741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339-1551  
(860) 464-3203  
Town Council  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Public Hearing - Ordinances  
Wednesday, September 11, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Town Hall Council Chambers  
In-Person: Council Chambers Town Hall Annex  
Remote: Information noted below:  
Please Join the meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone, or Tablet:  
or by audio only dial: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 889 2527 4183; Passcode: 432162  
Chairman Rodriguez called to order the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. the following: (1)  
Proposed “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold Star Families in the Town of  
Ledyard”; and (2) Proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-011 An Ordinance  
Establishing Social Services Board For the Town of Ledyard.  
Chairman Rodriguez welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. She stated for the  
members of the Town Council and the Public who were participating via video  
conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda that  
was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Chairman Rodriguez asked those attending remotely to put their name and address  
in the “Chat” and that they would be called upon during the Public Comment  
portion of tonight’s meeting.  
Chairman Rodriguez noted after each Ordinance has been presented that they would  
take Public Comment.  
The following call of the Public Hearing was read by Town Council Administrative  
Assistant Roxanne M. Maher:  
The Ledyard Town Council will conduct a Hybrid Format Public Hearing  
(In-Person & Video Conference)  
on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.  
to receive comments/recommendations regarding the following:  
(1) Proposed An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold Star  
Families in the Town of Ledyard”.  
(2) Proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-011 “An Ordinance  
Establishing Social Services Board For the Town of Ledyard”.  
Please join the Public Hearing in-person or remotely as follows:  
In-person attendance will be at the  
Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
741 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard, Connecticut  
Please join the video conference meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at:  
or by audio only dial: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 889 2527 4183; Passcode: 432162  
At this hearing interested persons may appear and be heard and written  
communications will be accepted at towncouncil@ledyardct.org  
Dated at Ledyard, Connecticut this 29th day of August, 2024.  
For the Ledyard Town Council  
s/s S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Please Publish on Monday, September 2, 2024  
This was Approved and so declared.  
MOTION to adopt proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-011, “An Ordinance  
Establishing a Youth & Social Services Board for the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the  
draft dated June 4, 2024.  
1. Proposed “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief for Gold Star Families  
in the  
Town of Ledyard”.  
2. Proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-011 “An Ordinance  
Social Services Board for the Town of Ledyard”.  
Proposed “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold Star Families in the Town of  
Chairman Rodriguez provided some background regarding the drafting of the proposed “An  
Ordinance Providing Tax Relief For Gold Star Families in the Town of Ledyard” She  
noted in a letter dated May 10, 2024 State Senator Cathy Osten brought to the Town  
Council’s attention Public Act 17-65 “An Act Concerning a Municipal Option Property Tax  
Exemption for Gold Star Parents or Spouses” which was enacted in October, 2017.  
Chairman Rodriguez explained that this act allowed a municipality, with its Legislative  
Body's (Town Council) approval, to provide a property tax exemption to any parent or  
surviving spouse of a service member killed in action while performing active military duty  
with the U.S. Armed Forces (i.e., “Gold Star” parent or surviving spouse). A municipality  
may exempt up to $20,000 or 10% of the property's assessed value.  
Chairman Rodriguez noted at the Town Council’s May 22, 2024 Meeting that Mrs. Amy  
Hammer and Mrs. Meaghan Durocher both spoke stating that they were Gold Star Widows  
and they questioned why the Town of Ledyard did not offer property tax relief for Gold Star  
Spouses, noting that other area towns offered tax relief.  
Chairman Rodriguez stated that she thanked both Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Durocher for  
reaching out to Congressman Courtney and State Senator Osten. She also referred their  
request to the Town Council’s Administration Committee, who drafted the proposed  
Ordinance that was being presented this evening.  
Chairman Rodriguez continued by presenting the proposed “An Ordinance Providing Tax  
Relief For Gold Star Families in the Town of Ledyard”; and she noted that Public Act  
required the Application include following documentation:  
1. At least two affidavits from disinterested persons showing the (a) deceased service member  
was killed in action while performing active military duty and (b) relationship between the  
service member and parent or surviving spouse and  
2. A copy of the parent's or surviving spouse's federal income tax return or, if a return is not  
filed, income-related evidence required by the assessor for the tax year immediately before  
the assessment date for which the exemption is claimed.  
