MOTION to adopt the proposed “Resolution Adopting The Hazard Mitigation And Climate Adaptation Plan Update, 2023-2028” as presented in the draft dated August 2, 2023.
SCCOG Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Five-Year Plan was recently approved by FEMA.
This Plan was developed with input from Southeastern Connecticut Council of Government Member Municipalities along with Consultant, Resilient Land & Water, LLC.
This is the fourth iteration of this Plan for Southeastern Connecticut.
The adoption of the Plan will enable SCCOG Member Municipalities to apply for and receive “Pre-disaster” funds from FEMA, from the following programs:
• Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
• Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
• Flood Mitigation Assistance
The Plan should also act as a guide for planning and funding for other projects either undertaken with municipal funds or other grants. Most recently, there have been many other grant opportunities for Resilience/Hazard Mitigation Projects.
To finalize this effort, Municipalities must adopt the Resolution as provided.
Below are links to Municipal Plan Annexes and Adoption Resolutions:
• Find your municipal “annexes” of the HMCAP here <>.
o Regional Plan <> with Appendices <>.
DRAFT: 8/2/2023
WHEREAS, the Town of Ledyard has historically experienced severe damage from natural hazards and it continues to be vulnerable to the effects of those natural hazards profiled in the plan (e.g. flooding, extreme heat, droughts, severe storms such as thunderstorms and winter storms, dam failures, wildfires, and earthquakes) resulting in loss of property and life, economic hardship, and threats to public health and safety; and
WHEREAS, the Ledyard Town Council approved the previous versions of the Hazard Mitigation Plan in 2005, 2012, and 2018; and
WHEREAS, Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, of whom the Town of Ledyard is a member, has determined that climate change is affecting the frequency and severity of some hazards and therefore elected to expand the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update to become a Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan Update; and
WHEREAS, committee meetings were held and public input was sought in 2022 regarding the development and review of the Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan Update; and
WHEREAS, the Plan specifically addresses hazard mitigation and climate adaptation strategies and Plan maintenance procedures for the Town of Ledyard; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends several hazard mitigation actions that will provide mitigation for specific natural hazards that impact the Town of Ledyard, with the effect of protecting people and property from loss associated with those hazards while adapting to the effects of climate change; and
WHEREAS, Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments has developed and received conditional approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for its Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan Update under the requirements of 44 CFR 201.6; and
WHEREAS, adoption of this Plan will make the Town of Ledyard eligible for funding to alleviate the impacts of future hazards;
1. The Plan is hereby adopted as an official plan of the Town of Ledyard;
2. The respective officials identified in the mitigation strategy of the Plan are hereby directed to pursue implementation of the recommended actions assigned to them;
3. Future revisions and Plan maintenance required by 44 CFR 201.6 and FEMA are hereby adopted as a part of this Resolution for a period of five (5) years from the date of this Resolution.
4. An annual report on the progress of the implementation elements of the Plan shall be presented to the Town Council.
Adopted by the Town Council of Ledyard, Connecticut on: _______________
____________________________ ___________________________
Fred Allyn, III, Mayor Kevin J. Dombrowski, Chairman
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature and the corporate seal of the Town of Ledyard this _____ day of _______, 2023.
(Seal) ___________________________
Patricia A. Riley, Town Clerk
Mayor Comment/Recommendation:
(type text here)