741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, CT 06339  
Administration Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Regular Meeting  
Wednesday, January 10, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Town Hall Annex- Hybrid Format  
In -Person: Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
Remote Participation Information is Noted Below:  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 822 0072 902; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry at 5:30 p.m. at the Council  
Chambers Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. She stated for the Town  
Council Administration Committee and members of the Public who were participating  
via video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda  
that was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Kevin Dombrowski  
April Brunelle  
In addition, the following were present:  
S. Naomi RodriguezTown Council Chairman  
Jessica Buhle Town Councilor  
Pamela BallFarmers Market Committee  
Roxanne MaherAdministrative Assistant  
MOTION to approve the following:  
Organizational Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2023  
Regular Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2023  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Dombrowski  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee  
MOTION to appoint Mr. Ethan Foltz (D) 894 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard, to the  
Ledyard Farmers’ Market Committee to complete a three (3) year term ending May 9, 2027;  
filling a vacancy left by Ms. Brunelle.  
Moved by Councilor Dombrowski, seconded by Councilor Brunelle  
Discussion: None.  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Kevin Dombrowski  
April Brunelle  
Garcia-Irizarry, Dombrowski and Brunelle  
MOTION to appoint the following Temporary Members to the Permanent Municipal  
Building Committee (PMBC) to serve as Representatives for Board of Education Projects in  
accordance with Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing A Permanent Municipal  
Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard:  
Ms. Kate DiPalma-Herb (D) 19 Meadow Drive Gales Ferry  
Ms. Jennifer Reguin (D) 6, Mill Cove Road, Gales Ferry  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Dombrowski  
Discussion: Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that Ms. Reguin was a member of the Board  
of Education.  
Chairman Rodriguez explained in accordance with Ordinance #100-015 “An  
Ordinance Establishing A Permanent Municipal Building Committee for the Town of  
Ledyard” (Section 3) stated the following:  
“Temporary Members: For each municipal project, up to two (2)  
temporary members who are a member or representative of the Proposing  
Body shall be appointed by the Town Council.  
For Board of Education projects, at least one temporary member shall be  
a Board of Education member. Temporary members shall have the right  
to vote on the activities of the Permanent Municipal Building Committee  
only with respect to the particular project for which such members were  
Chairman Rodriguez stated the Board of Education has selected and forwarded for  
appointment Ms. Reguin and Ms. DiPalma-Herb to serve as their Representatives.  
She explained because Ms. DiPalma-Herb was a former member of the Board of  
Education and served on the PMBC that the Board of Education has requested that  
she continue to serve on the PMBC because she has been involved and was  
up-to-date on the School Projects.  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
April Brunelle  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Garcia-Irizarry, Dombrowski and Brunelle  
MOTION to recommend the Town Council adopt a draft a “An Ordinance Establishing a  
Farmers Market for the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the draft dated December 22,  
Moved by Councilor Dombrowski, seconded by Councilor Brunelle  
Discussion: Councilor Dombrowski stated at their December 13, 2023 meeting the  
Administration Committee deferred action on the proposed Ordinance (draft dated  
September 27, 2023) to obtain a legal opinion from the Town Attorney regarding the  
following language pertaining to “Friends of the Market”:  
“In addition, the Farmers Market Committee may, by a two-thirds vote of the  
Committee, select and engage “Friends of the Market” who may not be electors of  
the town. “Friends of the Market” may attend and participate in Committee  
meetings, and at the Markets. “Friends of the Market shall not have any voting  
rights or carry any weight or influence the decisions of the Committee.”  
Councilor Dombrowski noted that based on the Attorney Matthew Ritter’s legal  
opinion that was provided in his email dated 12/20/2023, and attached to the Agenda  
packet on the meeting portal, that the language of concern (see above) was removed  
because in accordance with Chapter IV; Section 9 of the Town Charter Members of  
Town Committees/Commissions shall be electors of the Town, explaining that they  
could not have any volunteers who were not electors of the town be any part of the  
Committee either voting or otherwise.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated in reviewing the proposed Ordinance that he had  
concern regarding the following language provided in Section 6. Revenue, Funding,  
and Monetary Gifts:  
“In addition, upon the annual approval of the Farmers Market  
Committee, stipends may be issued to the Market Manager and  
Committee Members. The Committee shall annually determine and  
approve the amount of the stipends.”  
