the kids the education they need, because they were  going to produce and pay the taxes down the road; and at the same time, they have to be sensitive to those who have to pay for that education.


Councilor Paul stated that he appreciated the comments made this evening. He stated from a layman perspective that every time he hears about a tax increase that his heart sinks. He stated these are the types of things he talks about with residents, noting that it comes down to  money. However, he stated they have a responsibility to provide education and services to the town.


Councilor Rodriguez stated that if they do not hire qualified people that it would also cost the town money, noting that having qualified employees was an investment in their town.


Chairman Dombrowski noted both Councilor Saums’ and Councilor Ingalls’ comments, and he stated by making an investment in their employees that they were making an investment for their residents and for the town, but at the same time he stated they needed to be careful not to over burdening their residents. He also addressed the importance to recognize the skill set of their employees and to make sure they were compensated at a point in which they wanted to continue work and produce for the town. However, he stated at the same time they have to recognize that it was the residents of the town who have to pay for it. He stated this was the difficult challenge they had serving as members of the Town Council.


Councilor Ingalls noted earlier this evening the Mayor made a good point on another topic stating that he questioned: “What was the role of local government?”. She stated although this was a philosophical conversation that this was a question that always needed to be on the table.


Councilor Marshall stated to put this conversation in a different perspective that it costs him $110.00 per week for the privilege to live in Ledyard. He stated for someone who was retired on a fixed income or who did not earn a lot of money that an increase of $5.00 per week could be difficult. He noted when the Town Council served as the Water Pollution Control Authority they had ratepayers tell them that they could not afford another $3.00 a month, noting that something else would have to go in order to pay that bill.


Councilor Ingalls stated that she was going to vote “yes” on the revisions to the Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” noting that their Department Heads deserve to be well paid, but at the same time her heart was aching.


Mayor Allyn stated the Department Heads were the glue that holds the town’s operations together. He stated Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff was a good example of that. He stated if the town had an issue, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it was or what time of the day it was Mr. Steinhoff would be here. He stated Mr. Steinhoff was not alone in this dedication, noting that he was just one example. He stated the Department Heads put in the time, when ever the time was required, to get the job done.


VOTE: 8 - 0 Approved and so declared.


Action:                      Approved




Finance Committee Meeting  2/15/2023


File #:                                                               22877 Version:  3


Type:                                                               Resolution


Title:                     MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022.



Mover:                      Ingalls                                           Seconder: Saums


Action:                      Recommend to Approve


Minute Note:


Draft 2/8/2023 2/15/2023






WHEREAS, The Town Council recognizes the need to compensate its Administrators/Department Heads in a fair and equitable manner;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Council reaffirms the practices, policies, plans and benefits set forth in the Town of Ledyard Employee Handbook which applies to all Employees, including Administrators/Department Heads and provides further that if the terms of this Resolution differ from the terms of the Town of Ledyard Employee Handbook, the provisions and terms of this Resolution shall apply exclusively.


For the purpose of this Resolution, the Town Council Chairperson shall be the immediate supervisor of the Administrative Assistant to the Town Council; the Chairperson of the Town Council Finance Committee shall be the immediate supervisor for the Town Treasurer; the Director of Finance shall be the immediate supervisor for the Assistant Director of Finance; the Mayor shall be the immediate supervisor for all other Administrators/Department Heads.


All benefits are computed based on a 40 hour work week.  Benefits for employees working less than 40 hours will be pro-rated based on a 40 hour work week.


As of the date of this revision there are 17 non-union positions covered by the Administrator /Department Head Resolution:

1.                     Town Clerk

2.                     Director of Finance

3.                     Assistant Director of Finance/Treasurer

4.                     Director of Administrative Services/Mayoral Assistant

5.                     Director of Human Resources

6.                     Administrator of Emergency Services

7.                     Director of Civil Preparedness and Emergency Management

8.                     Library Director

9.                     Public Health Nursing Administrative Supervisor

10.                     Director of Parks and Recreation

11.                     Public Works Director/Town Engineer

12.                     Director of Planning and Development

13.                     Administrative Assistant to the Town Council

14.                     WPCA Wastewater Operations Supervisor

15.                     Mayor *

16.                     Chief of Police **

17.                     Police Captain **


*    Elected position.  Applicable sections of this Resolution are limited to insurance, pension, and workers compensation.


