741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, CT 06339  
Administration Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Regular Meeting  
Wednesday, June 12, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Town Hall Annex- Hybrid Format  
In -Person: Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
Remote Participation: Information Noted Below:  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 833 0037 3420; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry at 5:30 p.m. at the Council  
Chambers Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. She stated for the Town  
Council Administration Committee and members of the Public who were participating  
via video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda  
that was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Kevin Dombrowski  
April Brunelle  
In addition, the following were present:  
S. Naomi Rodriguez Town Council Chairman  
Kristen Chapman Mayor’s Executive Assistant &Social Services Coordinator  
Mary Harris Board of Education Vice-Chairman  
Earl Lamb Board of Education Member  
Branden Graber Board of Education Member  
Joanne KelleyBoard of Education Member  
Carol Schneider Resident  
Deborah EdwardsResident  
Roxanne Maher Administrative Assistant  
Ms. Mary Harris, Board of Education Vice-Chairman, 2 Whippoorwill Drive, Gales  
Ferry, stated she was present this evening to talk about the proposed changes to  
Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal Building  
Committee for the Town of Ledyard”. She specifically noted the proposed change to  
hire an “Owner’s Representative or Consulting Engineer for projects that exceed  
$500,000. “She stated the requirement to hire such professionals would have the  
potential to increase the cost and delay the implementation of the School Facilities  
Projects, such as Roofing, Solar Panels, and Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition  
systems (HVAC). She requested that a Board of Education Member be included in  
the discussion and decision regarding this proposed change to the Ordinance.  
Councilor Dombrowski explained in accordance with Chapter III of the Town  
Charter the Town Council was the authority to draft and approve Ordinances. He  
stated that others could provide comments and recommendations to the language and  
that they were welcome to do so. However, he stated that the Board of Education  
could not be an active participant in how the Ordinance was approved. Ms. Harris  
stated based on Councilor Dombrowski’s comments that the Board of Education  
would submit the language they would like to see in Ordinance #100-015.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted at the Board of Education’s June 11, 2024 meeting  
that Ms. Joanne Kelley suggested the Administration Committee and the Board of  
Education hold a Joint Meeting to discuss the proposed amendments to Ordinance  
#100-015. Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated that she would be open to scheduling a  
Joint Meeting, noting by having a joint discussion that they would be able to answer  
questions, and gain an understanding of the proposed amendments, etc. Ms. Harris  
stated that she believed the Board of Education would be agreeable to having a Joint  
Meeting, noting that they would also provide written comments.  
MOTION to schedule a Joint Work Session between the Administration Committee  
and the Board of Education to discuss proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-015  
An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal Building Committee for the  
Town of Ledyard”.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
Discussion: Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted as Councilor Dombrowski explained, per  
the Town Charter, the Town Council was the authority to approve Ordinances.  
However, she stated that the Administration Committee would welcome comments  
from those who would be affected by the Ordinance.  
VOTE: 2- 0 - 1 Approved and so declared (Dombrowski abstained)  
Mr. Earl (Ty) Lamb, Board of Education Member, 95 Lambtown Road, Ledyard,  
stated that he was representing himself as a taxpayer this evening. He stated that he  
was pleased the Administration Committee was continuing their work to review  
Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal Building  
Committee for the Town of Ledyard”. He requested the language regarding the  
Committee’s membership be clarified, noting that the current Ordinance called for  
the following:  
· Five Regular Members: These members, to the extent possible, shall include  
those with experience in finance, engineering, architecture, project management,  
or the building trades.  
· Two Temporary Members: Each municipal project, may have up to two (2)  
temporary members, who are a member or representative of the Proposing Body.  
For Board of Education projects, at least one of their two temporary members  
shall be a Board of Education member  
Mr. Lamb stated the current language was unclear on who could and who could not  
be members. Therefore, he stated that he was pleased that they were going through  
this process.  
Mr. Branden Graber, Board of Education Member, 42 Church Hill Road, Ledyard,  
stated the reason he was present this evening was to request the engagement of all  
parties who would be affected by Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a  
Permanent Municipal Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard”. Therefore, he  
stated that he liked what he just saw tonight, that being the agreement to schedule a  
Joint Work Session between the Board of Education, Administration Committee, and  
Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC) to discuss the proposed  
Ordinance Amendments. He stated it was important to the Board of Education that  
they get this right, however, he stated more importantly it was for the children and the  
facilities. He stated although the children do not pay the taxes, they attended the  
schools. He stated that he looked forward to working with the Administration  
Committee, the BOE Facilities Committee and the full Board of Education.  