DRAFT: 5/14/2024  
Ordinance #200-XXX  
Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Ledyard  
Section 1: Authority  
Pursuant to the authority of P.A. 17-65 enacted on October 1, 2017 An Act  
Concerning Municipal Option Property Tax Exemption for Gold Star Parents or  
Spouses” there is hereby established “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief for Gold Star  
Families In the Town of Ledyard”.  
Section 2: Purpose  
To provide an exemption from property tax for property that is owned by a  
parent whose child was killed in action, or by the surviving spouse of a person who was  
killed in action, while performing active military duty with the Armed Forces, as such  
term is defined in Subsection (a) of Section 27-103 of the Connecticut General Statutes,  
as amended.  
Section 3: Eligibility for Exemption  
To be eligible any parent or surviving spouse of a service member killed in action while  
performing active military duty the following conditions must be met:  
(a) Application: Completed application shall be filed with the office of the Tax Assessor.  
(b) Residency: Persons qualified for a benefit under this Ordinance is a parent or surviving  
spouse who own real property located in the Town of Ledyard, or who are liable for the  
payment of taxes thereon under Section 12-48 of the General Statutes, and occupy the  
property as his or her principal residence at least 183 days of each year; and the time the  
application is made, and at all times during which the parent or surviving spouse is  
receiving an exemption pursuant to this Ordinance, the parent or surviving spouse shall  
be living in the Town of Ledyard.  
(c) Qualifying Income: The parent's or surviving spouse's total adjusted gross income, as  
determined for purposes of the federal income tax, plus any other income not included in  
such adjusted gross income, shall not exceed the sum of the maximum qualifying income  
for individuals if unmarried, or jointly with spouse if married, as set forth in Section 12-  
81l of the Connecticut General Statutes.  
(d) Surviving Spouses: The surviving spouse must have been legally married to the person  
who was killed in action at the time of such person's death, in accordance with Title 46b;  
Chapter 815E, of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.  
(e) Parents: If both parents of any such child killed in action while performing active  
military duty with the Armed Forces are domiciled together, only one such parent shall  
be entitled to the exemption from property tax provided for under this section.  
If both parents of any such child killed in action while performing active military service  
with the Armed Forces are not domiciled together, both parents shall be eligible to  
receive the exemption provided for under this section.  
Section 4: Amount of Exemption; Certified List  
(1) The exemption of property shall be in an amount of up-to $20,000, or 10% of the  
assessed value of the property owned by the surviving spouse or the parent(s) of a child  
who was killed in action.  
(2) The exemption provided under this Ordinance shall be in addition to any exemption to  
which an eligible parent or surviving spouse may be entitled under Section 12-81 of the  
Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.  
No such eligible parent(s) or surviving spouse entitled to exemption under Section 12-81  
or 12-8 lg of the Connecticut General Statutes and this section shall receive more than  
one such exemption.  
(3) The Assessor shall annually make a certified list of all such parents or surviving spouses  
who are found to be entitled to an exemption, which list shall be filed in the office of the  
Town Clerk in the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 5: Application Procedure and Requirements.  
(l) Any parent whose child was killed in action or the surviving spouse of a person who was  
killed in action (the "applicant") submitting a claim for an exemption of property tax  
under this Ordinance shall submit an application, on a form prepared by the Tax  
Assessor, to the Tax Assessor's Office not later than October 1st (the "application").  
The application shall include a copy of the two recorded affidavits described in  
Subsection 2(a)(b) of this Section, and the applicant's federal income tax return, or in the  
event such a return is not filed, such evidence related to income, as may be required by  
the Tax Assessor, for the entire calendar year ending immediately prior to the October  
1st in which the application for exemption is made.  
(2) The applicant shall also file with the office of the Town Clerk at least two affidavits, in  
such form as approved by the Tax Assessor, of two (2) different disinterested persons  
stating the following:  
(a) The deceased child or spouse was killed in action while performing active duty with  
the Armed Forces, as defined in Section 27-103(a) of the Connecticut General  
Statutes; and  
(b) That the applicant is the parent or surviving spouse of the person who was killed in  
(1) The affidavits shall be recorded in full in the office of the Town Clerk, free of charge,  
and such recording shall list the name of such parent or surviving spouse claiming the  
No exemption shall be granted unless the affidavits have been recorded in the office of  
the Town Clerk; and until the application has been deemed complete by the Assessor's  
Section 6: Renewal and Termination of Exemption, Penalties.  
(1) The applicant shall be required to reapply for this exemption on a biennial basis. The  
failure of the applicant to reapply for this exemption on a biennial basis shall result in the  
termination of the applicant's exemption.  
