MOTION to accept Marty’s Way into the Town’s Road Inventory in accordance with Ordinance #300-025 “An Ordinance Regulating the Addition of Any New Street or Highway to the Highway System of the Town of Ledyard”; including its infrastructure, that was approved as part of Application PZ#22-8SUB; Eagles Landing 24- Lot Open Space Subdivisions, 79 Vinegar Hill Road, Ledyard, Connecticut, on August 11, 2022, along with written recommendations of the Director of Public Work’s dated December 19, 2024, and all supporting documentation, including warranty deeds with the following condition:
(1) The warranty deeds shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works and/or Town Attorney prior to acceptance.
In accordance with Section 6 (A) of Ordinance #300-025 “An Ordinance Regulating the Addition of Any New Street or Highway to the Highway System of the Town of Ledyard”
Section 6. Town Council Acceptance
A. After compliance with the provisions of Section 8-24 of the General Statutes, the Town Road Ordinance, and the Town Drainage Ordinance, as they may be amended, the Town Council may, pursuant to Section 12a-48 of the General Statues, accept such street as a public street. Any entry of such acceptance shall be made in the records of the Town Clerk.
Please see attached document provided by Land Use Director.
Land Use Director/Town Planner:
(type text here)