Ms. Joanne Kelley, Board of Education Member, 12 Thames View Pentway, Gales  
Ferry, stated that she was present to discuss the following two subjects: (1) Ordinance  
#100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
for the Town of Ledyard”; and (2) Ethics Commission.  
· Ordinance #100-015: Ms. Kelley addressed the proposed amendments to  
Ordinance #100-015, noting that she did not know about the Permanent  
Municipal Building Committee (PMBC); other than during the School(s)  
Consolidation/Improvement Project(s) (Middel School & Gallup Hill School)  
there were a lot of Lessons Learned. Therefore, she stated the writing of a new  
ordinance was a good opportunity to take the Lessons Learned to come up with  
something that was going to work better for the future. She noted the main  
projects that would be affected by the new ordinance would most likely be the  
Board of Education Projects (schools). She stated during the June 11, 2024 Bord  
of Education meeting they discussed the experience that Board of Education  
Facilities Committee and their Director of Facilities & Grounds Wayne  
Donaldson could offer. She noted although she had nothing to do with the  
Facilities Committee, and she did not know what the goal was, that during the  
Board of Education’s discussion those individuals expressed concern regarding  
the proposed amendments to Ordinance $100-015 that was being circulated. She  
stated that they noted problems they had in the past with the current process that  
was in place; and she commented that perhaps their experience could be of help.  
She noted as an example the Joint Finance Committee Meetings between the  
Board of Education and Town Council during the Annual Budget Preparation  
each year; and the Budget Process Review Committee that both she and  
Councilor Dombrowski served on last summer were productive, noting that she  
did not think that either of these efforts violated anything.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated to clarify his comments, that the way the statement  
was put forward, was for a Board of Education Member to be involved in approving  
this Ordinance. Therefore, he stated that it would violate the Town Charter, because  
the approval of the Ordinance would have to be done by the Town Council or by  
Referendum, per the Town Charter. He stated it was the way the statement was  
presented, noting that he has never been opposed to comments coming from all the  
interested parties, whether it was the Board of Education, the Permanent Municipal  
Building Committee, or any residents. He stated he was all for any help anyone could  
Ms. Kelley suggested they not rush through amending Ordinance #100-015 noting  
that it was complex. She stated that she was serving her third term on the Board of  
Education and that throughout this time the Permanent Municipal Building  
Committee has been a point of contention, with all of the Board of Education  
projects. She stated what they had in place was not working; or maybe it was, but  
there were some unintended consequences due to the process.  
Councilor Dombrowski explained the proposed language regarding the “Hiring of an  
Owner’s Representative or Consulting Engineer for projects that exceed $500,000”  
was suggested because of the issues they have experienced in past projects. He stated  
they have to recognize that the Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC)  
was a group of volunteers, like they all were. He stated because they cannot be  
on-site day-in and day-out to watch the project, that this language was being added to  
have someone who would be working as a Representative for the Town on a  
day-to-day basis to make sure the project was being done as the PMBC would like it  
to be done. He stated whether this was the right language; was a question. Ms. Kelley  
stated that the Board of Education noted that perhaps the threshold should not be a  
dollar value, noting that perhaps each project should be evaluated on a case-by-case  
basis. Therefore, the Board of Education felt that they should take their time to gather  
all the input from over the years to make sure they get it right.  
· Ethics Commission - Ms. Kelley stated she saw that the Administration  
Committee would be discussing an Ethics Commission this evening. She noted  
that she was surprised to learn that Ledyard was one of the twenty-four towns in  
the State that has not adopted a Code of Ethics. She stated that she read all of the  
attachments that were included in the Agenda packet on the meeting portal,  
noting that they were dated back to 2018 - 2019; and therefore, she was interested  
in learning about the background this evening. She stated there have been a lot of  
things happening in town, and comments about conflicted participants, and  
conflicts of interest. She stated revealing a Conflict of Interest was a matter of  
honesty, noting that the public needed to have confidence in the integrity of our  
town government. Therefore, she stated she was happy the Administration  
Committee was taking up this matter.  
Administrative Assistant noted for clarification, that the Town Council adopted a  
Fraud Policy dated May 28, 2014.  
