741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Land Use/Planning/Public Works  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Special Meeting  
Monday, December 11, 2023  
6:15 PM  
Town Hall Annex - Hybrid Format  
In -Person: Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
Remote Participation Noted Below:  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 852 2062 1738; Passcode:  
The meeting was called to order by Councilor St. Vil at 6:15 p.m. at the Town Hall Annex  
Councilor St. Vil welcomed all to the Hybird Meeting. He stated for the Town Council Land  
Use/Planning/Public Works Committee and members of the Public who were participating  
via video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda that  
was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Gary St. Vil  
Jessica Buhle  
Kevin Dombrowski  
S. Naomi RodriguezTown Council Chairman  
April Brunelle Town Councilor  
Earl (Ty) Lamb Historic District Commission  
Karen & Kieth ParkinsonTri-Town Trail Association  
Roxanne MaherAdministrative Assistant  
MOTION to approve the Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee Minutes of  
November 6, 2023  
Moved by Councilor Dombrowski, seconded by Councilor Buhle  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Continued discussion regarding the progress of enforcing regulations to address blight issues.  
Councilor St. Vil stated the review of blighted properties was a long-standing item tat  
was forwarded from the Town Council’s Twenty-sixth Land Use/Planning/Public  
Works Committee (LUPPW).  
Councilor Dombrowski provided some background explaining that the review of  
Blighted Properties has been included on the LUPPW Committee’s to Agenda to  
monitor how effective Ordinance #300-012 (rev 1) An Ordinance Concerning Blight  
and Public Nuisance for the Town of Ledyard” was; and to see if the Ordinance  
needed to be modified. He stated the LUPPW Committee has been receiving quarterly  
updates from the Land Use Department’s Blight Enforcement Officer.  
Councilor St. Vil questioned whether the Ordinance #300-012 (rev 1) An Ordinance  
Concerning Blight and Public Nuisance for the Town of Ledyard” was effective as  
written. Councilor Dombrowski stated that they believed the provisions provided in  
Ordinance #300-012 (rev 1) were effective, explaining that the intent o the Ordinance  
was to get property owners to comply. However, he stated because the Land Use  
Department Office has been short staffed that the quarterly Blight Property Reports  
have not been provided on a regular basis. Councilor St. Vil questioned whether the  
LUPPW Committee needed to continue to carry this item on their agenda. Councilor  
Dombrowski stated at some point the LUPPW Committee could remove this item  
from their Agenda.  
Councilor Buhle noted that the last Blight Report attached to the meeting packet was  
dated May - July, 2023. Councilor St. Vil asked that an updated Blight Report be  
provide for their January 8, 2024 meeting.  
Spicer Homestead - Historical Research and Photos.  
Mr. Earl (Ty) Lamb, 93 Lambtown Road, Ledyard, Historic Commission Member,  
stated that he appealed to the previous Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee (  
LUPPW Committee Meetings 10/10/2023 & 11/6/2023) to consider seeking a  
historical designation of a 2-3 acre area of the Spicer Ruins, which was located  
within Clark Farm Property (1025 Colonel Ledyard Highway).  
Mr. Lamb provided some background noting that based on the Tri-Town Trail  
Association (TTT) approaching the Historic District Commission to solicit their  
interest to preserve and to seek a historical designation for the Spicer Ruins from the  
State that the Historic District Commission has been doing some research to  
determine whether it was a viable project. He went on to stated that the Historic  
District Commission has included on their December 18, 2023 Agenda an item to  
consider whether they would accept the Spicer Ruins parcel, should the Town  
Council Assign the Administrative Control of the parcel to them.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated the Town Council would not assign the Administrative  
Control of the Spicer Ruins parcel to the Historic District Commission until after the  
town received the Historic Designation from the State.  
Ms. Karen Parkinson, 55 Rose Hill Road, Ledyard, Tri-Town Trail Association  
(TTT) President, stated that she has been working with Mr. Lamb on this initiative to  
obtain a Historical Designation of the Spice Ruins property from the State. She  
questioned whether Councilor Buhle and Councilor St. Vil have walked the  
Tri-Town Trail that runs from Bluff Point to the Preston Plains Park. Both Councilor  
Buhle and Councilor St. Vil responded that they have not walked the Tri-Town Trail.  
Ms. Parkinson stated that she would be happy to take them on a walk of the Trail and  
to the Spicer Ruins site, noting that it would give them a better understanding  
regarding this historic designation project. She also stated walking the Tri-Town Trail  
would give them some history, which has become common knowledge of the  
Tri-Town Trail.  
