evaluate this project.
Groton Utilities, which operates the Ledyard WPCA Water System, is concerned with the
proposed activities at the Gales Ferry Intermodal site along Route 12. And, due to the
short notice with respect to the review of plans and any accompanying reports, would
ask that additional time be provided for us to fully evaluate potential impact to nearby
water utility infrastructure. On a preliminary basis and at a minimum, we would require
a leak detection survey within a one mile radius of the site to be included within any
pre-blast survey to be conducted. Not knowing the full details of the proposed
excavation, construction methodology and the underlying geologic conditions, this
radius may change or vary based on more specific information.
Note that there is significant infrastructure within the one mile radius, including
residential, commercial and industrial activity. In addition, there is a regional water
supply interconnection passing beneath the Thames River, fully within the one mile
radius. Clearly, this interconnection is a vital link to several communities and must be
protected from any adverse impact. Thus, we request additional data and time to fully
evaluate this project.
Thank you,
Mr. Duarte explained that the reason an email was written to Susan Marquart of Loureiro
Engineering Associates was to allow more time for GU to evaluate the site since the blasting
area runs along the edge of a main water line on Route 12.
Tony Capon said that for site plans and special use permits the applicant is required to get
approval from certain third parties or notify certain third parties of the proposed plan and the
third parties can then send comments to the Commission. The third parties can intervene and
present before the Commission. The WPCA is not one of the entities that needs to give approval.
During the notification process the Water Authority will be contacted if there will be an impact
on the current service lines. In the Baldwin Hill case, there was no impact on the current service
line, which is why Peter Garner did not have to notify GU. Discussion was had as to the best
way to handle the notifications. It was decided that from now on when an applicant needs to
notify the Water Authority the WPCA should be notified and GU copied in the email. Chairman
Lynch will contact Juliet Hodge, Planning Director to make this notification procedure request.
Chairman Lynch suggested creating a budget for putting a compound meter on the Dow
Chemical hydrant line. Ms. Wadecki suggested asking GU for a quote for the meter and seeing if
it can be put in this year's budget or if it will have to wait until next year. Chairman Lynch asked
the size of the line, Mr. Duarte said he believes that it is a 12-inch main. Mr. Juber added that it's
a large line for fire suppression and potential industrial use.
Motion to ADJOURN the Regular Meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Sharon Wadecki
Edmond Lynch