** Appointed/Contracted Position. Applicable sections of this Resolution are limited to those not specifically covered in the contract.


Note: At times some of the positions listed above may be unfilled, combined, or contracted.  Appropriate adjustments to benefits will be made in these circumstances.




All leaves and absences are based on a 40 hour work week.  Leave and absences for employees working less than 40 hours will be pro-rated based on a 40 hour work week.





                     See Personnel Handbook




Special Holiday leave shall be granted on the days, or portions thereof, listed below:


                     a.                     December 24, whenever it occurs on a Monday;

                     b.                     December 24, after having worked one-half of their normal daily work schedule, whenever it occurs on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday;

                     c.                     December 26, whenever it occurs on a Friday;

                     d.                     December 31, whenever it occurs on a Monday;

                     e.                     December 31, after having worked one-half of their normal daily work schedule, whenever it occurs on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday;

f.                     January 2, whenever it occurs on a Friday.


The above Holiday leave may be adjusted based on Town Hall schedules; e.g. if union contracts are negotiated to allow the Town Hall to be open on any of these days compensatory time-off may be granted.


The Administrators/Department Heads whose duties and responsibilities require them to work during periods of special leave shall be eligible for equivalent amounts of compensatory time off.




All requests for a Leave of Absence Without Pay must be made in writing and approved in advance by the Mayor. If the leave is for more than five (5) days in any one month, the Administrator/Department Head shall not earn sick or vacation leave for that month. The Administrator/Department Head shall not be paid for any holiday or special leave day which may occur during the Leave of Absence Without Pay. In order to qualify to be paid for a holiday or a special leave day, an Administrator/Department Head who has been on a Leave of Absence Without Pay must have worked the last work day directly preceding said holiday or special leave day.




Upon termination of service from the Town of Ledyard, all unused sick leave up to a maximum of fifty (50) days will be paid to the Administrator/Department Head in a lump sum payment, provided the individual has been an Employee of the Town for a minimum of ten (10) years, and said Administrator/Department Head is not terminated for cause.


Employees hired on or after July 1, 2014 with a minimum of ten (10) consecutive years of service will upon termination be paid for a maximum of twenty (20) days.




Each Administrator/Department Head shall be entitled to three (3) personal leave days annually without loss of pay, provided such Administrator/Department Head notifies the Supervisor at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, except in the case of a personal emergency.  Personal days may be used in conjunction with a holiday or vacation provided a two (2) week written notice is supplied to the Supervisor and provided approval is granted by the Supervisor.  During an Employee’s first fiscal year, he or she shall be eligible for one (1) personal day for every four (4) months worked.




Administrator/Department Heads may, with the advanced approval of the Supervisor or Mayor, be provided compensation in the form of compensatory time at the rate of one hour of compensatory time for each hour worked in excess of the maximum work week of each employee. Salaried exempt employees shall be eligible for compensatory time off for work performed which is beyond the normal scope of duties.  All compensatory time must be taken within three months, unless otherwise approved by immediate supervisor. Compensatory time which is not taken within three months of accrual will be forfeited.




The Town shall continue to provide eligible Employees and their dependents substantially similar group health and dental insurance coverage and benefits as exist in the Town’s conventional insurance plan.  The Town reserves the right to change or provide alternate insurance carriers, health maintenance organizations, or benefit levels or to self-insure as it deems appropriate for any form or portion of insurance coverage, so long as the new coverage and benefits are substantially similar to the conventional insurance.  The Town will not be responsible for changes unilaterally imposed by an insurance provider so long as the Town uses its best efforts to minimize changes by incumbent insurance providers from one plan year to another.


a.                          Each Employee shall be responsible for fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the dental plan for spouse or family coverage, and the applicable Employee contribution rate, as set forth below, for the Employee’s dental coverage.


b.                     The Town will purchase for each Employee at no cost to Employee, life insurance which in the event of death of the Employee while employed by the Town, will provide a benefit of $50,000 or a sum equivalent to the Employee’s base salary, whichever is less.


c.                     Effective with the adoption of this Resolution, each Employee shall be responsible for ten percent (10%) of the applicable conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) determined by the insurance carrier or administrator for all health and dental insurance benefits, excluding life insurance.  An Employee with individual coverage shall have deducted from his/her monthly wages ten percent (10%) of the monthly conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) for individual coverage.  An Employee and spouse or an Employee and eligible dependent, (two person coverage classification), shall have deducted from his/her monthly wages ten percent (10%) of the monthly conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) for such two person coverage.  An Employee with family coverage shall have deducted from his/her monthly wages ten percent (10%) of the monthly conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) for family coverage.