Ms. Deborah Edwards, 30 Bluff Road West, Gales Ferry, attending remotely, stated  
that she echoed Ms. Kelley’s comments regarding an Ethics Commission. She noted  
that she also read all of the attachments that were included in the Agenda Packet on  
the meeting portal. She stated it appeared that all the work was done, but that the ball  
was dropped in 2019 and an Ordinance was not passed to establish an Ethics  
Commission. She stated 2019 was the second time the town did not follow through  
with setting up an Ethics Commission, noting that the State had recommended that  
Municipalities establish an Ethics Commission. She stated that she was happy to see  
that this matter was being taken up again and that she hoped that it would move  
forward quickly.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry thanked all of the residents for their comments this  
MOTION to approve the administration Committee Minutes of May 8, 2024  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Dombrowski  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Discussion and possible action to amend Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a  
Permanent Municipal Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the  
draft dated June 4, 2024.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted at the Administration Committee’s May 8, 2024  
meeting Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC) Chairman Gary  
Schneider addressed the $500,000 project threshold that would require an Owner  
Representative be hired. She stated in response to Mr. Schneider’s comments in  
which he suggested that they would probably not need to hire an Owners  
Representative when purchasing two Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumps that would  
cost over the proposed threshold dollar amount; the following language was added to  
the June 4, 2024 draft; in Section 2. Purpose (paragraph 6):  
“When a project involves the purchase of replacement equipment costing more  
than $500,000, a waiver to bypass the solicitation of bids for the engagement of an  
Owner’s Representative or Consulting Engineer may be approved by the Town  
Council; and shall be requested by the Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
prior to purchase and installation of the equipment.”  
Councilor Dombrowski noted the Police Headquarters Facility Project cost  
$6,750,000 (Approved 5/17/2013) and the School(s) Consolidation/Improvement  
Project(s) cost $65,835,000 (Approved 1/20/2015); and the School Roof Projects  
cost $8,550,000 (Approved 2/22/2022).  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated that she was pleased that Mayor Allyn, III, suggested  
updating Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal  
Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard” because there were a number of items  
that the town needed to do to ensure they would receive the State Grant  
Reimbursement Funding. She went on to note for the School(s)  
Consolidation/Improvement Project(s) (Middle School & Gallup Hill School) there  
were several items that were not done properly, and therefore, it was difficult to  
obtain the grant funding from the State for those items. She stated having an Owners  
Representative, who would be well versed with the state requirements, and other  
procedures and process, as well as being physically on-site on a daily basis would  
make sense. She stated the volunteer Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
(PMBC) was currently meeting once a month, noting it was difficult for them to keep  
track. She addressed the School(s) Roof Projects, noting as an example the Projects  
were delayed because the town only received two Bids for the Owner Representative,  
and the Finance Committee did not grant them a Bid Waiver, so the PMBC had to go  
back out to bid which took more time than initially planned.  
Councilor Dombrowski explained that part of the reason they were looking to add an  
Owners Representative was because there has been some work that was not done as  
expected, and it was not discovered until much later in the project. He stated at that  
point it became a who said/who said, and they then had to go back to look for the  
Change Order, etc. He stated all of these types of things would probably delay the  
project and increase the cost. He stated an Owner Representative would increase the  
cost of the project, however, he stated the Town would be better suited and covered  
to make sure that timelines were followed, problems that arise could be quickly  
adjudicated prior to “It happened two-years ago; it is still under warranty, who has  
to pay to have the work done properly, etc. ” He stated having an Owners  
Representative would mitigate these types of things from happening; or would help  
to catch those things earlier, and in the long run would save the town money. He  
stated the benefits would outweigh the additional cost of the Owners Representative.  
He stated this was his opinion; and that he was hoping to hear others thoughts.  
Councilor Brunelle stated her thoughts were along the same lines as Councilor  
Dombrowski’s, noting that if it was a project that cost a lot of money, then it was an  
important project. She stated whether the project was a school, a building, roofing,  
heating system, or aqueduct that they needed to have someone in charge to watch it.  
She stated they could not expect volunteers to do that because it was not fair, noting  
there were a lot of moving parts. She stated hiring an Owners Representative may  
cost money, but that they could potentially save money, time, and headaches, and  
prevent mistakes from happening, or prevent the project from being dragged out, and  
having to redo something, etc. She stated that sometimes they cannot just look at the  
money, noting that it has to be done right the first time.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that she had the following questions pertaining to the  
draft Ordinance amendments:  
Section 5 Power and Duties (Paragraph 2)  
The Permanent Municipal Building Committee is authorized to recommend to the  
Mayor to retain the services of architects and/or engineers for the purpose of  
planning, designing, building and administrating major capital projects. The  
process shall utilize a quality-based selection similar to that outlined in Section 2  
for the Owner’s Representative or Consulting Engineer. Such selection shall be  
based on experience, knowledge, capacity and expertise as well as the fee for  
performing such work.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry questioned what would happen if the Mayor does not agree  
with the Permanent Municipal Building Committee’s (PMBC) recommendation.  