(2) When an exemption has been granted, the applicant shall, in the assessment year  
immediately following the date of approval, be presumed qualified for such exemption.  
(3) On a biennial basis, during the year immediately following the approval of an applicant's  
exemption, the Tax Assessor may, by August 1st, notify each parent or surviving spouse  
presumed to be qualified for such exemption in writing, and if any applicant has income  
in excess of the maximum allowed under Section 3(b) this Ordinance, such applicant  
shall notify the Assessor on or before the next October 1st and shall be denied the  
exemption for the assessment year immediately following and for any subsequent year  
until such applicant has reapplied and again qualified for such exemption.  
The failure of the Assessor's Office to send such notice by August 1st shall waive the  
requirements of this Section for that assessment year, and the applicants presumed to be  
qualified for the exemption shall continue to receive an exemption for such assessment  
(4) Any notice under this section shall be deemed effective if it was mailed by regular mail  
to the applicant's last known address on file in the office of the Tax Collector.  
(5) If at any time it is determined that the applicant has obtained the exemption set forth in  
this Ordinance improperly, or was based on any misrepresentation or fraud, then upon  
discovery of such fact by the office of the Tax Assessor, the exemption shall be  
terminated immediately and the applicant shall make payment to the Town of Ledyard in  
the full amount of the property tax loss related to such exemption improperly taken  
within 30- days of such written demand from the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 7. Severability  
If any section, or part of a section, of this Ordinance shall be held by a court of  
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding shall not be deemed to invalidate the  
remaining provisions hereof.  
Section 8. Effective Date  
In accordance with the Town Charter this ordinance shall become effective on the  
twenty-first (21st) day after such publication following its final passage.  
Adopted by the Town Council on: _______________  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Approved / Disapproved on: _________  
Fred B. Allyn, III., Mayor  
Published on:  
Effective Date:  
Patricia A. Riley, Town Clerk  
History: The State of Connecticut adopted Public Act #17-65 An Act Concerning a  
Municipal Option Property Tax Exemption for Gold Star Parents or Spouses” in 2017.  
To provide families who lost a child or spouse killed in action while in the line of duty  
with some tax relief the Town Council adopted the “An Ordinance Providing Tax Relief  
for Gold Star Families In the Town of Ledyard” on: ___________  
Ms. Jessica Buhle, 65 Pheasant Run Drive, Gales Ferry, Town Councilor, questioned  
how the tax relief would be handled if the surviving parents were divorced and were both  
living in Ledyard.  
Chairman Rodriguez noted Section 3 Eligibility for Exemption; paragraph ( e) stated the  
“If both parents of any such child killed in action while performing active military duty  
with the Armed Forces are domiciled together, only one such parent shall be entitled to  
the exemption from property tax provided for under this section.  
If both parents of any such child killed in action while performing active military service  
with the Armed Forces are not domiciled together, both parents shall be eligible to  
receive the exemption provided for under this section.”  
Mayor Allyn, III, stated that he supported the proposed An Ordinance Providing Tax  
Relief for Gold Star Families In the Town of Ledyard”; as presented this evening.  
Proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-011 “An Ordinance Establishing  
Social Services Board For the Town of Ledyard.  
Mayor Allyn, III, provided some background explaining that recent changes to area School  
Health Programs provided Ledyard with an all-inclusive Health Program that now included  
licensed Mental Health Clinicians who provide counseling support. He stated because the  
clients our Youth Services Department was servicing were all Ledyard Public School  
Students, the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Budget did not provide funding to continue the  
operation of our Youth Services Department, which was a Department of one person,  
providing a savings of $103,971.  
Mayor Allyn went on to explain that Ordinance 100-011 was being amended to remove  
language pertaining to “Youth Services”. He also noted that the “Youth Services”  
component required that the Board be comprised of members who had specific  
requirements. Therefore, he stated the composition of the new Social Services Board and  
their direction was going to vastly different, explaining that because the Social Services  
Board was funded exclusively by donations, the Board would be tasked to seek donations to  
help support the Department. He also noted that Social Services was supported by his  
Executive Assistant/Social Services Coordinator Kristen Chapman, and he noted that she  
was present this evening to answer questions.  