c.                     Effective with the adoption of this Resolution, each employee shall be responsible for the percentage of the applicable conventional premium rate determined by the insurance carrier or administrator for all health and dental benefits as outlined in Paragraph d below.


d.                     Effective July 1, 2010 and each July 1 following, the co-insurance and co-pay contributions shall be the same as the lowest negotiated Town Hall labor contracts effective on that date.


e.                     Employees may elect to waive all group insurance benefits, and in lieu thereof, be remunerated in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the actual premium saved.


f.                     Employees are required to notify Human Resources of significant changes to circumstances affecting insurance, including but not limited to births, death of dependents, marriage, adoptions, divorce, or change in eligibility of dependents.




Employees hired prior to July 1, 2009 may be eligible to participate in the town’s Defined Benefit Pension Plan. Details of this plan are provided in the Defined Benefit Summary Plan Description which will be provided to all eligible employees.



Employees hired on or after July 1, 2009 may be eligible to participate in the town's Defined Contribution Pension Plan. Details of this plan are provided in the Defined Contribution Summary Plan Description which will be provided to all eligible employees.


Effective July 1, 2014 employees eligible for the Defined Contribution Plan will be auto-enrolled at an employee contribution rate of 3% of base salary effective the first day of the first full quarter of the fiscal year after the hire date. Unless the employee directs the town otherwise, the employee minimum contribution rate will increase by 1% on July 1st each year until an employee contribution rate of 15% is achieved.  Employees have the right to opt-out of or modify the auto-enrollment by notifying Human Resources within 90 days after the actions are effective. The Town will match the employee’s contributions up to a rate equal to the highest rate negotiated by Town Hall labor contracts currently in effect on July 1st of each fiscal year.

Effective July 1, 2022 employees eligible for the Defined Contribution Plan will be automatically enrolled at date of hire at a contribution rate of ten percent (10%) of base salary.  The Town will match the employee’s contribution effective six months after the date of hire.




If an Employee is injured in the performance of his or her duties or is otherwise qualified for benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act, the net after tax difference between his or her regular base pay and Workers’ Compensation shall be paid by the Employer for a period not to exceed six (6) months or until maximum recovery is attained (whichever is first.)


Until a determination is made as to the eligibility for Workers’ Compensation payments, absences shall be charged, at the Employee’s option, to accumulated sick leave and/or vacation time, provided eligibility requirements are met.  The Employee’s time will be credited when compensation becomes effective.


Notwithstanding the above, if the Town, in its sole discretion, advances pay before an eligibility determination is made, and the Employee is thereafter found ineligible or the Employee’s eligibility is terminated for any reason, the deficiency shall be charged at the Employee’s option to accumulated sick leave and/or accumulated vacation leave.  However, if an Employee has not accumulated sufficient sick and/or annual leave to cover the period of absence, the Employee shall be considered on leave with pay and shall be required to repay the Town for any salary advanced while on leave with pay in the following manner:


                     a.                     Sick Leave

                     b.                     Vacation

                     c.                     Personal Leave

                     d.                     Incentives

                     e.                     Wages

                     f.                     Welfare Benefits




Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated. Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July; and continuing until June 30, 2025, wage increases may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year.


Employees required to be available via cell phone outside of regular work hours who are not issued a Town cell phone, shall receive a monthly stipend for usage of their personal cell phone at a rate equivalent to the highest stipend paid to any of the Town’s bargaining units.


With the implementation of this Resolution, retroactive reimbursement for wages and personal cell phones shall be paid to employees who were on staff as of July 1, 2022.





The Administrator/Department Head shall be reimbursed for travel expenses, meals, lodging, registration fees and other appropriate expenses as may be required when attending professional meetings, training and/or conducting Town business, provided prior approval to attend such meeting and incur such expenses is obtained from the immediate supervisor.


Any Administrator/Department Head who successfully completes an education or vocational course approved, in advance, by the immediate supervisor shall be reimbursed the cost of such courses up to a maximum of fifty percent (50%) not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per year. Courses eligible for reimbursement must be at an accredited college or university and directly relate to the Administrator/Department Head’s professional development. Employees who receive tuition reimbursement shall remain in the employment of the Town for one year following completion of the course or shall be required to reimburse the tuition.