Councilor Dombrowski explained that the Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
(PMBC) would need to follow Ordinance #200-001 “Purchasing Ordinance” which  
required a competitive bid process. He also stated in the event the Mayor did not  
agree with the PMBC recommendation that the Mayor would need to go back to the  
PMBC and tell them that he disagreed with their choice. However, he stated that he  
understood Councilor Garcia-Irizarry’s question; that the proposed ordinance  
amendments did not provide the process should the Mayor disagree with the PMBC  
recommendation. He stated although he had not seen that happen, that it did not mean  
that it could not happen.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that the final decision for the hiring of the Owner  
Representative lied with the Town Council, but the for the Architects and Engineers  
it lied with the Mayor. Therefore, she questioned the difference in the hiring  
authority, stating it was not consistent. She noted the following:  
Section 2. Purpose (Paragraph 5)  
The selection of the Owner’s Representative or Consulting Engineer shall be  
awarded to the firm that provides the best value to the Town of Ledyard. The best  
value is defined as the firm providing the highest quality, expertise, and knowledge  
for the proposed project. This shall also include the quality of referrals from a  
minimum of three references provided by the proposers. It shall also consider the  
fee for the work; however, the fee shall not be the sole basis for award.  
Section 2 . Purpose. (Paragraph 8)  
The Permanent Municipal Building Committee shall make a written  
recommendation to the Town Council for the award of such services. The  
recommendation shall include a summary of proposers, a weighed ranking sheet  
for the selection, and reasons why the Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
is recommending such a firm. The final decision of award will lie with the Town  
Council. The Town Council possesses the authority to award to a different firm if it  
deems that such a firm is in the best interest of the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 5. Powers and Duties (paragraph 2)  
The Permanent Municipal Building Committee is authorized to recommend to the  
Mayor to retain the services of architects and/or engineers for the purpose of  
planning, designing, building and administrating major capital projects………”  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted Section 5. Powers and Duties (Paragraph 4) as  
The Permanent Municipal Building Committee is authorized to develop schedules  
and budgets cost estimates for municipal building projects. However, when an  
Owner’s Representative is required, the Owner’s Representative shall be  
responsible for drafting such schedules and budgets; and shall be approved by the  
Permanent Municipal Building Committee The Owner’s Representative shall also  
be responsible for developing a project cash flow projection for review by the Town  
Director of Finance, as approved by the Permanent Municipal Building  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated because they were spending the taxpayers money  
that she was not comfortable with leaving it to the Owner Representative to decide  
how to spend the money.  
Councilor Dombrowski suggested the following language adjustments to provide  
more clarification:  
…..the Owner’s Representative shall be responsible for drafting such schedules and  
budgets; and submit for shall be approval ed by the Permanent Municipal Building  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that the Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
(PMBC) met on June 3, 2024; stating that after tonight’s meeting she would forward this  
updated draft to them to provide comments and recommendations for discussion at their  
Joint Work Session scheduled for July 24, 2024.  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee  
MOTION to reappoint Ms. Loretta Kent (U) 1363 Baldwin Hill Road, Gales Ferry, to the  
Parks, Recreation & Senior Citizens Commission, to complete a three (3) year term ending  
June 28, 2027.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Dombrowski  
Discussion: The Committee acknowledged that Ms. Kent has been serving on the Parks  
& Recreation Commission for a number of years and they were pleased that she was  
interested in continuing to serve the community.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
April Brunelle  
Kevin Dombrowski  
MOTION to adopt a proposed "An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold Star Families  
in the Town of Ledyard" as presented in the draft dated May 14, 2024.  
DRAFT: 5/14/2024  
Ordinance #200-XXX  
Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Ledyard  
Section 1: Authority  
Pursuant to the authority of P.A. 17-65 enacted on October 1, 2017 “An Act  
Concerning Municipal Option Property Tax Exemption for Gold Star Parents and  
Spouses” there is hereby established “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief for Gold  
Star Families In the Town of Ledyard”.  