Executive Assistant/Social Services Coordinator Kristen Chapman noted as Mayor Allyn,  
III, explained the Social Services Department does not receive any taxpayer funding. She  
stated in the previous year’s budget (23/24) they had a budget of $500.00 to pay for the  
electricity for the Linda C. Davis Food Pantry. However, she stated because the Town Green  
was under the Parks & Recreation Department, that they would now absorb the electric  
costs, noting that it was difficult to determine the percentage of the electric bill that  
belonged to the Food Pantry versus the entire Town Green.  
Ms. Chapman went on to state that all Social Services Programs were facilitated through  
donations. She stated the Food Pantry was well stocked, Social Services Parks & Recreation  
Scholarships for kids to participate in the Summer Playground Program was struggling,  
noting that because they ran out of funding this year, they had to close Application period.  
She stated that she does apply for Grant Funding; however, the majority of the funding came  
from donations, noting that they would be looking for the members of the Social Services  
Board to be more active. She stated that she was happy to answer questions.  
Chairman Rodriguez asked Mayor Allyn to talk about the American Rescue Plan Act  
(ARPA) Funding that the Town allocated to support Mental Health Services. Mayor Allyn  
explained the General Government allocated $190,000 from their American Rescue Plan  
Act (ARPA) Funding to provide mental health services. However, he stated they  
recently learned that the Clinician was providing services for both the High School and  
Middle School students, but that she was not comfortable with administering services to  
younger age children. He also noted that since May, 2024 the burn rate of the funding has  
essentially been nothing. Therefore, he stated that they needed to be mindful of that, because  
the funding had to be expended or committed (have a contract in-place) by the December 31,  
2024 ARPA Deadline.  
Mayor Allyn went on to explain from the $190,000 that was allocated for mental health  
services that the Town Council approved to allocate $90,888 for the Child and Family  
Agency to provide mental health services at the Juliet W. Long School and the Gales  
Ferry School. He stated Child and Family Agency has signed the Subrecipient Agreement  
to provide mental health services at these two elementary schools through August 31,  
2025. He stated that Child and Family Agency had a Therapist and an Intern noting that  
they were equipped to handle a minimum of 24 students.  
The proposed Ordinance Amendments were presented as follows:  
DRAFT: 6/4/2024  
Ordinance #100-011 (rev. 2)  
Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Ledyard:  
Section 1. Authority  
Pursuant to Chapter 164, Section 10-19m of the General Statutes of the State of  
Connecticut, and Chapter IV, Section 9 of the Charter of the Town of Ledyard, there is  
hereby established a Youth and Social Services Board for the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 2. Purpose  
The Board shall be responsible for providing outreach and community education,  
program direction in the delivery of human services to meet the needs of youth,  
families and individuals in the Town of Ledyard.  
Section 3. Duties  
The Board will be responsible for receiving and reviewing Youth and Social Services  
Program reports to identify issues and trends and make recommendations. The Board  
shall perform community outreach and seek potential partnerships for the Youth and  
Social Services Program. The Board shall distribute Youth and Social Services Program  
materials to the community and work to identify youth, families and individuals in need.  
Section 4. Fiscal Responsibilities  
The Board shall annually review the Youth and Social Services Program budget and  
make recommendations as necessary prior to submission to the Mayor’s Office.  
The Board shall make recommendations and promote fundraising efforts for  
Social Service Programs.  
Section 5. Youth and Social Services Board Membership  
The Youth and Social Services Board shall be composed of not less than seven (7)  
members appointed by the Mayor, who shall be electors of the Town of Ledyard. Said  
appointees shall all be Ledyard electors, and include at least one representative from the  
school system, police, a private youth-serving agency, a youth currently under the age of  
twenty-one (21) and a Community-at-large member.  
The Board shall annually elect a Chairman and Recording Secretary from its  
membership. Regular meetings shall be held per the by-laws of the Youth and Social  
Services Board. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the members of the  
Membership on any other Board, Commission, or Committee of the Town of Ledyard  
shall not preclude membership on the Youth and Social Services Board.  
In making the original appointments under this ordinance, the Mayor shall  
designate three member to serve for three (3) years; two members to serve for two (2)  
years members; and two members to serve for one (1) year. Thereafter members shall  
commence to serve their terms immediately upon appointment and shall serve until their  
successor has qualified or they have been reappointed or removed by the Mayor.  
Any member of the Board who is absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings  
and any intervening duly called special meetings shall be considered to have resigned  
from the Board. The vacancy shall be filled as herein before provided. Additionally, the  
Board may vote to waive the requirements of this section in each case where illness or  
other extenuating circumstances make it impossible for a member to meet the attendance  
requirements of this action.  
