741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, CT 06339  
Administration Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman Kevin J.  
Special Meeting  
Wednesday, June 28, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Town Hall Annex- Hybrid Format  
In -Person: Council Chambers - Town Hall Annex Building  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 825 5584 4558; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Ingalls at 6:00 p.m.  
at the Council Chambers Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Ingalls welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. She stated for the Town Council  
Administration Committee and members of the Public who were participating via video  
conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda that was  
posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Councilor Andra Ingalls  
Councilor Mary K. McGrattan  
Councilor Whit Irwin  
In addition, the following were present:  
Kevin Dombrowski, Town Council Chairman  
S. Naomi Rodriguez, Town Councilor  
Roxanne Maher, Administrative Assistant  
MOTION to approve the Administration Committee Regular Meeting Minutes of June 14,  
Moved by Councilor McGrattan, seconded by Councilor Irwin  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Mary K. McGrattan  
Whit Irwin  
MOTION to disband the following Town Commissions:  
Parks and Recreation Commission  
Senior Citizens Commission  
Moved by Councilor Irwin, seconded by Councilor McGrattan  
Discussion: Councilor Ingalls provided a brief overview noting with the Town  
Council’s April 26, 2023 adoption of Ordinance #001-016 (rev. 1) “An Ordinance  
Combining Parks And Recreation Commission and Senior Citizens Commission for  
the Town of Ledyard” the two separate Commissions would no longer exist. She  
stated disbanding the two former Commissions to make way for the appointment of  
members to the newly combined Commission was a administrative-procedural  
It was noted that the Administration Committee provided recommendations  
regarding the appointment of members to new combined Parks, Recreation, and  
Senior Citizens Committee (Ordinance #100-016 (rev. 1) at their June 14, 2023  
meeting; and that the Town Council would be acting on their appointment  
recommendations at their meeting later this evening.  
VOTE: 3- 0 Approved and so declared  
Whit Irwin  
Mary K. McGrattan  
Ingalls, McGrattan and Irwin  
MOTION to revise Resolution #002-2023/Mar 23 “Resolution Establishing A Committee To  
Transform Review The Budget Process” as presented in the draft dated June 27, 2023.  
DRAFT 6/26/2023  
Res: 002-2023/Mar 22  
(Rev. 1 -6/28/2023)  
WHEREAS: The Town Council recognizes the burden that the State’s level funding has  
imposed on municipal budgets and its taxpayers by not keeping up with the rate of  
inflationary costs and by imposing unfunded mandates on cities and towns.  
WHEREAS: The Town Council recognizes the need to examine alternative budgeting  
methods such as a Zero Based Budget Practice for the implementation of the Fiscal Year  
2024/2025 Budget preparation.  
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That there is hereby established a Committee  
to Transform Review the Budget Process to be comprised of nine (9) regular members.  
All members shall be appointed by the Town Council with the following representation:  
Town Council Finance Committee Chairman  
Town Council Chairman  
One additional Member of the Town Council  
Two Members from the Board of Education  
Four Members from the Community-at-Large  
In addition, the Mayor and Superintendent of Schools or their designee serve as  
ex-officio members.  
Regular members shall be appointed by the Town Council for a term of four-months.  
Members shall commence to serve their terms immediately upon appointment and shall  
serve until their successor has qualified or are removed by the Town Council.  
Any vacancy on the Committee, other than by expiration of term, shall be filled for  
the unexpired portion of the term by the Town Council with priority given to  
maintain the structure above.  
The Town Council may remove members for cause and fill the vacancy per Chapter IV,  
Section 6 of the Town Charter. Cause for removal shall include, but is not limited to,  
unexcused absence from three (3) consecutive regular meetings and any intervening duly  
called special meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Committee  
to notify the Town Council when a member has not properly performed his duties.  
The regular members of the Committee to Transform Review the Budget Process shall  
elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. Any vacancy in any such office shall  
be filled by from its regular membership.  