In return for good and faithful service to the Town, each Administrator/Department Head shall receive the following longevity payments:


                     a.                     Ten years, but less than fifteen years                                                               $250.00    $350.00                     

                     b.                     Fifteen years, but less than twenty years                                          $350.00    $450.00

                     c.                     Twenty or more years                                                                                                         $450.0$550.00



Payment shall be paid in one lump sum annually on the pay date nearest the Administrator/Department Head’s anniversary date of employment.


Employees hired after July 1, 2014 shall not be eligible for Longevity payments.




The terms of this Resolution shall be shall be reviewed and acknowledged every three (3) years from its adoption date by the Administrator/Department Heads and Town Council and shall remain in place until further action is agreed upon by both parties.



Adopted by the Ledyard Town Council on: __________________.



                                                                                                                                                   Kevin J. Dombrowski, Chairman



Revisions: March 10, 1989; July 13, 1998; September 26, 1990; January 27, 1993; October 8, 2003; May 28, 2014;  January 13, 2016.



2022:  Updated the titles of the following positions:


Librarian to Library Director; Assistant Finance Director to include Treasurer; Police Lieutenant to Police Capitan.


Insurance Section paragraph (c): Removed/replaced  the following language 

Effective with the adoption of this Resolution, each Employee shall be responsible for ten percent (10%) of the applicable conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) determined by the insurance carrier or administrator for all health and dental insurance benefits, excluding life insurance.  An Employee with individual coverage shall have deducted from his/her monthly wages ten percent (10%) of the monthly conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) for individual coverage.  An Employee and spouse or an Employee and eligible dependent, (two person coverage classification), shall have deducted from his/her monthly wages ten percent (10%) of the monthly conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) for such two person coverage.  An Employee with family coverage shall have deducted from his/her monthly wages ten percent (10%) of the monthly conventional premium rate (COBRA rate) for family coverage.


(New Language): Effective with the adoption of this Resolution, each employee shall be responsible for the percentage of the applicable conventional premium rate determined by the insurance carrier or administrator for all health and dental benefits as outlined in  Paragraph d below.


Pension Section: Removed/replaced the following language:


Effective July 1, 2014 employees eligible for the Defined Contribution Plan will be auto-enrolled at an employee contribution rate of 3% of base salary effective the first day of the first full quarter of the fiscal year after the hire date. Unless the employee directs the town otherwise, the employee minimum contribution rate will increase by 1% on July 1st each year until an employee contribution rate of 15% is achieved.  Employees have the right to opt-out of or modify the auto-enrollment by notifying Human Resources within 90 days after the actions are effective. The Town will match the employee’s contributions up to a rate equal to the highest rate negotiated by Town Hall labor contracts currently in effect on July 1st of each fiscal year.


Effective July 1, 2022 employees eligible for the Defined Contribution Plan will be automatically enrolled at date of hire at a contribution rate of ten percent (10%) of base salary.  The Town will match the employee’s contribution effective six months after the date of hire.


Added New Section : “Wages and Compensation”.


Longevity Section: Updated longevity payments as follows:


                     a.                     Ten years, but less than fifteen years                                                               $250.00 $350.00                     

                     b.                     Fifteen years, but less than twenty years                                          $350.00 $450.00

c.                     Twenty or more years                                                                                                         $450.00 $550.00



Added: New paragraph  Triennial Review: The terms of this Resolution shall be reviewed and acknowledged every three (3) years from its adoption date by the Administrator/Department Heads and Town Council. 


Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Saums

Discussion: Councilor Saums provided some background noting that the Department Heads and many of us believe that the Department Heads were not being paid competitively for similar roles with neighboring towns.  He stated they did not have a mechanism to survey surrounding towns to find out what employees do in similar positions because all of the positions were different, the requirements were different, and the staffing was different. He went on to state that the feeling was that over the last ten years that the gross wage increases for Ledyard’s Department Heads have fallen behind. Therefore, he stated the intent of revising the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” was to get the Department Head’s wages caught up.