It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Board to notify the Mayor when a  
member has not properly performed his/her duties.  
Section 6.  
Within two weeks after the adoption date of this ordinance, all current  
members of the Youth & Social Services Board for the Town of Ledyard shall indicate  
to the chairman their desire to serve on the Social Services Board.  
The chairman shall thereafter report to the Mayor the desires of their  
members. In addition, the chairman shall make recommendations to the Mayor  
regarding present members to serve on the Social Services Board.  
The Mayor shall appoint members to the Social Services Board no later than  
the 90 days from the effective date of the Ordinance.  
Section 7.  
If any section, or part of a section, of this Ordinance shall be held by a court of  
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding shall not be deemed to invalidate the  
remaining provisions hereof.  
Section 8.  
Effective Date  
In accordance with the Town Charter this ordinance shall become effective on the  
twenty-first (21st) day after such publication following its final passage.  
Amended and Adopted by the Town Council on: __________________  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Approved / Disapproved on: _________  
Fred B. Allyn, III., Mayor  
Published on:  
Effective Date:  
Patricia A. Riley, Town Clerk  
Revision: Ordinance #47 “An Ordinance Establishing Youth Services for the Town of  
Ledyard” Adopted: April 17, 1990; Amended and Adopted: on February 14, 2001;  
Effective: February 15, 2001. Amended and Renumbered on September 25, 2019;  
Effective: October 23, 2019. Amended and Renamed on XXX; Effective: XXX  
The Twenty-fourth Town Council (2017-2019) Ordinance Update Initiative:  
Renumbered Ordinance #47 “Amendment to Ordinance #47 An Ordinance Establishing  
Youth Services for the Town of Ledyard” to Ordinance #100-011.  
2019: Removed from Ordinance “An Ordinance Amending” per Town Attorney, the  
History paragraphs indicates that the Ordinance was “amended”. Section 4 Youth  
Advisory Committee” added language regarding attendance and filling vacancies to be  
consistent with ordinances establishing committees. Added Section 5 “Severability” to  
be consistent with Town Ordinance format. Added Section 6 “Effective Date” to be  
consistent with Town Ordinance format.  
2020: Title: Added “& Social Services”.  
Section 1 Authority: Removed “an amendment to ordinance #47- Per Town Attorney this  
language was not needed, as the “History” paragraphs indicates that the document was  
Section 2 Purpose: Removed “This agency shall be responsible for providing  
opportunities and programs for positive youth development as well as evaluating,  
planning, coordinating, and implementing services for youth referred to it by schools,  
police, juvenile courts, local youth serving agencies, parents and self-referrals by youth”  
and replaced it with the following: “.This Board shall be responsible for providing  
outreach and community education to meet the needs of youth, families and individuals  
in the Town of Ledyard.”.  
Section 3 Duties: Removed: “The Youth Services of the Town of Ledyard shall be  
responsible for establishing the overall policy and program direction of youth services.  
This agency of the Town of Ledyard may provide, but shall not be limited to the delivery  
of, the following services: individual and family counseling; parent training and group  
therapy; crisis intervention; drug and alcohol awareness and prevention programs;  
dial-a-teen job placement; court advocacy; information and referral; and outreach  
programs to insure participation and planning by the entire community for the  
development of youth services. Such services shall be designed to meet the needs of  
youth by collaborating with other systems and agencies such as the justice system and  
schools as well as by the provision of opportunities for positive youth development”.  
Replaced it with “This Board will be responsible for receiving and reviewing Youth and  
Social Services Program reports to identify issues and trends and make  
recommendations. The Board shall perform community outreach and seek potential  
partnerships for the Youth and Social Services Program. The Board shall distribute  
Youth and Social Services Program materials to the community and work to identify  
youth, families and individuals in need.”  
Added New Section 4 “Fiscal responsibilities”. Former Section 4 became Section 5.  
Updated Section Title deleting “Advisory” and adding “and Social Services  
Membership”. Removed “As part of Youth Services, a youth advisory” and replaced it  
with “The Youth and Social Services Board shall be”. Removed; “shall be”. Changed  
Term from two (2) year to “three (3) year”. Added; “all be Ledyard electors, and”.  