Section 2: Purpose  
To provide an exemption from property tax for property that is owned by a  
parent whose child was killed in action, and/or by the surviving spouse of a person  
who was killed in action, while performing active military duty with the Armed  
Forces, as such term is defined in Subsection (a) of Section 27-103 of the  
Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.  
Section 3: Eligibility for Exemption  
To be eligible any parent or surviving spouse of a service member killed in action  
while performing active military duty the following conditions must be met:  
(a) Application: Completed application shall be filed with the office of the Tax  
Residency: Persons qualified for a benefit under this Ordinance is a parent or  
surviving spouse who own real property located in the Town of Ledyard, or who  
are liable for the payment of taxes thereon under Section 12-48 of the General  
Statutes, and occupy the property as his or her principal residence at least 183  
days of each year; and the time the application is made, and at all times during  
which the parent (a) or surviving spouse is receiving an exemption pursuant to  
this Ordinance, the parent or surviving spouse shall be living in the Town of  
(b) Qualifying Income: The parent's or surviving spouse's total adjusted gross  
income, as determined for purposes of the federal income tax, plus any other  
income not included in such adjusted gross income, shall not exceed the sum of  
the maximum qualifying income for individuals if unmarried, or jointly with  
spouse if married, as set forth in Section 12-81l of the Connecticut General  
(c) Surviving Spouses: The surviving spouse must have been legally married to the  
person who was killed in action at the time of such person's death, in accordance  
with Title 46b; Chapter 815E, of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.  
(d) Parents: If both parents of any such child killed in action while performing active  
military duty with the Armed Forces are domiciled together, only one such  
parent shall be entitled to the exemption from property tax provided for under  
this section.  
If both parents of any such child killed in action while performing active  
military service with the Armed Forces are not domiciled together, both parents  
shall be eligible to receive the exemption provided for under this section.  
Section 4: Amount of Exemption; Certified List  
(1) The exemption of property shall be in an amount of up-to $20,000, or 10% of the  
assessed value of the property owned by the surviving spouse or the parent(s) of  
a child who was killed in action.  
(2) The exemption provided under this Ordinance shall be in addition to any  
exemption to which an eligible parent or surviving spouse may be entitled under  
Section 12-81 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.  
No such eligible parent(s) or surviving spouse entitled to exemption under  
Section 12-81 or 12-8 lg of the Connecticut General Statutes and this section  
shall receive more than one such exemption.  
(3) The Assessor shall annually make a certified list of all such parents or surviving  
spouses who are found to be entitled to an exemption, which list shall be filed in  
the office of the Town Clerk in the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 5: Application Procedure and Requirements.  
(l) Any parent whose child was killed in action or the surviving spouse of a person  
who was killed in action (the "applicant") submitting a claim for an  
exemption of property tax under this Ordinance shall submit an application,  
on a form prepared by the Tax Assessor, to the Tax Assessor's Office not later  
than October 1st (the "application").  
The application shall include a copy of the two recorded affidavits described in Subsection  
2(a)(b) of this Section, and the applicant's federal income tax return, or in the event such a  
return is not filed, such evidence related to income, as may be required by the Tax Assessor,  
for the entire calendar year ending immediately prior to the October 1st in which the  
application for exemption is made.  
(2) The applicant shall also file with the office of the Town Clerk at least two  
affidavits, in such form as approved by the Tax Assessor, of two (2) different  
disinterested persons stating the following:  
(a) The deceased child or spouse was killed in action while performing active  
duty with the Armed Forces, as defined in Section 27-103(a) of the  
Connecticut General Statutes; and  
(b) That the applicant is the parent or surviving spouse of the person who was  
killed in action.  
(1) The affidavits shall be recorded in full in the office of the Town Clerk, free of  
charge, and such recording shall list the name of such parent or surviving spouse  
claiming the exemption.  
No exemption shall be granted unless the affidavits have been recorded in the  
office of the Town Clerk; and until the application has been deemed complete  
by the Assessor's Office.  
Section 6: Renewal and Termination of Exemption, Penalties.  
(1) The applicant shall be required to reapply for this exemption on a biennial basis.  
The failure of the applicant to reapply for this exemption on a biennial basis  
shall result in the termination of the applicant's exemption.  