Ms. Parkinson went on to state in working to construct/develop the Tri-Town Trail,  
they discovered a very old forest near the boarder of Mr. Bill Geer’s property. She  
stated in the forest they found a very old large “Erratic Road”. She stated in talking  
with families who have lived in town for many generations the Tri-Town Trail was  
told that there was an old homestead in that area. She stated in researching the area  
they found an old dug well, and the remnants of a homestead house where the center  
chimney was. She stated because the Tri-Town Trail Association did not want to go  
through the homestead they rerouted the trail to go around the parcel. She went on to  
note that the Spicer Homestead dated back to 1650 at which time Peter and Mary  
lived in the home with eleven children. She stated to put this into perspective that it  
was 100 years before the Revolutionary War and 110 years before the Historical  
Nathan Lester House was built on Vinegar Hill Road. She stated five generations  
lived at the Spicer Homestead. She stated in in the 1780’s the property was divided  
and sold, and they now have Spicer Hill Road and other places. She stated the  
Spicer’s were one of Ledyard’s Founding Fathers that settled in the area between  
1650 - 1700 (Allyn Family, Geer Family, Spicer family, and others). She stated the  
Clark Farm was bought in 1889 from the Geer Family and used as a major Dairy  
Ms. Parkinson stated the Tri-Town Trail Association used some grant funding to hire  
Sarah Holmes, PhD Archaeology Consultant to conduct an Archaeological Land  
Record Study to verify that that the site was the Peter and Mary Spicer Homestead  
dating back to 1670; and they have obtained an Archaeological Site Number. She  
stated the Tri-Town Trail Association’s mission was to build the Trail; and because  
the Tri-Town Trail Association was not a Historic Preservation Organization, she  
engaged the Historic District Commission, noting that Mr. Lamb has been very  
helpful. She stated there were stone walls around the house with small gardens and a  
barn. She stated they were hoping to use a drone to outline the immediate area where  
the house was located, stating this was the area that they would like to preserve.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated although the details that Ms. Parkison has mentioned  
would be important to know, that before they talk about getting drones, or mapping  
out the area, etc., or applying to the State that they have to figure out the path  
Councilor Dombrowski noted the following:  
· Determine whether the Historic District Commission wanted to takeon the Spicer  
· Does the Town want to entertain pursuing preserving the Spicer Homestead and  
seek a Historic Designation from the State.  
· Need to obtain an 8-40 Review from the Planning & Zoning Commission to state  
that the historic preservation and designation of the Spicer Homestead was  
consistent with the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD).  
Councilor St. Vil questioned whether there was any documentation that outlined the  
actions/process required to designate/preserve a historic parcel in town.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated the Tri-Town Trail Association was not an Agency of  
the Town of Ledyard. Therefore, he stated the Historic District Commission would be  
the ones to take the lead on this initiative. He explained that the Historic District  
Commission should lay out a plan regarding the process and the actions required to  
seek/obtain a historic designation that they would present to the Land  
Use/Planning/Public Works Committee as part of process to obtain Town Council  
authorization to process with the project.  
Councilor Dombrowski went on to explain that the Town owned the Clark Farm, and  
that it was under the Administrative Control of the Town Council, noting that the  
Tri-Town Trail Association only had an easement to the property to access their  
Trail. Therefore, he suggested if Ms. Parkinson would like to participate in the  
project with the Historic District Commission that she should do so as a private  
citizen, and not as a member of the Tri-Town Trail Association. Ms. Parkinson  
agreed, noting that the Tri-Town Trail Association was a 501(c) 3 Organization and  
was not an Agency of the Town  
Councilor St. Vil stated that he appreciated the Archaeologist’s Report that was  
provided to the LUPPW Committee in September, 2023; and he questioned whether  
there was any other documentation that resulted from the Tri-Town Trail  
Association’s work pertaining to the Spicer Homestead. Ms. Parkinson stated that the  
Tri-Town Trail Association obtained a $1,000 Grant from the Ledyard Rotary for  
fencing and signage for the Spicer Homestead. She stated the Tri-Town Trail  
Association could obtain permission from the Ledyard Rotary to transfer this Grant  
Funding to the Historic District Commission to be set-aside for the project. However,  
she stated that they did not have any other deliverables pertaining to the Spicer  
Councilor Dombrowski suggested the LUPPW Committee schedule a Site Walk of  
the Spicer Homestead. Councilor St. Vil agreed and suggested the Committee select a  
date for the Site Walk. Councilor Buhle questioned the ability to hike the property in  
January due to the weather.  
Councilor St. Vil stated that he would like to see the LUPPW Committee collaborate  
with the appropriate Commissions to determine the way forward in seeking a historic  
designation of the Spicer Homestead Ruins. He stated that they all recognized that  
they needed to conduct their due diligence to ensure they were proceeding in the  
proper manner. He stated that he would like to hear more from Historic District  
Commission Member Mr. Lamb.  
Mr. Lamb noted at their December 18, 2023 meeting that the Historic District  
Commission would be considering the following:  
· Whether seeking a State Historic Designation of the Spicer Homestead Ruins was  
a viable project.  
· Consider establishing an Account in which they could receive funding toward the  
Spicer Homestead Ruins Project.  
· Discuss Developing a Plan with the LUPPW Committee.  
Councilor St. Vil questioned what would happen if the Historic District Commission  
decided that they did not want to take on the Historic Designation of the Spicer  
Homestead Ruins project. Councilor Dombrowski explained that if the Town Council  
decided that obtaining a Historic Designation of the Spicer Homestead Ruins was a  
viable project that they could move forward with the initiative, noting that the  
property would remain under the Town Council’s Administrative Control. He  
suggested the LUPPW Committee wait for the results of the Historic District  
Commission’s December 18, 2023 meeting. He stated if the Historic District  
Commission agreed to take on the Spicer Homestead Ruins project that the LUPPW  
Committee should schedule a Joint Meeting with the Historic District Commission to  
discuss project.  
Chairman Rodriguez suggested the LUPPW Committee review the List of  
Administrative Control of Town-Owned - Town Leased Property that was recently  
updated on August 23, 2023.  
Councilor Buhle moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Gary St. Vil  
Committee Chairman  
Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  