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Committee to Transform Review the Budget  
Process shall be authorized to:  
a) To review the Budget Transform Committee Final Report dated October 16, 2016 along  
with the goals and objectives that have been implemented to-date.  
b) To review, research, and determine the following:  
(1) The services the Town and Board of Education provides to its residents.  
Whether the services/programs are mandatory relative to the role of local  
(2) How effectively the Town and Board of Education provides its services/programs to  
its residents.  
(3) The funding sources(s) that pay for services/programs the community provides to its  
(4) Review all contracted services.  
c) To review all department operations, all municipal and school buildings and grounds, the  
purchase of commodities, and the utilization of staffing/cross training in order to  
promote municipal consolidation efforts and provide recommendations;  
d) To provide guidance and recommendations relative to the negotiation and execution of  
contracts related to municipal consolidation of departments, services and/or shared  
services to meet the General Government and Board of Education’s operational and  
mandated requirements;  
e) To recommend a budget process, format and outline for the General Government and  
Board of Education to consider for implementation with the development of the Fiscal  
Year 2024/2025 Budget that would include detail data such as:  
(1) Projected line item cost estimates for Fiscal Year 2024/2025;  
(2) Capital Improvement Plan/Initiatives/Funding Sources;  
(3) Trends in salaries, maintenance and operational costs;  
(4) Demonstrated efforts for efficiencies and reductions;  
(5) Plans to address the increase in student population/enrollment and space needs  
(6) Recommendations to address anticipated loss of Municipal Aid Revenues due to the  
State’s finance crisis and projected budget deficits.  
(7) Ways to address current and anticipated future State mandates.  
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That within thirty (30) days of the appointment of this  
Committee that an Organization Meeting of said Committee shall be held at which  
members shall choose a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and a Secretary;  
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That said Committee shall submit recommendations to  
the Town Council, Mayor and Board of Education no later than October 27, 2023 for  
consideration for the fiscal year budget preparation.  
Revised and Adopted by the Ledyard Town Council on: _____________  
Kevin J. Dombrowski, Chairman  
History: Resolution Establishing a Committee To Transform The Budget Process;  
Adopted June 8, 2016; Final Report submitted: October 16, 2016; Adopted: March 23,  
June 28, 2023: Revised title of Committee to more accurately reflect the Committee’s  
assignment as follows: “ Committee to Transform Review the Budget Process”  
Updated the 2016 Resolution “Committee to Transform the Budget Process” to include  
the following language: The Town Council recognizes the burden that the State’s level  
funding has imposed on municipal budgets and its taxpayers by not keeping up with the  
rate of inflationary costs and by imposing unfunded mandates on cities and town.  
The 2023 Committee’s assignment includes a review of the October 16, 2016 Final  
Report and other assignments outlined in the Resolution above.  
Moved by Councilor McGrattan, seconded by Councilor Iwin  
Discussion: Councilor Ingalls stated that she proposed this simple word change to  
the title of the Committee to more clearly reflect the work of this short-term  
(4-month) assignment. She noted they would be changing the word “Transform” to  
Review” explaining that she did not want people to think that they were overhauling  
the full budget process as outlined in the Town Charter. She stated the Committee  
was being asked to review the budget process, to look for budget efficiencies, and to  
perhaps suggest ways to do some things differently. She stated the work itself was  
clearly outlined in the Resolution. She stated other than the change to the title of the  
Committee that there were no other changes to the Resolution.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Mary K. McGrattan  
Whit Irwin  
Ingalls, McGrattan and Irwin  
MOTION to appoint members to the Committee to Review the Budget Process in  
accordance with the structure provided in Resolution #002-2023/Mar 23 “Resolution  
Establishing A Committee To Review The Budget Process”  
Town Council  
ü Mr. Kevin Dombrowski (R) Town Council Chairman, 139 Meetinghouse Lane, Ledyard  
ü Mr. Bill Saums (D) Finance Cmt Chairman, 333 Pumpkin Hill Road, Ledyard  
ü Mr. Tim Ryan (R) Town Council, 62 Inchcliffe Drive, Gales Ferry  
Board of Education 2 Members  
ü Mr. Mike Brawner, (R) 37 Overlook Road, Gales Ferry  
ü Ms. Joanne M. Kelley (D) 12 Thames View Pentway  
Community at Large (4 Members)  
ü Mr. Terry Jones (R) 27 Monticello Drive, Gales Ferry  
ü Ms. Beth Ribe (U) 129 Rose Hill Road, Ledyard  
ü Mr. Earl (Ty) Lamb (D) 95 Lambtown Road, Ledyard  
ü Ms. Minna DeGaetano (D) 10 Marla Avenue, Ledyard  
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor McGrattan  
Discussion: Councilor Ingalls explained that the structure provided in the Resolution  
#002-2023/Mar 23 (Rev.1) “Resolution Establishing A Committee To Review The  
Budget Process” was specific in the make-up of this short-term (4-month) assignment.  
