Chairman Lynch will ask Ian Stammel, Assistant Finance Director for reformatting of reports.
He will also ask Tina Daniels, Groton Utilities Customer Service General Manager if she could
provide reports of the amount of water bought from GU and the amount of water the Authority
bills for. It would be helpful to know when the flushing occurs and whether the losses are
increasing or decreasing.
Year to Date Water/Sewer Report.
PSR - Steve Banks.
Chairman Lynch said the big items are the design and installation of the drum thickener
automation at a cost of $30,000.00, a 70-kW generator for $60,000.00 and lastly a
spectrophotometer for $6,900.00.
Praestol 133 is not an effective polymer for the facility. After further testing with Polymer it was
decided to change from to Praestol 133 to Univar on a trial basis. Flows are steadily decreasing
and ABW filters are back online. The revised quote from Weston & Sampson for Phase III has
been received. This also includes project oversight. Started looking for alternative pricing for
potassium hydroxide. Univar costs have risen significantly over the last few years. This chemical
addition became necessary after the change from the Loftus Aquifer to G.U. surface water
several years ago. Low alkalinity/PH in basins is being addressed. All parts of the Stenner
chemical pump have been changed out.
Chairman Lynch said although missing from the report, the pumps will need to be replaced at
Correspondence from Eric Treaster.
Chairman Lynch responded to an email from Mr. Treaster regarding sewer system capacity and
potential multi-family housing in Ledyard Center.
Weston and Sampson signed contract for Phase III.
Weston and Sampson and Mayor Fred Allyn III have signed the engineering addendum contract
for Phase III.
Water Report Review continued.
Mr. Ball discussed his work on analyzing the data for a new water rate structure. He said the
dates seem to be in fiscal year format. His goal will be to create one large list, then an average
usage and lastly a breakout for residential vs. commercial use. The main focus will be on
residential. There are a few anomalies that he is investigating. He also noted that there are still
some un-metered users, some flat rates that show that there are meters, and some listed as "no
size". One of them is Ocean State Job Lot the other is listed as "RMI000" which is also on Route