MOTION to appoint Ms. Jessica Cobb (D) 7 Whippoorwill Drive, Gales Ferry, to the Planning & Zoning Commission, as an Alternate Member to complete a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2022 filling a vacancy left by Mr. Awrach.
Ms. Cobb has been an active member of the community, serving on the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Ms. Cobb has expressed an interest in serving on the Planning & Zoning Commission.
She has a Bachelors of Science in Geosciences, Certificate of Achievement in Inland Wetland Agency Comprehensive Training Program and a Certificate in Web Development (see attached Resume').
Administrative Notes:
Ms. Scanlon resigned from the Planning & Zoning Commission, as she would be moving out of town (please see attached resignation letter dated 7/14/2022).
The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended Alternate Member James Awrach be moved to a Regular Member to fill Ms. Scanlon's vacancy leaving ; leaving an Alternate Member Vacancy on the Commission.
The Democratic Nominating Committee has recommended the appointment of Ms. Jessica Cobb to fill the vacancy on the Planning & Zoning Commission
Nominating Committee Recommendation:
From: So Rodriguez
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2022 8:59 AM
To: Roxanne Maher
Subject: P & Z Candidate for Opening Vacancy
Good Morning Roxanne,
The DTC Nominating Committee has voted on 7/20/22 to forward/recommend Jessica Cobb fill the open vacancy left by Katie Scanlon for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Attached please find Jessica Cobb's application, resume and a certificate. Thank you.
Naomi Rodriguez, Chair
DTC Nominating Committee
(Please see attached e-mail dated 7/21/2022)
Meeting Action Details:
Town Council Meeting 9/14/2022
File #:
22144 Version: 1
MOTION to appoint Ms. Jessica Cobb (D) 7 Whippoorwill Drive, Gales Ferry to ...
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