File #:
Land Use Application
On agenda:
Final action:
Application PZ#23-4SUP of Gales Ferry Intermodal LLC / Heller, Heller, McCoy, 549 South Street, Quincy, MA 02169, for a special use permit for the construction of an industrial building with appurtenant facilities on a portion of the property located at 1761 Route 12, Gales Ferry, CT 06335.
1. Exhibit #1 - Application, Authorization, Deeds, 2. Exhibit #2 - Project Narrative 3/29/23, 3. Exhibit #3 - Prop Survey, CME Assoc. 2010, 4. Exhibit #4 - Exterior Elevations, 5. Exhibit #5 - Loureiro Plan Set, March 7, 2023, 6. Exhibit #6 - Stormwater Mgmt Report, March 7, 2023, 7. Exhibit #7 - List of Abutters, Notices Sent, and Certs, 8. Exhibit #8 - Letter from Karen Sacco, Dated 4/3/23, 9. Exhibit #9 - Memo from Steve Masalin, PWD dated 3/31/23, 10. Exhibit #10 - Revised Narrative (compare 3.28.23 to 4.5.23), 11. Exhibit #11 - Revised Storm Water Mgmt Report Dated 4/5/23, 12. Exhibit #12 - Revised Loureiro Plan Set, Revised 4/6/23, 13. Exhibit #13 - Soil Investigation Report from REMA Ecological Services Dated 4/6/23, 14. Exhibit #14 - Natural Diversity Data Base Letter, Dated 11/2/2022, 15. Exhibit #15 - Comments from Citizens Alliance for Land Use Dated 4/10/23, 16. Exhibit #16 - Response to Planner Comments from 3/28 Mtg. from Loureiro, 17. Exhibit #17 - Response to Town Engineer Memo dated 3/31, 18. Exhibit #18(a) Deed for 3 River Rd submitted by Stanley Lucas, 19. Exhibit # 18(b) Tax Map 3 River rd, 20. Exhibit # 18(c) Map land acquired for Relocation of Rte. 12, 21. Exhibit #19 - Comments from Jake Troy, April 13, 2023, 22. Exhibit #20 - Stormwater Management Report, Loureiro Revised 4_12_23, 23. Exhibit #21 - Rendering from Cashman showing potential build, 24. Exhibit #22 - Historic Photo of Site from Com. Baudro, 25. Exhibit #23 - Powerpoint Presentation - CALU, 26. Exhibit #24 - Revised Plan Set 5-1, 27. Exhibit #25 - Revised Stormwater Mgmt Report 5-1, 28. Exhibit #26 - Notice to Montville, 29. Exhibit #41 - Comments from CALU, dated June 27, 30. Exhibit #27 - NDDB, 31. Exhibit #28 CALU Hearing Summary 05.10, 32. Exhibit #29 - CALU Overheads Presentation, 33. Exhibit #30 - Revised Comments from PWD 5-11, 34. Exhibit #31 - LLHD plan review 1 comments, 35. Exhibit #32 Cashman Application Planner Comments, 36. Exhibit #33 - Ltr from Belli Maintenance, 37. Exhibit #34 - Ltr from Tech Painting, 38. Exhibit #35 - Letter Request for Gales Ferry Extension, 39. Exhibit #36 - Gales Ferry Extension Request, 40. Exhibit #37 - Applicant Response to Planner, 6-21-23, 41. Exhibit #38 - Revised Stormwater Report, revised 6-22-23, 42. Exhibit #39 - Revised Plan Set, 6-21-23, 43. Exhibit #40 - Revised Narrative, 6-20-23, 44. Exhibit #42 - CALU Reference Info for PZC, 45. Exhibit #43 - Revised Comments from S.Masalin, 46. Exhibit #44 - Cashman Application Planner Comments 6_28_23, 47. Exhibit #51 - Planner's Supplemental Comments, 48. Exhibit #50 - Copy of comments presetned by G. Calise, 49. Exhibit #49 - Copy of comments presented by P. Fiore, 50. Exhibit #48 - Copy of comments presented by N. Taylor, 51. Exhibit #47 - Copy of comments presented by J. Motti, 52. Exhibit #46 - Powerpoint from Cashman, 53. Exhibit #45 - Extension from Applicant, dated 6-29, 54. Exhibit #46 - Powerpoint from Cashman, 55. Exhibit #47 - Copy of comments presented by J. Motti, 56. Exhibit #48 - Copy of comments presented by N. Taylor, 57. Exhibit #49 - Copy of comments presented by P. Fiore, 58. Exhibit #50 - Copy of comments presetned by G. Calise, 59. Exhibit #51 - Planner's Supplemental Comments, 60. Exhibit #52 - GU Comments, 61. Exhibit #57 - Bond Estimate for SESC and Loam and Seed, 62. Exhibit #56 - Bldg Floor Plans & Elevations 2, 63. Exhibit #55 -Bldg Floor Plans & Elevations - Copy, 64. Exhibit #54 -_Rev4_Sterling_Civil Plan Set, 65. Exhibit #53 - Response ltr to Town, 66. Exhibit #58 - Sterling Tier I SPCC Plan, 67. Exhibit #59 - P&Z Powerpoint, 68. Exhibit #60 - Cross Sections, 69. Exhibit #61 - Ltr to Planner, re notice, 70. Department of Transportation Letter
Application PZ#23-4SUP of Gales Ferry Intermodal LLC / Heller, Heller, McCoy, 549 South Street, Quincy, MA 02169, for a special use permit for the construction of an industrial building with appurtenant facilities on a portion of the property located at 1761 Route 12, Gales Ferry, CT 06335.
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Land Use Director/Town Planner:
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