741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339-1551  
(860) 464-3203  
Town Council  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Public Hearing  
Wednesday, December 13, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Town Hall Council Chambers  
In-Person: Council Chambers Town Hall Annex  
Remote: Information noted below:  
Please Join the meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone, or Tablet:  
or by audio only dial: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 858 4824 6250 Passcode: 585406  
Chairman Rodriguez called to order the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. regarding a State of  
Connecticut 2020 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program  
(CDBG) Housing Urban Development/State (HUD) for improvements at the Kings  
Corner Manor Senior Housing, Gales Ferry.  
Chairman Rodriguez welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. She stated for the  
members of the Town Council and the Public who were participating via video  
conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda that  
was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
The following call of the Public Hearing was read by Town Council Administrative  
Assistant Roxanne M. Maher:  
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Ledyard will conduct Hybrid Format  
(In-Person and Video Conference) Public Hearing by the Town Council on Wednesday,  
December 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the Fiscal Year 2020 Community  
Development Block Grant program and to solicit citizen input.  
The purpose of the public hearing is to provide information and obtain citizen’s views on  
the progress of the Grant under the Public Housing Modernization category for the Kings  
Corner Manor Improvements which was funded under the Connecticut Small Cities  
Community Development Block Grant Program which is a federally funded program  
designed to assist governments with activities directed toward neighborhood and housing  
revitalization, economic development, and improved community facilities and services.  
Also, the public hearing will be to give citizens an opportunity to make their comments  
known on the program and for approval of the Program Income Reuse Plan.  
If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may direct written comments to Fred  
Allyn, III at the Town of Ledyard, Office of the Mayor, 741 Colonel Ledyard Hwy,  
Ledyard, CT or you may telephone (860) 623-8122. In addition, information may be  
obtained at the above address between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:45p.m. Monday  
through Thursday.  
The Town of Ledyard promotes fair housing and makes all programs available to low-  
and moderate-income households regardless of race, creed, color, national origin,  
ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, marital status, age, lawful source of income,  
familial status, learning disability or physical/mental disability, or sexual orientation.  
“All are encouraged to attend. The hearing is accessible to the handicapped. Any  
disabled persons requiring special assistance or non-English speaking persons should  
contact Kristen Chapman, ADA Coordinator at 860-464-3222 at least five days prior to  
the hearing.”  
Please join the Public Hearing in-person or remotely as follows:  
In-person attendance will be at the  
Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
741 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard, Connecticut  
Join the video conference meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at:  
or by audio only dial: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 858 4824 6250 Passcode: 585406  
At this hearing interested persons may appear and be heard and written communications wi  
be accepted.  
If you have any questions please contact Land Use Director Juliet Hodge at (860)  
464-3215, as soon as possible.  
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative  
Respectfully submitted,  
Kevin J. Dombrowski  
Town Council Chairman  
Please Publish on the following two Dates:  
1st publication; Monday, November 20, 2023  
2nd publication; Monday, December 4, 2023  
Public Hearing Legal Notice - December 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. regarding status update  
pertaining to the Kings Corner Manor Housing - for the Fiscal Year 2020 Community  
Development Block Grant program.  
Public Hearing Legal Notice - December 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. regarding status update  
pertaining to the Kings Corner Manor Housing - for the Fiscal Year 2020 Community  
Development Block Grant program.  
Mr. Kent Lewis, Jr., Housing Development Team, LLC., stated his firm was hired to  
assist with the administration of the Small Cities Community Development Block  
Grant Program (CDBG). He provided some background stating on March 11, 2020  
the Town Council held a Public Hearing to receive comments and recommendations  
regarding the adoption of a Certified Resolution to apply for the Small Cites Grant  
Program for the Kings Corner Manor, Senior Housing.  
Mr. Lewis stated the original Grant Application was in the amount of $1.5 million.  
However, he stated because the State had some additional funding that they approved  
the Small Cities Program Grant in the amount of $1,608,827, which provided a  
budget that allowed them to accomplish all the improvement work. He stated that  
BRB Builders was selected through a Procurement Process; and that the Contractor  
began the improvement work in March, 2023.  
Mr. Kent explained that the goal of the 2020 State Small Cities Community  
Development Block Grant Application was to improve the Kings Corner Manor,  
which was constructed in the 1980’s. He stated because the facility was an older  
development, the heat was electric baseboard, the original windows and doors were  
not energy efficient, and the tubs were a safety hazard for older and disabled people.  
