Vote upon the following:
"Shall the Town of Ledyard sell the town-owned residential property located at 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway to Leonard D. Sherman for Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand Dollars ($280,000)?”.
August 14, 2023: The Town received an Offer from Mr. Leonard D. Sherman of 98 Fairy Dell Road, Clinton, to Purchase 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway for $280,000. (See attached Purchase and Sales Agreement).
In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes 7-163e a Public Hearing was required for the sale or transfer of town-own property.
Also, in accordance with Chapter VII; Section 9 of the Town Charter a Special Town Meeting was required at which the Townspeople would be asked to vote on the sale of 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway.
Planning & Zoning Commission- August 10, 2023: Conduct an 8-24 Review of 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway in preparation to sell the residential property and voted favorably to sell the property.
Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee- August 7, 2023: Requested the Planning & Zoning Commission conduct an 8-24 Review of 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway in preparation to sell the residential property.
Town Council July 26, 2023 Meeting: Authorized the Mayor to enter into a Real Estate Listing Agreement for the sale of the house located at 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway.
In preparation for the sale of 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway it has bee requested that the Planning & Zoning Commission conduct an 8-24 Review.
Public Hearing - January 10, 2018: To Lease the residential property located at 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway. In June 2017 the Town acquired the residential property hru a foreclosure for back taxes owed.
Because there was a title issue regarding the boundary line the Town did not have a clear, saleable marketable title at that time. Therefore, the town has been leasing the house for about $15,600 in rent per year, until they could get the title issue resolved, at which time the town planned to dispose of/sell the house (Town Council Meeting January 10, 2023). The site plan and survey that was conducted by Attorney Rob Aveena and Surveyor Eric Seitz has been completed, and the boundary lines have been corrected (restored to their original boundaries), so that the detached garage was now within the property boundary lines of 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway, and therefore, the property was ready to be sold.
Additional Background: In 2006 the Founders Preserve property was subdivided into a 36-lot subdivision and the property lines were changed by the Developer at that time to accommodate the proposed Founders Preserve Subdivision, which included the property located at 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway.
Around 2015 the town foreclosed on the property for back taxes owed, and in 2020 the Townspeople voted to convey the parcel to Avalonia Land Conservancy. However, with the new boundary lines the Developer made for the Subdivision, the Founders Preserve property was essentially landlocked.
Since 2020 the town has been working to correct (or restore) the boundary lines to their original lines. By correcting the boundary lines the street address of the former Founders Preserve would now become (revert back to) 334 Colonel Ledyard Highway and the adjacent property would revert back to 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway. In addition, with restoring the property lines back to the original boundary lines the detached garage associated with the house was now within the property boundary lines of 332 Colonel Ledyard Highway.
Land Use Director/Town Planner:
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