Councilor Saums went on to explain Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff met with the Department Heads and provided the updated Resolution as presented this evening dated February 8, 2023, which included a new “Triennial Review” section. He stated the updated language was in response to the Finance Committee’s request that the language in the first paragraph of the “Wages And Compensation” section sunset after three years, while the town conducted a salary survey to find out how our employees compared in pay to comparable towns. However, he stated the language in the February 8, 2023 draft was not exactly what he had intended. Therefore, he provided the following updated langue as noted in green font as noted below and above in the draft dated February 15, 2023:


                     Wages And Compensation - Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated. Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July; and continuing until June 30, 2025, wage increases may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year.



                     Triennial Review: The terms of this Resolution shall be reviewed and acknowledged every three (3) years from its adoption date by the Administrator/Department Heads and Town Council.  and shall remain in place until further action is agreed upon by both parties.


Councilor Ingalls questioned whether the salary increases would be retroactive. Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff stated “Yes” and he noted the spreadsheet that showed the difference in the hourly rate of the Department Heads covered under this Resolution, noting the difference in the hourly rate ranged from 0.07 to 0.29 per hour; for a total cost of $4,813.02 for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. He stated the Department Heads were satisfied with the proposed language and that they were looking forward to completing the salary comparison study as they move forward for next year.


Councilor Ingalls continued by stating that she agreed with sunsetting the term and making sure they were paying competitive wages. She stated part of the work in stewarding town resources was that they were stewarding tax dollars, but that the best resource they had were the people they employed. Therefore, she stated in stewarding the resources of the town it means taking proper care of our professionals. She stated the best way they could do that was to pay them a competitive rate. She stated that they could not afford to go to high, noting that every tax bump was being paid people who cannot afford it. She stated one person’s pay increase was coming out of someone else’s budget. She stated that they were aware of all of this, and that they feel the tension of it, and that they want to do right by everyone, as much as they can.


Councilor Rodriguez questioned Mayor Allyn’s view regarding the proposed amendments to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as it pertained to annual wage increases. Mayor Allyn, III, stated he was happy with the proposed language. He stated the Department Heads need to be financially managed properly, because at the end of the day, when the Town Hall worker punches out for the day, its quite often that the Department Heads stay later, they pack their files to take home to work on, they take calls and answer e-mails from home at night on the weekend, noting that the Department Heads were the glue that hold it all together.  He stated it was important that they recognize what they do to keep the town operating smoothly, and that they try to compensate them as best they can.


The Finance Committee agreed to update the Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated February 15, 2023 as a “friendly amendment”.

VOTE: 2 - 0 Approved and so declared 



Action:                      Recommend to Approve



Finance Committee Meeting  02/01/2023


File #:                                                               22877 Version:  1


Type:                                                               Resolution


Title:                     MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022.


Action:                      No Action



Finance Committee Meeting  1/18/2023


File #:                                                               22877 Version:  1


Type:                                                               Resolution


Title:                     MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022.



Mover:                      Ryan                                           Seconder:  Ingalls


Action:                      Withdrawn


Minute Note:

Moved by Councilor Ryan, seconded by Councilor Ingalls

Discussion: Councilor Saums stated the Finance Committee began discussing proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” at their January 4, 2023 meeting. He stated one addition to the Resolution stated that Department Heads would be paid at a rate that may not be less than the percentage of the highest union-contracted increase for that fiscal year. He stated because the Committee felt that the Resolution, as written, could be subject to misinterpretation, they withdrew the item and asked that the phrase be more carefully worded to avoid unintended consequences.


Councilor Saums went on to state that subsequent to their January 4, 2023 Finance Committee meeting that he and Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff discussed a revision to the proposed language in the Resolution that would refer to CCM’s Municipal Labor Relations Data Reporter as the basis for Gross Wage Increases (GWI).


Councilor Saums noted the proposed language to the Resolution was as follows:


“Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated. Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July and may not be less than the highest gross wage increase (GWI) percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year.”


Councilor Saums stated using the CCM’s Municipal Labor Relations Data Reporter as the basis for Gross Wage Increases (GWI) that the following new language was suggested:


Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated. Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July and may not be less than the average negotiated gross wage increase (GWI) percentage for the same fiscal year as reported by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities in the CCM Municipal Labor Relations Data Reporter for the month of January of the calendar year in which the Mayor is assembling the proposed budget.”


Councilor Saums explained an example of how this langue would be applied using the attached table,  would be if the Mayor were proposing a budget for the coming year FY23-24, that he would use the average negotiated GWI for FY 23-24  which was  2.40%.