(2) When an exemption has been granted, the applicant shall, in the assessment year  
immediately following the date of approval, be presumed qualified for such  
(3) On a biennial basis, during the year immediately following the approval of an  
applicant's exemption, the Tax Assessor may, by August 1st, notify each  
parent or surviving spouse presumed to be qualified for such exemption in  
writing, and if any applicant has income in excess of the maximum allowed  
under Section 3(b) this Ordinance, such applicant shall notify the Assessor on  
or before the next October 1st and shall be denied the exemption for the  
assessment year immediately following and for any subsequent year until  
such applicant has reapplied and again qualified for such exemption.  
The failure of the Assessor's Office to send such notice by August 1st shall  
waive the requirements of this Section for that assessment year, and the  
applicants presumed to be qualified for the exemption shall continue to  
receive an exemption for such assessment year.  
(1) Any notice under this section shall be deemed effective if it was mailed by  
regular mail to the applicant's last known address on file in the office of the  
Tax Collector.  
(2) If at any time it is determined that the applicant has obtained the exemption set  
forth in this Ordinance improperly, or was based on any misrepresentation or  
fraud, then upon discovery of such fact by the office of the Tax Assessor, the  
exemption shall be terminated immediately and the applicant shall make  
payment to the Town of Ledyard in the full amount of the property tax loss  
related to such exemption improperly taken within 30- days of such written  
demand from the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 7.  
If any section, or part of a section, of this Ordinance shall be held by a court of  
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding shall not be deemed to invalidate  
the remaining provisions hereof.  
Section 8.  
Effective Date  
In accordance with the Town Charter this ordinance shall become effective on  
the twenty-first (21st) day after such publication following its final passage.  
Adopted by the Town Council on: _______________  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Approved / Disapproved on: _________  
Fred B. Allyn, III., Mayor  
Published on:  
Effective Date:  
Patricia A. Riley, Town Clerk  
History: The State of Connecticut adopted Public Act #17-65 “An Act Concerning a  
Municipal Option Property Tax Exemption for Gold Star Parents and Spouses” in  
2017. To provide families who lost a child or spouse in the line of duty with some tax  
relief the Town Council adopted the “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief for Gold  
Star Families In the Town of Ledyard” on: ___________  
Moved by Councilor Dombrowski, seconded by Councilor Brunelle  
Discussion: Councilor Dombrowski stated the proposed draft “An Ordinance Providing  
Tax Relief for Gold Star Families In the Town of Ledyard” mirrored the state statute.  
He stated it made sense and that he was in-favor of moving the proposal forward. The  
Administration Committee noted that they would forward the proposed Ordinance to  
the Finance Committee for their review.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Kevin Dombrowski  
April Brunelle  
MOTION to amend Ordinance #100-011, “An Ordinance Establishing a Youth & Social  
Services Board for the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the draft dated June 4, 2024.  
DRAFT: 6/4/2024  
Ordinance #100-011 (rev. 2)  
Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Ledyard:  
Section 1. Authority  
Pursuant to Chapter 164, Section 10-19m of the General Statutes of the State of  
Connecticut, and Chapter IV, Section 9 of the Charter of the Town of Ledyard, there  
is hereby established a Youth and Social Services Board for the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 2. Purpose  
The Board shall be responsible for providing outreach and community education,  
program direction in the delivery of human services to meet the needs of youth,  
families and individuals in the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 3. Duties  
The Board will be responsible for receiving and reviewing Youth and Social  
Services Program reports to identify issues and trends and make recommendations.  
The Board shall perform community outreach and seek potential partnerships for the  
Youth and Social Services Program. The Board shall distribute Youth and Social  
Services Program materials to the community and work to identify youth, families  
and individuals in need.  
Section 4. Fiscal Responsibilities  
The Board shall annually review the Youth and Social Services Program budget  
and make recommendations as necessary prior to submission to the Mayor’s Office.  
The Board shall make recommendations and promote fundraising efforts for  
Social Service Programs.  
Section 5. Youth and Social Services Board Membership  
The Youth and Social Services Board shall be composed of not less than seven  
(7) members appointed by the Mayor, who shall be electors of the Town of Ledyard.  
Said appointees shall all be Ledyard electors, and include at least one representative  
from the school system, police, a private youth-serving agency, a youth currently  
under the age of twenty-one (21) and a Community-at-large member.  
The Board shall annually elect a Chairman and Recording Secretary from its  
membership. Regular meetings shall be held per the by-laws of the Youth and Social  
Services Board. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the members of the  
Membership on any other Board, Commission, or Committee of the Town of  
Ledyard shall not preclude membership on the Youth and Social Services Board.  
