Esq.,Heller, Heller & McCoy - Applicant/Owner, Gales Ferry, Intermodal, LLC for a Special
Use Permit (SUP) and Coastal Area Management Review to modify an existing SUP/Coastal
Site Plan for Mixed-Use (Commerical/Industrial) Development for addition of Excavation
Operation, Major. (Submitted 07/9/24, Date of Receipt 7/11/24, PH set for 9-12-24, PH must
close by 10-16-24, DRD 65-days from close PH).
Chairman Capon reopened the public hearing.
Attorney Harry Heller of Heller, Heller & McCoy, 736 Rte. 32, Uncasville, CT, representing
Gales Ferry Intermodal, LLC introduced the structure of the presentation as well as the
various presenters. He discussed the CT Plan of Conversation and gave documents to
Director Burdick. Director Burdick marked them as exhibit #85.
Attorney Heller referenced the resubmission of the revised civil plan set to the Ledyard Land
Use Department which have been marked as exhibits #91, #91-1, #91-2, #91-3, #91-4.
David George of Heritage Consultants, Cultural Resources Coordinator, gave his
presentation and spoke about the process of his site investigation and his findings. He spoke
about the ongoing communication between his department and the applicant to preserve
historic artifacts and land.
Commissioner Cobb asked if the Archeological team had found any Native American
artifacts on site. David George mentioned two minor findings that they believe could be
related to Native American Heritage.
Commission Cobb asked if anyone had reached out to the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal
Nation regarding historical significance of the site. David George stated that a staff
archeologist had reached out to the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer who did not express
concern over the project.
Attorney Wilson Caroll of Cohen & Wolf, 11 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT, clarified what
actions the applicant has taken to preserve the historical archelogy of the property.
Attorney Harry Heller of Heller, Heller & McCoy, 736 Rte. 32, Uncasville, CT, commented
that the applicant has drafted and circulated to both Archeological Preservation and the CT
State Historic Preservation Office donation agreements for archeological and historical
George Andrews, Principal Engineer of Loureiro Engineering Associates, representing Gales
Ferry Intermodal, introduced his presentation. He spoke about the process of proposed site
operations and site preparation, soil erosion and sediment controls and grading and
stormwater management.