741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Inland Wetland and Water Courses  
Meeting Minutes  
Justin DeBrodt  
Regular Meeting  
Tuesday, February 7, 2023  
7:00 PM  
Council Chambers -Hybrid Format  
Chairman DeBrodt called the Regular Meeting of the IWWC to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting  
was hybrid with some attending in person and others via Zoom.  
Staff Present: Juliet Hodge, Director of Planning and Development, Len Johnson, Wetlands  
Enforcement Officer, and Makenna Perry, Land Use Administrative Asst.  
Chairman Justin DeBrodt  
Vice Chair Paul Maugle  
Commissioner Dan Pealer  
Commissioner Lynmarie Thompson  
Commissioner Beth E. Ribe  
Alternate Member Gary St. Vil  
No public comment.  
Application #IWWC22-18URA of Avery Brook Homes, LLC, 1641 Rte. 12, Gales Ferry, CT  
06335 for URA activities associated with the siting of new single-family homes with associated  
grading and utilities on 9 of 36 lots in a proposed 8-30g Re-Subdivision located on 94,96,98 and  
100 Stoddards Wharf Rd, Ledyard CT.  
Chairman DeBrodt noted that multiple items were made a part of the record since the previous  
meeting on January 3, 2023. The first item was a request from Groton Utilities' Attorney, Steven  
Studer, to grant the City of Groton through Groton Utilities (GU) Intervenor Status request for  
this application. Chairman DeBrodt read the Notice of Intervention from GU.  
"WHEREAS, the City of Groton acting through its Department of Utilities has filed a Notice of  
Intervention pursuant to C.G.S. § 22a-19 to the Ledyard Inland Wetlands and Watercourses  
Commission relating to the above-referenced proposed activity; and  
WHEREAS, the Commission has reviewed the Notice to determine whether: 1) the Notice meets  
the requirements of applicable statutes and applicable law and 2) the Notice makes claims  
regarding potential impairment to the air, water and other natural resources of the State of  
Connecticut over which the Commission has jurisdiction.  
NOW THEREFORE, the Commission hereby moves that Intervenor Status be granted to the  
Petitioner City of Groton as the Notice contains specific allegations claiming impairment to  
natural resources over which the Commission has jurisdiction and otherwise meets the standards  
for Intervention pursuant to C.G.S. § 22a-19. The Petitioner is hereby granted all rights and  
privileges reserved for parties in such administrative proceedings."  
Motion moved by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Maugle to  
grant the City of Groton through Groton Utilities Intervenor Status for this application.  
Motion passed unanimously.  
Chairman DeBrodt explained that a letter from Attorney, Steven Studer to the applicant became  
a part of the record, known as Exhibit #46. The letter from Studer to the applicant requested  
clarification that the applicant understood the additional testing and analysis requested by the  
Commission, was needed to address the environmental concerns posed by the proposed  
development and to provide a description of the testing and analysis being conducted, as well as  
a date when the testing is being completed. Lastly, the letter requested that the applicant submit  
all new material to the town at least two full weeks before the continued public hearing, i.e. on  
or before January 24, 2023.  
Chairman DeBrodt explained that a letter from The Ledyard Fire Chief, Jonathan Mann, also  
became a part of the record known as Exhibit #47. Jonathan Mann reviewed the proposed plan  
for Avery Brook Subdivision from a public safety point of view. Mr. Mann stated that the  
narrow road width of 22ft might pose some challenges to getting larger apparatus through the  
neighborhood - particularly if residents park on the street. He noted that on street parking should  
not be allowed. Mr. Mann also stated that he did not think there was a great risk for fire  
spreading from one house to another, but he did point out that there are very few hydrants in  
town to supply water for fire protection.  
Chairman Debrodt read a letter from Attorney Harry Heller requesting, on behalf of the  
applicant, to continue the public hearing to the March 7, 2023 meeting in order to have enough  
time to complete the required testing and allow time for all parties to review. The letter indicated  
that the applicant intended to submit the analysis well in advance of the March 7, 2023 meeting.  
Chairman DeBrodt read an additional letter from Attorney Harry Heller in which he  
acknowledged the applicant's consent to the continuation of the administrative proceeding. Mr.  
Heller identified a terminal date of March 26, 2023 to complete the public hearing and  
confirmed that the applicant will not seek the removal of the application to the Department of  
Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).  
Commissioner Thompson asked Planning Director Juliet Hodge to explain the purpose of the  
Juliet Hodge explained for Wetlands related applications, there is no "automatic approval" if the  
Commission fails to adhere to the statutory timelines to act on an application as there are with  
Planning and Zoning applications, however, the applicant can opt to have the Department of  
Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) review and act on the application if the timelines  
are not met. In this case, the applicant has stated that they will not send the application to DEEP  
if the required time frames are not met.  
Commissioner Ribe questioned whether the Commission and interested parties would have  
enough time to review the requested analysis and materials given the required time frames.  
Chairman DeBrodt asked if WEO, Len Johnson, had any comments on the application. Len  
Johnson explained that until the analysis is received, he does not have any comments.  
Motion made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Ribe to  
continue the public hearing to March 7th 2023, at 7:00 PM as requested by the applicant.  
Motion passed unanimously.  
Lynmarie Thompson  
Beth E. Ribe  
Wetlands Officer Report  
Wetlands Enforcement Officer, Len Johnson explained that majority of his focus has been on the  
Avery Brook Homes Application. He stated that once the renovation analysis report is submitted,  
he will be able to give more insight to the Commission. Mr. Johnson also stated that he  
examined an 'As of Right' application this month at 24 Partridge Hollow in Gales Ferry.  
Draft Meeting Minutes - January 3, 2023  
Motion was made by Commissioner Pealer and seconded by Commissioner Maugle to  
approve the Janaury 3, 2023 minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously.  
Dan Pealer  
Paul Maugle  
Planning Director, Juliet Hodge asked the Commission which documents, if any, they would  
prefer in their meeting folder as staff would like to move towards a paperless meeting if  
possible. Some Commission members liked to physically have some of the material at the  
meeting and others preferred electronic. As such, staff decided to continue with electronic  
distribution of everything other than the agenda and staff reports unless otherwise requested to  
provide a paper copy.  
Chairman DeBrodt pointed out that it would also be beneficial to share documents on the screen  
(ZOOM) so the Commission and members of the audience can view them at the time of  
Commission members reviewed their meeting, noting that the technology worked well, and that  
they had received their reports ahead of time. Commission Thompson noted that the things that  
Commission had asked for were accomplished. Chairman DeBrodt appreciated the effort put in  
by Staff and Commission Members.  
Motion was made by Commissioner Pealer and seconded by Commissioner Ribe to  
adjourn at 7:30 PM. Motion passed unanimously.  
Dan Pealer  
Beth E. Ribe  
Chairman, Justin DeBrodt  