Correspondence List - July 27, 2022
Correspondence List:
1. M/M Day e-mail dated 6/23/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
2. Agricultural Commission memo dated 7/23/2022 re: Land Use Work Session- Farming Community
3. Ms. Graebner/Dombrowski e-mail thread dated 6/23/2022 re: CCM Guide Racial Tensions
4. Board of Education ltr dated 7/1/2022 re: Financial Report June 30, 2022
5. Ms. Garcia-Irizary ltr dated 7/11/2022 re: Resign Conservation Commission
6. Ms. Scanlon e-mail dated 7/14/2022 re: Resign - Planning & Zoning Commission
7. M/M Day e-mail dated 7/15/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
8. Ms. Evans e-mail dated 7/18/2022 re: Request FOI Democratic Town Committee Minutes
9. Moser/Saums e-mail dated 7/20/2022 re: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Capital Projects List
10. Planning & Zoning Commission e-mail dated 7/21/2022 re: Move Awrach from Alternate Member to Regular Member to fill Scanlon seat.
11. Mr. Moriarty/Saums/Dombrowski e-mail thread dated 7/20/2022 - 7/22/2022 re: Ledyard Garden
12. DTC Appointment Application dated 7/21/2022 re: Cobb - Planning & Zoning Commission
13. Mr. Strastic/Saums e-mail tread dated 7/21/2022 re: Fire Hydrant Network - SCWA System
14. M/M Day/Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Capon e-mail thread dated 7/22/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity- pending legal matter
15. Mr. Bryson e-mail dated 7/22/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
16. Ms. Graham e-mail dated 7/22/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
17. DTC Appointment Application dated 7/26/2022 - Peterson-Permanent Municipal Building Cmt (PMBC)
18. Mayor ltr dated 7/25/2022 re: Appoint Graham Regular Member Conservation Commission
19. Mayor ltr dated 7/25/2022 re: Appoint Troy Nursing Board
20. Mayor ltr dated 7/25/2022 Appoint Scott Nursing Board
1. Admin Asst ltr to Mayor dated 6/23/2022 re: Action ltr. Town Council Regular Meeting of June 22, 2022
Admin Asst ltr to Town Clerk dated 6/23/2022 re: Action ltr. November 8, 2022 Election Include the following question on the Ballot- “Shall the sale of recreational marijuana be allowed in the Town of Ledyard?”
2. LTC ltr to Mayer dated 7/23/2022 re: Thank you for your service - Historic District Commission
3. LTC ltr to Pealer dated 7/23/2022 re: Thank you for your service - Historic District Commission
4. LTC ltr to ARC of Eastern Connecticut Pealer dated 6/23/2022 re: Neighborhood Assistance Act Program (NAA) Town Council Public Hearing 6/27/2022 & Endorsement of NAA Project Window Replacement Group Home
5. LTC ltr to Habitat for Humanity dated 6/27/2022 re: Neighborhood Assistance Act Program (NAA) Town Council Public Hearing 6/22/2022 & Endorsement of NAA Project 42 Laurel Leaf Drive Total Rehabilitation
6. Saums e-mail 6/29/2022 re: Chidley Residents’ Request water and fire hydrants
7. Saums/Perrault/Davis e-mail dated Cashman Dredging - Route 12Rescheduled Public Information Forum 7/12/2022
8. Community Relations Cmt ltr to Residents dated 7/7/2022 re: Informal Conversation -East Drive Park - July 20, 2022
1. WPCA Agenda 6/28/2022; 7/26/2022
2. Housing Authority Agenda 7/4/2022 - Cancelled
3. Permanent Municipal Building Cmt Agenda 7/4/2022- Cancelled
4. Economic Development Commission Agenda 7/5/2022 - Cancelled
5. Inland Wetland & Water Courses Commission Agenda 7/5/2022
6. Farmers Market Committee Agenda 7/7/2022- Cancelled
7. Conservation Agenda 7/12/2022 - Cancelled
8. Planning & Zoning Agenda 7/14/2022
9. Library Commission Agenda 7/18/2022 - Cancelled
10. Historic District Commission Agenda 7/18/2022- Cancelled
11. Parks & Recreation Agenda 7/19/2022
12. Retirement Board Agenda 7/19/2022
13. Agricultural Commission Agenda7/19/2022
14. Youth & Social Services Agenda 7/19/2022
15. Senior Citizens Agenda 7/27/2022
16. Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda 6/20//2022- Cancelled
17. LUPPW Cmt Agenda 7/5/2022 - Cancelled
18. Finance Cmt Agenda 7/6/2022 - Cancelled
19. Finance Cmt Agenda 7/20/2022
20. Community Relations Cmt Agenda 7/20/2022
21. Admin Cmt Agenda 7/13/2022- Cancelled
22. Admin Cmt Sp. Agenda 7/27/2022
23. Town Council Agenda 7/13/2022 - Cancelled
24. Town Council Sp. Agenda 7/27/2022 - Executive Session
25. Town Council Agenda 7/27/2022
1. Parks & Recreation Minutes 6/14/2022
2. Retirement Board Minutes 6/21/2022
3. Agricultural Commission Minutes 6/21/2022
4. Youth & Social Services Minutes 5/24/2022
5. Senior Citizens Minutes 6/22/2022
6. Finance Cmt Minutes 6/15/2022
7. Community Relations Cmt Agenda 6/15/2022
8. WPCA Minutes 5/31/2022 ; 6/25/2022
9. Town Council Agenda 6/22/2022
10. Housing Authority Agenda 6/6/2022
11. Cashman Dredging - Route 12Rescheduled Public Information Forum 7/18/2022
Administration Committee
1. DTC Appointment Application dated 7/26/2022 - Peterson-Permanent Municipal Building Cmt-
Community Relations Committee
1. Ms. Graebner/Dombrowski e-mail thread dated 6/23/2022 re: CCM Guide Racial Tensions
Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee
1. Mr. Moriarty/Saums/Dombrowski e-mail thread dated 7/20/2022 - 7/22/2022 re: Ledyard Garden
2. M/M Day e-mail dated 6/23/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
3. Agricultural Commission memo dated 7/23/2022 re: Land Use Work Session- Farming Community
4. M/M Day e-mail dated 7/15/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
5. M/M Day/Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Capon e-mail thread dated 7/22/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity- pending legal matter
6. Mr. Bryson e-mail dated 7/22/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity
7. Ms. Graham e-mail dated 7/22/2022 re: 575 Lantern Hill Road - Commercial Activity