Continued discussion and possible action to identify various town venues to host "Informal Conversations in the Park" to engage residents in discussions regarding their concerns and their ideas for potential solutions
* Long Pond on Lantern Hill Road (Showcase the Lantern Hill Waterfront Park, (2) Provide some history regarding Long Pond; (3) Provide information regarding the importance of preventing invasive plants from being transferred from different bodies of water, and (3) Engage residents)
* Visit Parks in town .
(type text here)
Department Comment/Recommendation:
Meeting Action Detail:
Community Relations Committee Meeting 04/19/2023
File #: 22106 Version: 1
Type: General Discussion
Title: Continued discussion and possible action to identify various town venues to host "Informal Conversations in the Park" to engage residents in discussions regarding their concerns and their ideas for potential solutions.
Action: Continued
Meeting Note:
Councilor Paul stated Park & Recreation has been discussing scheduling a tour to visit the many recreational parks in town in May, 2023. He stated that he would keep the Community Relations Committee informed as more information becomes available.
Councilor Paul noted that Councilor Saums was working with the Administrators of the Ledyard/Gales Ferry Forum on the idea of hosting a "Whining Wednesday" and a "Thankful Thursday". Therefore, he suggested they defer this discussion to their next meeting, when Councilor Saums could provide an update.
Councilor Marshall suggested hosting an Informal Gathering/Conversation at the Town Green or at another Park some afternoon to talk with residents. He noted the event could be similar to the July 20, 2022 Informal Gathering they had at the Park on East Drive. He stated the town had a lot of parks, and it would be good feature them, noting that the Parks were underutilized.
Action: ...
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