In making the original appointments under this ordinance, the Mayor shall  
designate (3) member to serve for three (3) years; 2 members to serve for two (2)  
years members; two (2) members to serve for one (1) year. Thereafter members  
shall commence to serve their terms immediately upon appointment and shall serve  
until their successor has qualified or they have been reappointed or removed by the  
Any member of the Board who is absent from three (3) consecutive regular  
meetings and any intervening duly called special meetings shall be considered to have  
resigned from the Board. The vacancy shall be filled as herein before provided.  
Additionally, the Board may vote to waive the requirements of this section in each  
case where illness or other extenuating circumstances make it impossible for a  
member to meet the attendance requirements of this action.  
It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Board to notify the Mayor  
when a member has not properly performed his/her duties.  
Section 6.  
Within two weeks after the adoption date of this ordinance, all current  
members of the Youth & Social Services Board for the Town of Ledyard shall  
indicate to the chairman their desire to serve on the Social Services Board.  
The chairman shall thereafter report to the Mayor the desires of their  
members. In addition, the chairman shall make recommendations to the Mayor  
regarding present members to serve on the Social Services Board.  
The Mayor shall appoint members to the Social Services Board no later than the  
90 days from the effective date of the Ordinance.  
Section 7.  
If any section, or part of a section, of this Ordinance shall be held by a court of  
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding shall not be deemed to invalidate  
the remaining provisions hereof.  
Section 8.  
Effective Date  
In accordance with the Town Charter this ordinance shall become effective on  
the twenty-first (21st) day after such publication following its final passage.  
Amended and Adopted by the Town Council on: __________________  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Approved / Disapproved on: _________  
Fred B. Allyn, III., Mayor  
Published on:  
Effective Date:  
Patricia A. Riley, Town Clerk  
Revision: Ordinance #47 “An Ordinance Establishing Youth Services for the Town  
of Ledyard” Adopted: April 17, 1990; Amended and Adopted: on February 14, 2001;  
Effective: February 15, 2001. Amended and Renumbered on September 25, 2019;  
Effective: October 23, 2019. Amended and Renamed on XXX; Effective: XXX  
The Twenty-fourth Town Council (2017-2019) Ordinance Update Initiative:  
Renumbered Ordinance #47 “Amendment to Ordinance #47 An Ordinance  
Establishing Youth Services for the Town of Ledyard” to Ordinance #100-011.  
2019: Removed from Ordinance “An Ordinance Amending” per Town Attorney, the  
History paragraphs indicates that the Ordinance was “amended”. Section 4 Youth  
Advisory Committee” added language regarding attendance and filling vacancies to be  
consistent with ordinances establishing committees. Added Section 5 “Severability”  
to be consistent with Town Ordinance format. Added Section 6 “Effective Date” to  
be consistent with Town Ordinance format.  
2020: Title: Added “& Social Services”.  
Section 1 Authority: Removed “an amendment to ordinance #47- Per Town Attorney  
this language was not needed, as the “History” paragraphs indicates that the  
document was amended.  
Section 2 Purpose: Removed “This agency shall be responsible for providing  
opportunities and programs for positive youth development as well as evaluating,  
planning, coordinating, and implementing services for youth referred to it by schools,  
police, juvenile courts, local youth serving agencies, parents and self-referrals by  
youth” and replaced it with the following: “.This Board shall be responsible for  
providing outreach and community education to meet the needs of youth, families  
and individuals in the Town of Ledyard.”.  
Section 3 Duties: Removed: “The Youth Services of the Town of Ledyard shall be  
responsible for establishing the overall policy and program direction of youth  
services. This agency of the Town of Ledyard may provide, but shall not be limited to  
the delivery of, the following services: individual and family counseling; parent  
training and group therapy; crisis intervention; drug and alcohol awareness and  
prevention programs; dial-a-teen job placement; court advocacy; information and  
referral; and outreach programs to insure participation and planning by the entire  
community for the development of youth services. Such services shall be designed to  
meet the needs of youth by collaborating with other systems and agencies such as the  
justice system and schools as well as by the provision of opportunities for positive  
youth development”. Replaced it with “This Board will be responsible for receiving  
and reviewing Youth and Social Services Program reports to identify issues and  
trends and make recommendations. The Board shall perform community outreach  
and seek potential partnerships for the Youth and Social Services Program. The  
Board shall distribute Youth and Social Services Program materials to the  
community and work to identify youth, families and individuals in need.”  