Mr. Lewis stated the scope of the improvement work was to address health and safety  
issues, energy efficiencies, and improve American Disability Act (ADA) areas where  
they could throughout the process. He stated the improvements included the  
replacement of windows, outside doors, and installation of storm doors with energy  
star rated products and some site work that addressed sidewalks, site lighting, new  
gutters, and other improvements that were within the budget. It also included the  
installation of new heat pump systems for improved and efficient heating and air  
conditioning in each unit, the tubs were removed and replaced with roll-in showers  
and grab bars, the toilets, sinks and flooring materials were replaced removing  
architectural barriers; with the objective to make the housing units easier for the  
residents to live in as well as improve the energy consumption and efficiencies to  
help with tenants energy costs. However, he stated they left the electric baseboard  
heaters in-place should the mini-splits not keep up, explaining that the baseboard  
heaters could be used to keep the tenants warm. He stated all the units received new  
kitchens ( sinks and new appliances) and new bathrooms.  
Mr. Lewis stated this was their second Public Hearing regarding the Kings Corner  
Senior Housing Facility, which was required as part of this CDGB Grant Program.  
He stated the Construction Phase of the renovation/improvement project work at the  
Kings Corner Manor, Senior Housing was nearly 95% complete. He stated they were  
dealing with Punch List Items, final approvals, and inspections. He stated the tenants  
have gone through the process of losing their kitchens for about 1-2 weeks, and that  
everyone was now back in their apartments and that everything was functioning well.  
However, he stated they still had some work to do on the Fire Monitoring System,  
stating that the original wiring system would not work with the new monitoring  
system. He explained with the old monitoring system that if someone called for aide  
they did not know which unit it was. However, he stated with the new system they  
would know which unit was calling for help, noting that it was a much safer system  
for the tenants.  
Mr. Lewis stated the largest change order was the electric, explaining that they had to  
run conduit for the underground wires from the Community Building to every  
building in the housing complex. He stated because they ran into a lot of ledge this  
part of the project took some additional time. He also explained that once the  
Contractor began to remove things they found that that more work was required in  
some area, which also took some additional time. He stated that they hoped the  
Contractor would be done by the end of the December, 2023.  
Mr. Lewis stated this CDBG Grant would not have any program income because the  
Grant was designated for construction. He stated for other CDBG Grants such as the  
Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program they do have program income, explaining that  
because the town would have some money sitting in the bank waiting to be loaned  
out that the town could receive some interest income which would be reprogramed  
back to Rehabilitation Loan Program to be loaned out for other homes.  
Chairman Rodriguez thanked Mr. Lewis for his presentation.  
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Please limit to 3 minutes)  
Ms. Colleen Lauer, 19 Nutmeg Drive, Ledyard, Executive Director of the Kings Corner  
Manor Senior Citizens Housing Facility, stated Kings Corner Manor had thirty  
affordable housing units for the elderly and disabled. She stated when she was hired in  
2019 the property had not had any major upgrades done to the interior since the Housing  
Facility opened in the early 1980’s. She stated the Small Cities Community  
Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) was awarded in December 2020, noting  
that it was during the Covid Pandemic, which impacted the Project. Therefore, she  
stated the improvement work did not actually begin until early 2023. She stated the  
first new heat pump was installed in March, 2023, and the entire Project was  
expected to take twelve months. She stated they had two units on-site along with one  
additional American Disability Act (ADA) accessible unit at a Groton Housing  
Facility for tenants to stay at while the renovation/improvement work was being done  
to their apartment unit. She stated the other renovation/improvement work began in  
July, 2023 and that the last ADA Unit was completed in December 2023. She stated  
the Project did not take the full-year as anticipated, and that it had been  
uncomfortable and difficult at times. However, she stated that receiving the CDBG  
Grant was a blessing, noting that the funding allowed the Housing Authority to  
upgrade all thirty apartment units with new bathrooms, kitchens, exterior doors and  
storm doors, windows, and heat pumps. She stated the Grant Funding also allowed  
for the new sidewalks, and for the siding, fire alarm and call for aide to be updated.  
