Public Hearing: PZ#24-8SUP & PZ#24-9CAM - 1737 and 1761 Connecticut Route 12
(Parcel IDs: 76-2120-1737 &61-2120-1761), Gales Ferry, CT - Agent, Harry Heller, Esq.,
Heller, Heller & McCoy - Applicant/Owner, Gales Ferry Intermodal, LLC for Special Use
Permit/Site Plan Approval and Coastal Site Plan Review to modify an existing mixed-use
(commercial/industrial) development for the addition of an Excavation Operation, Major.
(Submitted 07/9/24, Date of Receipt 7/11/24, PH must open by 9/13/24, PH set for 9-12-24,
PH must close by 10-16-24, PH Cont. to 9/26/24, PH Cont. to 10/10/24, PH Cont. to
10/24/24, PH Cont. to 11/14/24, PH Cont. to 11/21/24, PH Cont. 12/5/24, 65 Day Ext.
Granted, PH must close by 12/20/24, DRD 65-days from close PH).
Chairman Wood reopened the public hearing at 6:13pm. Staff and the Commission discussed
the proceedings of public comments for the evening.
Chairman Wood called for Brian Sauvageau. Brian Sauvageau, 187 Iron Street, Ledyard,
made the final remarks of his presentation.
Attorney Heller of Heller, Heller & McCoy, 736 Norwich-New London Turnpike,
Uncasville, CT, cross examined Mr. Sauvageau and clarified previous statements made at the
last meeting.
Director Burdick asked Mr. Sauvageau to restate for the record the names of state officials he
had spoken with. Mr. Sauvageau stated that he spoke to Dr. Phillip Armstrong of The
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Entomology in New Haven,
CT. He stated he spoke with the coordinator for the CT DEEP Wetland Habitat and
Mosquito Management (WHAMM), Mr. Roger Wolfe.
Attorney Heller and Mr. Sauvageau discussed which documents Mr. Sauvageau reviewed
related to the application. They discussed subjects related to arsenic and bedrock. Director
Burdick asked Mr. Sauvageau if he would be submitting any of his referenced documents for
the record. Mr. Sauvageau submitted documents for the record and Director Burdick stated
that they would be marked as exhibits #228, #228-1, #228-2, #228-3, #228-4, #228-5,
Chairman Wood called for Michele Kushman. Director Burdick stated that Ms. Kushman
had called out last week from illness and she hadn't heard from her since.
Chairman Wood called for Peter Gardner. Peter Gardner of Dieter & Gardner, 1641 Route
12, Gales Ferry, made his public comment statement to the Commission. He stated his
concerns with the proceeds of the Gales Ferry district intervening on application
PZ#24-8SUP & PZ#24-9CAM.
Chairman Wood called for Susan Axline. Susan Axline, 1742 Route 12, Apt #6B, Gales
Ferry, made her public comment statement in opposition of the application. She submitted