741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Finance Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Kevin J. Dombrowski  
Regular Meeting - Hybrid Format  
5:00 PM  
Wednesday, July 20, 2022  
Town Hall Annex Building  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 896 6975 319; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Saums at 5:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers  
Town Hall Annex Building. Room.  
Councilor Saums welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. He stated for the Town Council  
Finance Committee and members of the Public who were participating via video  
conference that remote meeting information was available on the Agenda that was posted  
on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Councilor Bill Saums  
Councilor Andra Ingalls  
Councilor Tim Ryan  
In addition, the following were in attendance:  
Fred Allyn, III Mayor  
Ian StammelAssistant Finance Director  
Scott Johnson, Jr. Director Parks & Recreation  
Vincent GodinoChairman Historic District Commission  
Eric TreasterResident  
Roxanne MaherAdministrative Assistant  
Mr. Eric Treaster, 10 Huntington Way, Ledyard, noted he was present this evening  
because he was interested in Item #4 on tonight’s Agenda regarding the proposed lease of  
.75-acre +/ parcel on Bush Pond relative to the transfer arrangements, deed restrictions,  
structures on the property as shown in the aerial photographs, and whether there would  
be any loss in property tax revenue. However, he stated he would wait to hear the  
discussion regarding the property later this evening.  
Councilor Saums reported that the following documentation was received:  
1. Reconciliation of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds (attached to Old Business  
Item #1)  
2. The Day Reporter Erica Moser /Councilor Saums e-mail thread dated 6/20/2022 - 7/20/2022  
re: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds  
MOTION to approve the Finance Committee Regular Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2022  
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Assistant Finance Director Ian Stammel reported on the following: (1) Fiscal Year  
2022/2023 Tax Collection - The tax collection for the Fiscal Year 2022/203 began on  
July 1, 2022. To- date about $5 million has been collected; (2) American Rescue Plan  
Act Funding (ARPA) - Office of Management & Policy (OPM) notified the town that  
the second trench of ARPA Funding would be disbursed to municipalities soon.  
Assistant Finance Director Ian Stammel reviewed the Financial Reports noting the  
v Revenue Report dated June 30, 2022  
o Taxes - Tax Collections on the Report do not include the $70,000 that was collected  
during the month of June. Mr. Stammel noted the final year-end revenue report  
would be available in September, noting that some reconciliations on expenses such  
as health insurance still needed to be completed.  
v Expenditure Report dated June 30, 2022  
Board of Education Expenditures - Councilor Ryan noted the Expenditure Report produced by  
the Munis Financial system does not include the Board of Education expenses  
6/30/2022 - Revenue Summary Report  
6/30/2022 - Expenditure Summary Report  
Continued discussion regarding the status and possible changes to Capital Improvement Plan  
(CIP) and Capital Non-Recurring (CNR) Fund based on the American Rescue Act Funding  
(ARPA) and the process to approve ARPA Projects and expend ARPA Funding.  
Councilor Saums stated he would like to review the ARPA Projects List at a Town  
Council meeting. He stated although they have discussed each of the ARPA Projects  
through the course of the year; that he would like to provide a brief explanation of each  
project for the record, noting that The Day Newspaper Reporter Erica Moser had  
questions regarding the ARPA Projects.  
Councilor Saums addressed the importance to get the ARPA Funded Projects underway,  
and he expressed concern regarding the project(s) costs coming in higher than initially  
estimated due to inflation; and he commented on the Gales Ferry Sidewalk Project as  
· Gales Ferry Sidewalk Project - Councilor Saums noted to-date he was not aware of a  
plan or details regarding the location of the sidewalks. He suggested the Gales Ferry  
Sidewalk Project be forwarded to the Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee so  
they could get the process started, noting that the ARPA Funding had to be expended by  
December, 2026.  
Mayor Allyn, III, stated $15,000 was allocated to conduct a Route 12 Corridor Study,  
noting that the last study was done in 2008. He stated a more recent study would be  
required to apply/qualify for the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP)  
Grant funding. He stated the Route 12 Corridor Study would be helpful in plotting out  
the location of the sidewalks and connectivity. Councilor Saums suggested the 2008  
Route12 Corridor Study could be helpful in preparation for the Gales Ferry Sidewalk  
Linda C. Davis Food Pantry Roof - Mayor Allyn, III, stated the town obtained three quotes  
for Food Pantry Roof. He noted the low quote was substantially lower than the budgeted  
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Dispatch Consoles - Mayor Allyn stated $75,000  
was budgeted to replace the dispatch consoles in the EOC. He stated the project was  
moving along well and that he expected the cost to be about $55,000.  
Mayor Allyn addressed concerns regarding inflation, noting that he was hopeful that some  
other projects may come in under budget as well, which would help balance out the projects  
that come in over budget.  
Skid Mounted Feed Pump Wastewater Treatment Plant - Assistant Finance Director Ian  
Stammel noted Waste Water Supervisor Steve Banks indicated that the $175,000 budget for  
the project would come in $10,000 - $20,000 over the budgeted amount.  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Discussion regarding the authorization of American Rescue Plan Act funding in the amount of  
$190,000 to hire a part-time licensed clinician.  