She thanked the Town Council and the Town for applying for the CDBG Grant to  
facilitate the renovation and upgrades for the tenants living at the Kings Corner  
Manor Senior Citizens Housing Facility, noting that the improvements were greatly  
Mr. Charles Duzy, 4 Harvard Terrace, Gales Ferry, Housing Authority Chairman, stated  
that he has served on the Housing Authority since 2018 and that he has seen several  
changes at the Kings Corner Manor Senior Citizens Housing Facility over the years.  
He stated the thirty apartment units had not been updated since they were built in the  
early 1980’s due to the lack of funding, noting that only necessary fixes were addresses.  
He stated in 2019 the newly hired Executive Director Colleen Lauer began looking for  
options to improve the property. He stated the Small Cities Community Development  
Block Grant Program (CDBG) was the perfect option for the Housing Authority,  
noting that the Grant would provide the money for the much of the  
renovation/improvement work. He stated the Housing Authority would not need to  
take out loans to complete the work and by using the Grant funding they would not  
have to increase the tenant’s rent. He stated after presenting options to the Town  
Council the Town applied for the CDBG Grant in 2020. He thanked the Town  
Council noting that the grant funding allowed the Housing Authority to make  
significant improvements at the Kings Corner Manor Senior Citizens Housing  
Facility. He concluded by thanking Executive Director Colleen Lauer for the enormous  
amount of time and effort that she applied to the successful completion of this Project,  
noting that it would not be where it was without Ms. Lauer’s efforts.  
Ms. Paula Crocker, 1500 Route 12, Gales Ferry, Housing Authority Member, stated prior  
to her Mother passing away eleven years ago, that she lived at the Kings Corner Manor  
Senior Citizens Housing Facility for seventeen years. She stated the apartment units  
needed to be upgraded when her Mother lived there, but it took another ten years to  
get the money to do the renovation/improvement work. She stated that her Mother’s  
unit had the kitchen redone, but that it was only because someone had driven their car  
into her apartment. She stated these renovations were much needed and have given  
the tenants a practically new place to live, noting that they look wonderful both inside  
and outside. She thanked Executive Director Colleen Lauer, and the Town Council.  
She stated if the renovation work did not happen that she did not think that the Kings  
Corner Manor Senior Citizens Housing Facility would still be there for our senior  
citizens ten years from now.  
Mr. Tony Saccone, 29 Richard Road, Gales Ferry, Town Councilor, stated that he  
worked at the Kings Corner Manor Senior Citizens Housing Facility for nine years as  
the Maintenance Mechanic, and he noted that the renovation/improvements to the  
apartment units were much-needed. He stated as the Maintenance Mechanic that he  
had to take the air conditioning units out of the thirty-units every Autum and put  
them back in the walls every Spring. He also stated that he had to open the windows  
because they were so damaged that the elderly tenants could not open their windows  
themselves. He stated because the Facility was not ADA compliant that over the nine  
years he had to somehow make it complaint. He stated with the  
renovation/improvement work that Unit #7 was now totally ADA Compliant and the  
tenant could get in and out of their apartment, noting that the work done has been a  
total transformation. He rhetorically questioned where else could tenants get new  
kitchens and new bathrooms for free. He stated as the Gales Ferry Fire Chief that  
when they responded to an emergency call at the Kings Corner Manor the alarm did  
not tell them who, what, or where the help was needed, explaining that the First  
Responders would have to go through five buildings-thirty apartments to find out  
who needed help. He stated with the new Fire Alarm System the Emergency First  
Responders would now know the exact location the call for aid was coming from. He  
stated Executive Director Colleen Laurer and the Housing Authority had done an  
amazing job; and he thanked them for their efforts.  
Mr. Gary Paul, 48 Avery Hill Road Extension, Ledyard, Town Councilor, thanked  
Executive Director Colleen Lauer for the amazing job she has done for Kings Corner  
Manor Senior Citizens Housing Facility and for overseeing the  
Renovation/Improvement Project. He also thanked the Housing Authority for getting  
the Project done. He stated it was a blessing to the tenants to receive the CDBG  
Chairman Rodriguez stated hearing no further public comment, that the Public Hearing  
was adjourned at 6:42 p.m.  
Transcribed by Roxanne M. Maher  
Administrative Assistant to the Town Council  
I, S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman of the Ledyard Town Council,  
hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct  
copy of the minutes of the Public Hearing held on December 13, 2023.  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Chairman  
Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the Town.  
The Town Council's Official Agenda and final Minutes will be on file in the Town Clerk's  