Action:                      Withdrawn




Finance Committee Meeting  1/04/2023


File #:                                                               22877 Version:  1


Type:                                                               Resolution


Title:                     MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022.



Mover:                      Ingalls                                           Seconder:  Ryann


Action:                      Withdrawn


Minute Note:

Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Ryan

Discussion: Mayor Allyn, III, explained that proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” were drafted to update the language to include the addition of a new “Wages and Compensation” Section and other editorials as noted below. 




Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated.  Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July and may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year.


Employees required to be available via cell phone outside of regular work hours who are not issued a Town cell phone, shall receive a monthly stipend for usage of their personal cell phone at a rate equivalent to the highest stipend paid to any of the Town’s bargaining units.


With the implementation of this Resolutions, retroactive reimbursement for personal cell phone use shall be paid to employees who were on-staff during the period beginning with the Covid 19 pandemic of March, 2020; as outlined in the above paragraph.”


Mayor Allyn continued to explain that the highest union contracted increase for this fiscal year was 3%. He presented a spreadsheet that was prepared by Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff which showed the difference in the hourly rate of the Department Heads covered under this Resolution, noting the difference in the hourly rate ranged from 0.07 to 0.29 per hour; for a total cost of $4,813.02 for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.


Mayor Allyn went on to note the other change in the Resolution was to provide a stipend to the Department Heads who use of their personal cell phones to conduct town business. He stated it was more cost effective for the town to provide a stipend to these Department Heads for using their personal cell phones for town business than it would be for the town to purchase additional cell phones and additional monthly contracts for phone. He stated the cost of the cell phone stipend was $4,320 per year. He stated the wage adjustment and cell phone stipends would be retroactive to July 1, 2022.


Councilor Saums addressed the language in the new Wage and Compensation Section as follows: “Employees shall be paid at the rate as designated by the Mayor or contractually negotiated.  Increases in wages shall be effective on the first day of July and may not be less than the percentage of the highest union contracted increase for that fiscal year.”  He stated the town has been very careful with raises for Department Heads; noting that the Department Heads have not received many raises; and the raises they received have not been much. Therefore, he stated that he was in-favor with keeping the Department Head’s wage increases at par or upping them a little based on the past cycle. However, he stated if this clause was included in the Resolution; and for some reason one union asked for a 5% wage increase, and the town said “No”; but the union then won their case through Arbitration; that the fourteen Department Heads covered by the Resolution would also receive a 5% wage increase. Therefore, he stated he had concerns, because the town did not have total control over what they give their union employees. He stated he did not have a solution this evening with regard to what they could replace this language with.


Mayor Allyn, III, stated historically the town has been aggressive with keeping the wage increases for bargaining units low. Councilor Saums agreed with Mayor Allyn’s comment, and he added that the town has actually fallen behind in some areas, noting in some cases Ledyard’s wages were lower than other towns. Mayor Allyn stated keeping wages lower than other towns has been an issue for Ledyard with respect to trying to keep staff and in trying to fill vacancies for certain roles/positions. He stated that this has become a problem for the Town.


Councilor Saums stated in certain instances some union employees did receive a 5% wage increase because they were correcting past inequalities. He stated that he believed he believed Ledyard would be negotiating differently, noting that employees read our labor contracts/agreements and the contracts/agreements of neighboring communities He concluded by expressing concern that with the proposed wage language, as written, in the Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” that they could end up giving some big raises unintentionally. He questioned whether they could write the wage language in a way that would prevent them from unintentionally giving big raises to Department Heads.


Councilor Ryan suggested basing the Department Head wage increases on an average of wage increases of the bargaining units.


The Finance Committee agreed to withdrawn the motion to obtain additional information.

Action:                      Withdrawn





Administration Committee Meeting  12/14/2022


File #:                                                               22877 Version:  1


Type:                                                               Resolution


Title:                     MOTION to adopt proposed revisions to the “Resolution Establishing Administrator/Department Head Benefits” as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022.



Mover:                      Irwin                                          Seconder:  McGrattan


Action:                                                               Recommend to Approve


Minute Note:

Moved by Councilor Irwin, seconded by Councilor McGrattan

Discussion: Councilor Ingalls noted that she was pleased to see the language to encourage staff to use their vacation days, noting that taking time off away from their job was better for peoples’ well-being.

VOTE:                     3 - 0 Approved and so declared

Action:                                                               Recommend to Approve