Councilor Saums noted that Youth Service Coordinator Kate Sikorsky-Maynard was  
continuing to compile information regarding licensed clinicians.  
MOTION to grant a bid waiver to James K. Grant Associates in the amount of $20,000 for the  
Structural and Condition Assessment of the Up-Down Sawmill due to receiving fewer than three  
bids as a result of RFP 2022-14 in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 (rev.1) “An Ordinance  
Regarding Purchasing for the Town of Ledyard”  
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
Discussion: Mr. Vincent Godino, 1906 Center Groton Road, Ledyard, Historic District  
Commission Chairman, explained the Commission applied for and received a $20,000  
Grant to conduct the Structural and Condition Assessment of the Up-Down Sawmill. He  
stated because only two bids were received the Commission was requesting a bid waiver  
to move forward with the Study. He stated James K. Grant Associates was the low bidder  
and was very qualified.  
Councilor Saums stated the Structural Condition Assessment work would include the  
water tank, the penstock, and the foundation. Mr. Godino noted that the areas Councilor  
Saums’ mentioned were of concern, and he explained that the Structural Condition  
Assessment would be comprehensive, noting that other areas of the Up-Down Sawmill  
may also be identified. He stated the Assessment would also prioritize the most  
important repairs and provide rough cost estimates for the repairs. He stated the  
Assessment work would enable the Historic District Commission to develop a plan and  
to seek grant funding to help off-set the costs of the repairs.  
Councilor Ingalls questioned the significant discrepancy between the two bids received,  
noting the low bid was $20,00 and the second bid was $30,000. Mr. Godino stated the  
low bidder James K. Grant Associates has performed many of these types of Structural  
Condition Assessments; and therefore, he believed that because of their experience they  
were able to more accurately bid the work based on the scope of the project. He went on  
to explain the State List only had about eight companies that do this type of work. He  
stated although they sent requests to all of the companies on the State List they only  
received two bids. He stated some companies may not have submitted a proposal because  
they were too far away, noting one was in New York.  
Councilor Ryan asked which Capital Account the Structural Condition Assessment work  
would be paid from, noting the Historic District Commission had two Capital Accounts  
(1) Nathan Lester House; and (2) Sawmill. Mr. Godino stated the Structural Condition  
Assessment work would be paid from the Sawmill Capital Account. Councilor Ryan  
stated after they pay for the Assessment work that the Historic District Commission  
would have $105,000 to pay for the recommended restoration work.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Andra Ingalls  
Tim Ryan  
Saums, Ingalls and Ryan  
MOTION to approve additional appropriations from the receipt of supplemental FEMA  
reimbursement funding for storm Isaias in the total amount of $5,149.69 as follows:  
• $1,000.00 to Fire Marshal Telephone Account #10120301-55330; and  
• $4,149.69 to Public Works Small Truck CNR Account 21040101-57313.  
Moved by Council Ryan, seconded by Councilor Ingalls  
Discussion: Councilor Saums stated the town previously applied for and received FEMA  
Funding for expenses related to Tropical Storm Isaias that occurred on August 4, 2020.  
He went on to state the town has received an additional $5,149 for their expenses related  
to the storm; therefore, this action would appropriate the additional funding to the  
accounts noted in the motion above.  
Councilor Ingalls questioned the reason FEMA increased/adjusted the allocation for  
Storm Isaias. Mayor Allyn, III, explained because the federal funding that was allocated  
for Storm Isaias was underspent they asked municipalities to review their expenses that  
would qualify for reimbursement. He stated Director of Emergency Management Jim  
Mann and Public Works Director Steve Masalin worked together to submitted the  
requested information to FEMA and the town received an additional $5,149.69. He stated  
the information requested was very specific, such as the GPS coordinates of the locations  
and model chain saws that was used to cut wood on the specific roads, etc.  
Councilor Ingalls stated Ledyard was fortunate in that they had really good Department  
Heads, noting that they were willing to do the extra work for the town to receive extra  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Tim Ryan  
Andra Ingalls  
Saums, Ingalls and Ryan  
MOTION to authorize the Mayor to engage professional services to conduct a survey and draft a  
legal description of the .75-acre +/ parcel on Bush Pond in preparation to enter into a 99-year  
lease for $1.00 with Robert and Betsy Graham.  
In addition, appropriate up-to $5,000 from Account # 21090305-58920 (Acquisition of Open  
Space) to pay for the survey, the legal description and other administrative services associated to  
the proposed leasing of the parcel.  
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
Discussion: Mayor Allyn, III, stated Bob and Betsy Graham purchased a piece of land on  
the twenty-three-acre Bush Pond which was parallel to Long Pond. He provided an  
overview of the property as shown in Attachment LHBA-Bush Pond Aerial below and he  
noted the following:  
· Two structures were condemned (south end of map).  
· The third structure was a detached garage.  
· The fourth structure located on the point was the only habitable cottage.  
· The property also included two or three cottages further north on the parcel,  
which were in good condition, and would remain in place.  
Andra Ingalls  
Tim Ryan  
Saums, Ingalls and Ryan  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Saums moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor Ryan.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 5:28 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
William D. Saums  
Committee Chairman  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  
Town. The Final approved Minutes will be on file in the Town Clerk's Office.