Added New Section 4 “Fiscal responsibilities”. Former Section 4 became Section 5.  
Updated Section Title deleting “Advisory” and adding “and Social Services  
Membership”. Removed “As part of Youth Services, a youth advisory” and replaced  
it with “The Youth and Social Services Board shall be”. Removed; “shall be”.  
Changed Term from two (2) year to “three (3) year”. Added; “all be Ledyard  
electors, and”. Removed “public health nursing agency and”. Added “and a  
community-at-large member”. Removed: “and provided further that one-third of the  
total membership shall consist of members who earn less than 50 percent of their  
wages or livelihood by delivering services to youths and their families, and who  
manifest an interest in youth services”. Added: “The Board shall annually elect a  
Chairman and Recording Secretary from its membership. Regular meetings shall be  
held per the by-laws of the Youth and Social Services Board. Special meetings may  
be called by a majority of the members of the Board. Membership on any other  
Board, Commission, or Committee of the Town of Ledyard shall not preclude  
membership on the Youth and Social Services Board.”  
The word “Department” was replaced with “Program” throughout the document.  
The word “Committee” was replaced with “Board” throughout the document to be  
consistent with the Town Charter.  
2024: Ordinance #100-011 “An Ordinance Establishing a Youth & Social Services  
Board for the Town of Ledyard” amended to remove and Youth throughout the  
Section 1: “authority” Removed Chapter 164, Section 10-19m of. and updated  
Chapter IV, Section 9.  
Section 2: “Purpose” Paragraph 1 Removed community education,; Also added  
program direction in the delivery of human services.  
Section 4: “Fiscal Responsibilities” Paragraph 2 added The Board shall make  
recommendations and promote fundraising efforts for Social Service Programs.  
Section 5: “Social Services Board Membership”  
Paragraph 1 Replaced Said appointees shall all be Ledyard electors, and include at  
least one representative from the school system, police, a private youth-serving  
agency, a youth currently under the age of twenty-one (21) and a Community-at-large  
member. with shall be electors of the Town of Ledyard.  
Paragraph 4 Added the following language: In making the original appointments  
under this ordinance, the Mayor shall designate (3) member to serve for three (3)  
years; 2 members to serve for two (2) years members; two (2) members to serve for  
one (1) year. Thereafter members; Also removed shall commence to serve their  
terms immediately upon appointment and.  
Section 6: “Implementation” Added paragraphs 1-3.  
Moved by Councilor Dombrowski, seconded by Councilor Brunelle  
Discussion: Councilor Dombrowski stated the proposed draft “An Ordinance Providing  
Tax Relief for Gold Star Families In the Town of Ledyard”. mirrored the state statute.  
He stated it made sense and that he was in-favor of moving the proposal forward. The  
Administration Committee noted that they would forward the proposed Ordinance to  
the Finance Committee for their review.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Administrative Assistant Roxanne Maher noted that a Public Hearing was required  
prior to the Town Council adopting the Ordinances the Administration Committee  
approved to move forward this evening. Therefore, she questioned whether the  
Committee wanted to wait to set the Public Hearing date until after the Finance  
Committee reviewed the proposed “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold  
Star Families in the Town of Ledyard” so that they could present the following two  
Ordinances at one Public Hearing. The Administration Committee agreed to wait and  
set one Public Hearing date for the following two proposals:  
· Proposed New Ordinance “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold Star  
Families in the Town of Ledyard”  
· Proposed Amendments to Ordinance #100-0111 “An Ordinance Establishing A  
Youth & Social Services Board For the Town of Ledyard”  
April Brunelle  
Kevin Dombrowski  
Discussion and possible action to create an Ethics Commission for the Town of Ledyard.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that she reviewed the work regarding an Ethics  
Commission that was included with the Agenda Packet on the meeting portal, which  
had been done by previous Town Councils. She stated that she was in-favor of first  
creating a Code of Ethics, and then creating an Ethics Commission. She stated the  
2019 Draft Ordinance included what the State recommended; however, she stated it  
did not address how they would form the Commission or the number of members,  
and who those members would be, procedures for investigation, etc. She noted the  
Town of Monroe’s Code of Ethics included provisions for the members and  
procedure for investigations, etc. She stated that she would prefer to see all this  
information in one document.  
The Committee noted that they would continue to work on drafting a Ethics  
Commission and a Code of Ethics.  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Dombrowski moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 6:18 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Committee Chairman  
Administration Committee  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  