City of Ledyard CT header
Meeting Name: Town Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/14/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-904 1  PresentationFirst Responders - Abandoned Well Rescue - November 3, 2022   Action details Not available
22-826 1  MinutesMOTION to approve the following Town Council Minutes: · Special Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2022 · Public Hearing Minutes of November 9, 2022 · Regular Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2022 · Special Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2022Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-949 1  CorrespondenceCOMMUNICATIONS LISTING FOR DECEMBER 14, 2022   Action details Video Video
22-065 71. ReportAdministration Committee.  Action details Video Video
22-066 72. ReportCommunity Relations Committee.  Action details Video Video
22-067 73. ReportFinance Committee.  Action details Video Video
22-068 74. ReportLand Use/Planning/Public Works Committee.  Action details Video Video
22-086 35. ReportWater Pollution Control AuthorityPublic Hearing Closed   Action details Not available
22-296 7XII. ReportREPORT OF THE MAYOR:.  Action details Not available
22-705 1*1. AppointmentMOTION to reappoint Mr. Gary St. Vil (D) 2 Thomas Street, Ledyard as an Alternate Member to the Planning & Zoning Commission to complete a three (3) year term ending, December 31, 2025.Approved and so declared  Action details Not available
22-706 1*2. AppointmentMOTION reappoint the following members to Parks & Recreation Commission to complete a three (3) year term ending, December 29, 2025. Ms. Loretta Kent (D) 1363 Baldwin Hill Road, Gales Ferry Mr. Kenneth J. DiRico, (U) 8 Melanie Lane, Gales FerryApproved and so declared  Action details Not available
22-725 1*3. AppointmentMOTION to reappoint the following members to Senior Citizens Commission to complete a two (2) year term ending, December 9, 2024. · Ms. Marjorie Winslow (D) 3 Wolf Ridge Gap, Ledyard · Mr. John W. Thomas (R) 23 Bittersweet Drive, Gales Ferry · Ms. Cynthia McLane (R) 20 Norman Drive, Gales Ferry · Ms. Margaret Anne Harding (R) 50 Pheasant Run Drive, Gales Ferry · Ms. Katherine Milde (D) 185 Spicer Hill Road, LedyardApproved and so declaredPass Action details Not available
22-678 14. Job DescriptionMOTION to approve a proposed updated Mechanic job description as contained in the draft dated September 26, 2022.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-677 15. Job DescriptionMOTION to approve a proposed updated Maintenance Foreman job description as contained in the draft dated July 7, 2022.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-658 16. ResolutionMOTION to approve a proposed “Resolution Authorizing Term Adjustments For The Ledyard Beautification Committee” as contained in the draft dated October 19, 2022”.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-634 17. AppointmentMOTION to appoint Ms. Jennifer Holdsworth (D) 3 Spruce Street, Ledyard, to the Ledyard Beautification Committee to complete a term ending October 26, 2024 filling a vacancy left by Ms. Vincent.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-635 18. AppointmentMOTION to appoint Ms. Kathrine Kohrs (D) 19 Winthrop Road, Gales Ferry, to the Ledyard Beautification Committee to complete a term ending October 26, 2024 filling a vacancy left by Ms. Buhle.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-657 19. AppointmentMOTION appoint Ms. Jennifer Eastbourne (U) 4 Glenwoods Court, Gales Ferry, to the Ledyard Beautification Committee to complete a term ending October 26, 2024 filling a vacancy left by Ms. Robinson.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-707 110. AppointmentMOTION to appoint Mr. Charles Gallagher (R) 12 Sherwood Trace, Gales Ferry, to the Parks and Recreation Commission to complete a three-year (3) term ending December 29, 2023 filling a vacancy left by Mr. Maloney.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-654 111. AppointmentMOTION to appoint Mr. Deondre Bransford (U) 8 Lynn Drive, Ledyard, to the Parks and Recreation Commission complete a three-year (3) term ending December 29, 2025 filling a vacancy left by Ms. Robinson.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-808 112. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to authorize the Registrar of Voters to over expend the following accounts for election and referendum related expenses: · Account #10110303 51720 (Stipends) by up to $2,500.00 · Account#10110303 56900 (Other Supplies) by up to $3,000.00.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-832 113. GrantMOTION to accept and appropriate $20,000 to Account #20250101-50000-G0015 (Library Grants) received from The American Library Association - Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities Grant to be used to purchase books, programming, and building improvements designed to serve individuals with disabilities.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-816 114. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to approve appropriations from the receipt of sales of vehicles and equipment through GovDeals in the total amount of $55,500 as follows: • $48,500 to the Public Works Heavy Equipment CNR Account #21040101-57311; and • $7,000 to the Public Works Small Truck CNR Account 21040101-57313.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-828 115. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to grant a Bid Waiver to Kent & Frost of Mystic CT in the amount of up to $112,000 for the next phase of the Tri-Town Trail project, due to the lack of receiving the required three bids in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 (rev 1) “An Ordinance for Purchasing.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-777 116. Financial Business Request (FBR)Discussion regarding potential uses for the funding received from the National Opioid Settlement Payments.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-811 117. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to approve the Town Council Department Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Budget in the amount of $190,846.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-812 118. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to approve the Town Council Department Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Capital Improvement Budget in the total amount of $1,500.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-676 119. OrdinanceMOTION to extend Archery Hunting on Certain Town Owned Lands and Certain Open Space Properties for one-year in accordance with provisions in Ordinance#100-018 (rev. 1) "An Ordinance Providing Archery Hunting on Certain Town Owned Lands and Certain Open Space Properties".Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-879 120. CorrespondenceMOTION to issue a letter, as contained in the draft dated December 6, 2022, to Groton Utilities Commission and Groton Town Council, to endorse and encourage public access to the Groton Reservoir to continue the development of the 14-mile Tri-Town Trail as defined on Master Plan, to traverse through the Groton Reservoir for passive recreation. the Groton Reservoir, to provide public access for passive recreation.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-827 121. General DiscussionMOTION to cancel the Town Council Regular meeting scheduled for December 28, 2022 for the Holidays.Approved and so declaredPass Action details Video Video
22-505 122. General DiscussionDiscuss Work Session Items as time permits.   Action details Not available