Removed “public health nursing agency and”. Added “and a community-at-large  
member”. Removed: “and provided further that one-third of the total membership shall  
consist of members who earn less than 50 percent of their wages or livelihood by  
delivering services to youths and their families, and who manifest an interest in youth  
services”. Added: “The Board shall annually elect a Chairman and Recording Secretary  
from its membership. Regular meetings shall be held per the by-laws of the Youth and  
Social Services Board. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the members of  
the Board. Membership on any other Board, Commission, or Committee of the Town of  
Ledyard shall not preclude membership on the Youth and Social Services Board.”  
The word “Department” was replaced with “Program” throughout the document.  
The word “Committee” was replaced with “Board” throughout the document to be  
consistent with the Town Charter.  
2024: Ordinance #100-011 “An Ordinance Establishing a Youth & Social Services  
Board for the Town of Ledyard” amended to remove and Youth throughout the  
Section 1: “authority” Removed Chapter 164, Section 10-19m of. and updated Chapter  
IV, Section 9.  
Section 2: “Purpose” Paragraph 1 Removed community education,; Also added  
program direction in the delivery of human services.  
Section 4: “Fiscal Responsibilities” Paragraph 2 added The Board shall make  
recommendations and promote fundraising efforts for Social Service Programs.  
Section 5: “Social Services Board Membership”  
Paragraph 1 Replaced Said appointees shall all be Ledyard electors, and include at least  
one representative from the school system, police, a private youth-serving agency, a  
youth currently under the age of twenty-one (21) and a Community-at-large member.  
with shall be electors of the Town of Ledyard.  
Paragraph 4 Added the following language: In making the original appointments  
under this ordinance, the Mayor shall designate (3) member to serve for three (3)  
years; 2 members to serve for two (2) years members; two (2) members to serve for one  
(1) year. Thereafter members; Also removed shall commence to serve their terms  
immediately upon appointment and.  
Section 6: “Implementation” Added paragraphs 1-3.  
Ms. Garcia-Irizarry, 58 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gales Ferry, questioned other than the Food  
Pantry and the Parks & Recreation Scholarships, what other Programs does Social  
Services provide.  
Executive Assistant/Social Services Coordinator Kristen Chapman noted that Social  
Services provided the following Programs:  
· Linda C. Davis Food Pantry  
· Holiday Food Baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas  
· Sponsor the “Adopt a Family Program” to provide holiday gifts  
· Backpack School Supplies - Collected Supplies at the Farmers Market this year,  
which went well.  
· Serve as a Thames Valley Council for Community Action (TVCCA) Energy Intake  
Site. Residents from Gales Ferry and Ledyard could book appointments directly  
through Ms. Chapman to apply for Energy Assistance.  
· Serve as an Intake Site for Grant Requests to the Ledyard Inter-Church Emergency  
Assistance Fund (LICEAF) for emergency assistance to help with expenses such  
as rent assistance, mortgage assistance, vehicle repairs. Ms. Chapman provides a  
report at the monthly LICEAF Board meetings.  
· Salvation Army Fund - received $3,000 per year to assist someone who has  
exhausted their TVCCA funding and/or to help residents with miscellaneous  
· Parks & Recreation Scholarships.  
· Provides residents with referrals to other Agencies.  
Ms. Chapman explained because she was not a social worker she does not assist with  
completing Applications for various state programs and agencies. However, she does  
refer residents to programs such as TVCCA; United Way; 2-1-1; Always Home, and  
other organizations that could provide assistance. She also stated that she had a lot of  
contacts in the community, noting that if a resident needed help in an area that the town  
does not provide that she helps to direct them to an Agency that may be able to provide  
Mayor Allyn stated that the Youth and Social Services Board’s past Chairman Mikayla  
Bozym was attending on-line should anyone like to ask her a question. He stated Ms.  
Bozym was a critical component to the previous Board and that he hoped she would be  
willing to continue to serve.  
Chairman Rodriguez thanked Ms. Boyzm for her service to the town.  
Chairman Rodriguez noted that no one was signed up in the Zoom “Chat”. She stated  
hearing no further public comment, that the Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:48 p.m.  
Chairman Rodriguez stated that the Ordinances would move to the Town Council’s  
September 25, 2024 meeting.  
Transcribed by Roxanne M. Maher  
Administrative Assistant to the Town Council  
I, S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman of the Ledyard Town Council,  
hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct  
copy of the minutes of the Public Hearing held on September 11, 2024.  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the Town.  
The Town Council's Official Agenda and final Minutes will be on file in the Town Clerk's  