Councilor Dombrowski stated that Chapter VII; Section 13 of the Town Charter  
stated: “No purchase shall be made by any department, board, commission, or officer  
of the Town, other than the Board of Education, except through the Purchasing  
Agent.” Therefore, he stated providing a stipend to the Market Manager and  
Committee Members would need to come through the Purchasing Agent, explaining  
that it could not come from a Board or Committee. He went on to suggest that  
because the proposed Ordinance involved finances that the Finance Committee  
should also review the proposal to determine how it should be handled. He noted that  
he was not opposed to giving a stipend to the Market Manager, however, he stated  
that he did not agree with giving stipends to Committee Members. He stated there  
were no other volunteer Committee Members, including the Town Council that gets  
paid. Therefore, he stated that he did not know the reason the Farmers’ Market  
Committee would be different from any other committee or board in the town.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated the Famers’ Market Committee does collect revenue  
and that the revenue should be accounted for though the accounting practices of the  
Town. Administrative Assistant Roxanne Maher explained that the Farmers’ Market  
Committee’s revenues were deposited into the Farmers Market Fund  
020810201-54201-24201, which was in the custody of the Town Treasurer. She  
noted that this was a “Donation” type of account and that Purchase Orders were  
opened from that account for the payment of invoices for expenses related to the  
operation of the Farmers’ Market, such as trash removal, entertainment, Porta-John  
services, Facebook Host, etc. She noted that Finance Director Matthew Bonin and  
Treasurer Ian Stammel were aware and involved with the management of the  
Farmers’ Market Committee’s revenues.  
Ms. Pamela Ball, 674 Shewville Road, Ledyard, Farmers’ Market Committee  
Treasurer and Chairman Pro-tem, explained that the Market Manager stipend was  
relatively new noting it was implemented about two years ago. She stated the  
Farmers’ Market Committee was self-funded noting that they do not have a town  
budget. Councilor Dombrowski stated that his concern did not have anything to do  
with taking money from the town, he stated that his concern was regarding the proper  
accounting of the revenues. Ms. Ball stated that the Farmers’ Market Committee  
revenue was accounted for noting that it was deposited with the Town Treasurer Ian  
Stammel and that Purchase Orders were opened following the Town’s Procedures to  
pay invoices/expenses. Councilor Dombrowski stated his concern was about how the  
money was accounted for and how it was audited, noting that it could be in violation  
of the Town Charter.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated the proposed “An Ordinance Establishing a Farmers  
Market for the Town of Ledyard” needed to be reviewed by the Finance Committee  
for the following reasons:  
· There was money involved;  
· Committee Members receiving a stipend was completely different from  
any other Town Committee/Commission/Board  
· Setting of Fees - The Town Council should approve Fees as they do for  
other Departments and Boards.  
Chairman Rodriguez stated that she asked Mayor Allyn, III, about the payment of a  
stipend to the Market Manager because she had not heard of any other volunteer  
committee members receiving a stipend. She stated that it seemed to be an  
Agreement between the two. Administrative Assistant Roxanne Maher stated that the  
Farmers’ Market Committee voted to authorize the payment of a stipend to the  
Market Manager along with the dollar amount per Market. She stated a Purchase  
Order was opened and upon the receipt of the Market Manager’s Invoice the stipend  
was then paid.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizary stated that she agreed with Councilor Dombrowski in that  
there were no other Town Committee volunteers who receive a stipend. She stated  
once they start giving a stipend for one Committee that others will also want the  
same. Councilor Dombrowski stated he understood the stipend for the Market  
Manager because they were running the Farmers’ Market each week, but that he did  
not agree with the other committee members receiving a stipend, noting that there  
were other Commissions such as the Parks & Recreation Commission that collect  
fees, and they do not receive stipends.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated when she served on the Conservation Commission  
that they would ask for volunteers from the community to help the Commission  
clean-up the Trails. She noted that the Ledyard Beautification Committee also askes  
for volunteers from the community for projects such as the planting of the daffodil  
bulbs; and other initiatives. Therefore, she questioned the reason the Farmers Market  
Committee cannot do the same type of thing. Councilor Dombrowski explained that  
the members who were making the decisions were all electors of the town, noting  
that the other volunteers who were helping with the planting of bulbs or clearing  
trails were not contributing to the business of the meeting. He stated if there was a  
citizen from the Preston that they could not participate in the business of the meeting,  
but that they could volunteer to help with a project. Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated  
that she thought the Farmers’ Market Committee was looking for volunteers to help  
them set up the Farmers' Market each week. Councilor Dombrowski stated that the  
Friends of the Market” that the Farmers' Market Committee was looking to add  
would be similar to Ex-Officio Members, which would require them to be electors of  
the town per the Town Charter.  
MOTION to Table the proposed “An Ordinance Establishing a Farmers Market for  
the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the draft dated December 22, 2023; and refer  
the draft Ordinance to the Finance Committee for their review.  
Moved by Councilor Dombrowski, seconded by Councilor Brunelle  
3 - 0 Approved to Tabled  
Kevin Dombrowski  
April Brunelle  
Garcia-Irizarry, Dombrowski and Brunelle  
MOTION to recommend the Town Council set a Hybrid (In-Person & Video Conference) Public  
Hearing date on February 28, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. to be held in the Council Chambers, 741 Colonel  
Ledyard Highway, to receive comments and recommendations regarding a proposed “An  
Ordinance Establishing a Farmers Market for the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the draft  
dated December 22, 2023.  
This was No Action .to the Administration Committee due back on 2/14/2024  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 5:46 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Committee Chairman  
Administration Committee  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  