City of Ledyard CT header
Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/21/2022 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Town Hall Annex Building
Regular Meeting - Hybrid Format
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-023 2  Financial Business Request (FBR)6/30/2022 - Revenue Summary Report   Action details Not available
22-063 2  Report6/30/2022 - Expenditure Summary Report   Action details Not available
22-503 1  ReportUnaudited Fund Balance Projection - 9/21/2022   Action details Video Video
22-450 1  MinutesMOTION to approve the Finance Committee Regular Meeting Minutes of September 7, 2022Approved and so declaredFail Roll call Video Video
22-418 21. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to authorize the Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC) to set the bid rate for the Gales Ferry School and Juliet W. Long School roofing projects at $50.00 per square foot to account for inflation. In addition, the Permanent Municipal Building Committee may, with Town Council approval, modify the scope of the “Various School Improvement Projects” to include the replacement of the roofs at the Central Office, Gales Ferry School, and Juliet W. Long School; installation of solar equipment at Gales Ferry School and Juliet W. Long School; upgrades to the building management systems at Gales Ferry School; and electrical and HVAC upgrades at Juliet W. Long School) to stay within the authorized amount $6,725,000, as approved by the townspeople at the February 22, 2022 town-wide referendum. Also, the Town Council acknowledges that the Town of Ledyard is aware that the State of Connecticut notified the Board of Education that the State would only provide a reimbursement rate of 75% for the cost of the Gales Ferry School roof. This reduction in State grant reimbursement wRecommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
22-064 12. General DiscussionContinued discussion regarding the status and possible changes to Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Capital Non-Recurring (CNR) Fund based on the American Rescue Act Funding (ARPA) and the process to approve ARPA Projects and expend ARPA Funding.No Action   Action details Video Video
22-093 13. General DiscussionAny other Old Business proper to come before the Committee.   Action details Not available
22-392 11. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to approve an additional appropriation of $4,477.79 to Account #10110311-56135 (Town Clerk - Recording/Licensing Supplies); upon receipt of the Secretary of the State Grant Funding.Recommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
22-446 12. Financial Business Request (FBR)MOTION to appropriate $3,000 to Account 21040113-56315 (Transfer Station Improvements) from Account 21090305-58915 (Undesignated) to fund the purchase of a weather-tight container for oversized televisions and other electronics at the Transfer Station.Recommended for ApprovalPass Action details Video Video
22-449 13. General DiscussionDiscussion concerning appropriation of Transfer Station and other recycling revenues to a reserve fund for Transfer Station capital needs.Continue  Action details Video Video
22-279 14. General DiscussionAny other New Business proper to come before the Committee.   Action details Not available