Future Projects Discussion.
Valentine's Day mugs - Vice Chairperson Hawes brought in sample mugs to show the
Committee what she received for donations for the teacup project. Ms. Schneider spoke with
McKenna's Flower Shop in Norwich and they will be donating baby's breath and greenery.
Chairperson Kohrs will give recognition on Facebook to McKennas. Vice Chairperson Hawes
said there is 16 volunteers signed up to assist with the assembly. Chairperson Kohrs asked how
many mugs there are, it was answered 34. The Senior Center is reserved from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. The event will start at noon.
Junior LBC Club - Chairperson Kohrs said the first Junior meeting was held on January 30.
There was approximately ten attendees. The attendees were enthusiastic and had many ideas.
Chairperson Kohrs said they tried to focus on Earth Day. There will be two collection bins for
recyclable donations which was approved by the Principal. The Club decided to hold a clean up
event at the School on Earth Day, directly after school. Any garbage collected during the clean
up will be brought to the dumpster during the Earth Day event. Chairperson Kohrs is working
with some of the teachers to arrange a google classroom communication line with the Junior
Club members.
Earth Day - Chairperson Kohrs said that she wants to get the word out on collecting recyclables.
There should be an emphasis on "clean" items, no food residue for example. April 4, is the first
event night during the Parks and Recreation "Parents Night Out". Chairperson Kohrs would like
to collect interesting items not just bottles and cardboard for example broken chairs or tables,
even a lobster trap. Ms. Eastbourne has been in touch with SCRRRA to get pickers and vests.
She asked Committee members to reach out to vendors and local groups that could be
incorporated into the event.
Councilor Carmen Garcia-Irizarry mentioned that the Town of Stonington has a program that
collects plastic and plastic bags, once a certain weight is collected a bench is given to the Town.
Chairperson Kohrs said she will look into that program. Ms. Christiansen said as part of the Rotary
Club she looked into the program and said that the amount of plastic bags needed to be collected to
get the bench was overwhelming. Councilor Carmen Garcia-Irizarry said as a Town wide initiative it
may be manageable. The Committee will research the program.
The Mural project at Juliet Long School - the Junior LBC Club was enthusiastic about this idea.
Sponsers - On the to do list. The goal is to have a sponsor for each area by the start of spring.
Town sign near Mount Decatur - When this takes place Chairman Kohrs would like before and
after pictures of the sign taken.
Any Other Old Business to Come before the Committee.
Any Other New Business to Come before the Committee.