She noted the structure was as follows:  
Town Council Finance Committee Chairman  
Town Council Chairman  
One additional Member of the Town Council  
Two Members from the Board of Education  
Four Members from the Community-at-Large  
Councilor Ingalls went on to note that although the Committee called for two  
representatives from the Board of Education that the following three names were  
submitted for consideration:  
Mr. Mike Brawner (R) 37 Overlook Road, Gales Ferry (BOE Finance Committee  
Brandon Graber (R) 42 Church Hill Road, Ledyard  
Ms. Joanne M. Kelley (D) 12 Thames View Pentway  
Councilor Ingalls stated because Mike Brawner was serving as the Board of Education’s  
Finance Committee Chairman that she would recommend that Mr. Brawner be selected  
to serve on this Committee. She also explained to comply with the minority  
representation requirements, in accordance with CGS 167a, that she recommended Ms.  
Kelley be selected to serve as the second Board of Education Representative. Therefore,  
she stated the Administration Committee would not be forwarding Mr. Graber’s name to  
the Town Council for appointment later this evening. However, she wanted people to  
know that all of the town’s committee meetings were open to the public and that she  
would encourage Mr. Graber and the public to attend and participate.  
Councilor Ingalls went on to address the representatives for the Community-at-Large  
noting that the following five nominations/recommendations were received to fill four  
seats on the Committee:  
R - Terry Jones - 27 Monticello Drive, Gales Ferry (served on the Budget Committee  
in the past and was currently on WPCA)  
U - Beth Ribe - 129 Rose Hill Road, Ledyard (currently on IWWC)  
D - Jessica Buhle - 65 Pheasant Run Drive, Gales Ferry ( currently on Conservation,  
EDC, & P&R)  
D - Earl (Ty) Lamb - 95 Lambtown Road, Ledyard ( currently on Historic Comm)  
D - Minna DeGaetano - 10 Marla Avenue, Ledyard  
Councilor Ingalls she stated to comply with the Committee’s structure that only four  
members from the Community-at-Large could be selected/appointed. She noted that the  
Administration Committee would be forwarding Mr. Jones, Ms. Lamb, and Ms.  
DeGaetano to the Town Council for appointment later this evening.  
Councilor Ingalls continued by stating that she recognized that Ms. Buhle was certainly  
qualified to serve on the Committee, but that only four individuals could be selected. She  
encouraged Ms. Buhle to attend and participate in the meetings, again noting that all of  
the town’s committee meetings were open to the public.  
Councilor McGrattan questioned when the Committee to Review the Budget Process  
would begin their work. Chairman Dombrowski stated he would sign the appointment  
letters after the Town Council acted on the appointments at their meeting later this  
evening. He stated the Committee Members would then be contacted to schedule their  
Organizational Meeting. At their Organizational Meeting the Committee would select a  
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Recording Secretary. In addition, the Committee would  
decide on their meeting schedule and would begin their work thereafter. Per the  
Resolution the Committee’s Final Report was due to the Town Council by October 27,  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Andra Ingalls  
Mary K. McGrattan  
Ingalls, McGrattan and Irwin  
Councilor Ingalls moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor Irwin  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Andra Ingalls  
Committee Chairman  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  