MOTION to approve additional appropriations from the receipt of supplemental FEMA reimbursement funding for storm Isaias in the total amount of $5,149.69 as follows:
• $1,000.00 to Fire Marshal Telephone Account #10120301-55330; and
• $4,149.69 to Public Works Small Truck CNR Account 21040101-57313.
The town previously applied for and received FEMA Funding for expenses related to Tropical Storm Isaias that occurred on August 4, 2020.
After reimbursing the State and Municipalities for expenses related to Storm Isaias FEMA had funds remaining.
FEMA contacted the towns who applied for reimbursement for expenses related to Storm Isaias to request additional information and adjusted their funding reimbursement.
Department Comment/Recommendation:
This action is consistent with previous appropriations of FEMA reimbursement funds.
Finance Director Comment/Recommendation:
This represents additional reimbursement from FEMA relative to a previously submitted claim due to an increase in the federal cost share.
Mayor Comment/Recommendation:
Jim Mann filed this request with FEMA in 2020 as a result or TS Isaias. I support the allocations as presented.