City of Ledyard CT header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/21/2024 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Town Hall Annex Building - Hybrid Format
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0178 1  MinutesMOTION to approve the Finance Committee’s Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2024Approved and so declared  Action details Video Video
23-1768 1  ReportFinance Director’s Report   Action details Video Video
23-1229 14  ReportFinancial Reports   Action details Not available
24-0169 11. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to grant a Bid Waiver to Quiet Corner Restoration LLC, of Hampton, Connecticut, the amount of $83,025.17 due to receiving fewer than the required three bids in response to Bid 2024-03 (Nathan Lester House Exterior Rehabilitation ) in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 (rev 1) “An Ordinance for Purchasing”.Recommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
24-0175 12. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to authorize the Finance Director to revise the tracking of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding in account #21010103-54500-G0014 (Historic District - Building Maintenance- ARPA) to transfer $55,575.17 from the Sawmill Projects to the Nathan Lester House Projects to facilitate the Nathan Lester House Exterior Rehabilitation work (Bid #2024-03).Recommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
24-0179 13. Financial Business Request (FBR)Discussion and possible action to consider the Lantern Hill Valey Association’s (LHVA) request for the Town of Ledyard to include $5,000 in the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 General Government Budget to help support a PILOT Program to develop a “Sustainable Boat Launch Monitoring Program at the Long Pond State Boat Launch”.Discussed  Action details Video Video
24-0170 14. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to appropriate and transfer the Board of Education Fiscal Year 2022/2023 audited surplus of $217,387 from unrestricted fund balance to Account #21070101-58250 (BOE Reserve Fund) in accordance with “Resolution Creating a Funding Mechanism for Making Annual Appropriations to a Capital Reserve Fund for the Board of Education” adopted on September 28, 1988.Recommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
24-0172 15. General DiscussionMOTION to set-up a new, stand alone, Board of Education Capital Fund for Non-Bonded Board of Education Capital Items to reside outside of the Town’s Capital Nonrecurring Fund (CNR Fund 210).Recommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
22-777 46. Financial Business Request (FBR)Discussion regarding potential uses for the funding received from the National Opioid Settlement Payments.Continue  Action details Not available
22-092 17. General DiscussionAny other New Business proper to come before the Committee.   Action details Not available
23-1457 12. General DiscussionContinued discussion regarding potential uses of the revenue received from Public Act No.21-58 “An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management” in accordance with “Resolution Regarding Revenues Received from Beverage Container Surcharges” (Nip Bottle Revenue) adopted on June 8, 2022.Continue  Action details Video Video
22-064 11. General DiscussionContinued discussion regarding the status and possible changes to Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Capital Non-Recurring (CNR) Fund based on the American Rescue Act Funding (ARPA) and the process to approve ARPA Projects and expend ARPA Funding.Continue  Action details Video Video
22-093 13. General DiscussionAny other Old Business proper to come before the Committee.   Action details Video Video