Future Projects Discussion.
Wreath event - Chairperson Kohrs asked the Committee if anything still needs to be arranged or
if the event is good to go. Ms. Schneider reported that there are volunteers to help cut the greens
and that the large room at the Senior Center is reserved for 9:30 a.m. The volunteers will cut two
different kinds of pine branches and possibly ivy. Chairperson Kohrs said she has holly branches
that she can contribute. Ms. Schneider made 20 bows and will contribute wire and heart tags.
Ms. Eastbourne has some fillers and frames to contribute. Chairperson Eastbourne posted on the
Committee's Facebook page to invite volunteers. Chairperson Kohrs asked the Committee to
take pictures while cutting the greenery for posting on Facebook. Chairperson Kohrs thanked
Ms. Schneider for taking the lead on this project.
Planning for 2025 -
Chairperson Kohrs said she would like Committee members to be project leaders for individual
What events did the Committee hold this year that should be repeated?
Chairperson Kohrs volunteered to lead the recycled art project.
Ms. Eastbourne said she would take the lead of the Mural project. Chairperson Kohrs asked for
the time frame for planning purposes. Ms. Eastbourne answered, most likely May. Ms.
Eastbourne added that the mural is outside of Juliet Long School, and she would like to get
students and Art teachers involved in the project. The vision is for Art teachers from all the
schools to be involved and to brainstorm with High School Art Students for ideas on what the
mural will look like, ideally Ledyard landmark themed. Possibly hold a contest. The Committee
can help with the art supplies. Ms. Eastbourne would like High School Students to take the lead
and help the younger students. The mural will need prepping possibly power-washing and
Ms. Hewes said the Student Wellness Advisory Board was looking for ways to increase the
visibility of recycling in schools, especially water bottles. Chairperson Kohrs suggested having a
"Junior Ledyard Beautification Club/Committee". Chairperson Kohrs offered to assist with the
Junior Club. Ms. Hewes suggested conducting a survey. Ms. Eastbourne said that High School
Students are always looking for volunteer hours. Ms. Eastbourne will Contact Principal Earley
about getting a club started. Chairperson Kohrs suggested starting with an Earth Day Planning
Club and gaging interest from there.
Composting initiative pilot program - Collecting food scraps in a certified compostable bag or
container and bring to the transfer station. Possibly have the program presented at the Earth Day
event. The Committee will contact Carmen Garcia Izirarry, Town Council.
February - Valentine's Day Teacups. Chairperson Kohrs asked if the Committee wanted to hold
the Teacup event again. Everyone agreed that the event should be repeated. Possibly expand it to
the Town Offices this year? The event will be held on February 8 or 9. Assemble and delivery on
the same day. Ms. Hewes volunteered to take the lead. Need a space, the Senior Center would be
a good spot.