741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, CT 06339  
Administration Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Regular Meeting  
Wednesday, May 8, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Town Hall Annex- Hybrid Format  
In -Person: Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
Remote Participation Information is noted Below:  
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Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 861 5645 1320; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry at 5:30 p.m. at the Council  
Chambers Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. She stated for the Town  
Council Administration Committee and members of the Public who were participating  
via video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda  
that was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Kevin Dombrowski  
April Brunelle  
In addition, the following were present:  
S. Naomi Rodriguez Town Council Chairman  
Gary St. Vil Town Councilor  
Fred Allyn, IIMI ayor  
Earl Lamb Board of Education Member  
Gary Schneider Permanent Municipal Building Cmt Chairman  
Kate DiPalma-Herb Permanent Municipal Building Cmt  
Ann Roberts-Pierson Resident  
Carol Schneider Resident  
David HarnedResident  
Ryan Allen Resident  
Roxanne Maher Administrative Assistant  
Ms. Ann Roberts-Pierson, 4 Anderson Drive, Gales Ferry, thanked the members of  
the Administration Committee for their service to the Town. She stated the reason for  
attending tonight’s Administration Committee’s meeting was because the Town  
Council was not meeting this evening and she wanted to address the firing of Director  
of Planning Juliet Hodge on April 25, 2024. She stated on May 2, 2024 she filed an  
FOIA Request to the town to obtain a copy noting that she did not see anything in the  
letter for cause. She asked the following questions:  
· Whether the Mayor consulted with the Town Council or the Planning & Zoning  
Commission prior to the firing.  
· Whether the Mayor acquired any legal advice prior to the firing.  
Ms. Roberts-Pierson stated the LUPPW Committee stated that the Mayor had not  
consulted with them. She went on to state that it was unknown whether the Mayor  
had contacted the Planning & Zoning Commission prior to the firing of Ms. Hodge.  
She stated the LUPPW Committee also did not know whether the Mayor acquired  
any legal advice prior to the firing of Ms. Hodge. She stated that the LUPPW  
Committee explained that the Town Council’s job did not include the hiring or firing  
of the Planner or anyone else in Town Hall.  
Ms. Roberts-Pierson continued by stating the workload for the Planning & Zoning  
Commission was large and quite burdensome, noting the Commission’s May 9, 2024  
Agnenda, noting that they had two Public Hearings scheduled as well as the recently  
submitted Quarry Application.  
Ms. Roberts-Pierson stated the town fired a Planner who was knowledgeable about  
the Zoning Regulations and was interested in upholding those Regulations, and was  
up-to-speed about their Regulations. She stated with Land Use Assistant Makenna  
Perry moving to another town Department that the Land Use Department was already  
under staffed; and with letting the Planning Director go abruptly, with no reason  
seemed ludicrous. She stated Ledyard needed a Planner in-place working full-time  
on what was probably the most complex Application the Town has ever received, that  
being the proposed Quarry Application in Gales Ferry.  
Ms. Roberts-Pierson continued by stating in speaking with Ms. Hodge since the  
beginning of the year that it was her understanding that there were some big  
Applications coming along and that the Planning & Zoning Commission was going  
to be very busy in the upcoming summer months. Ms. Roberts-Pierson stated that the  
Town needed to have a Planner who was up-to-speed with the Zoning Regulations.  
She stated the town needed a full-time Planning and a fully staffed Department to  
work on what was probably the most complex applications the town has ever  
received, that being the proposed Quarry Application in Gales Ferry. She stated the  
Exhibit Record for the first Public Hearing on the Quarry Application that was  
withdrawn was extensive. She went on to state the recently submitted Re-Application  
was even larger. She stated Juliet Hodge worked to uphold Ledyard’s Zoning  
Regulations for all of us, commenting that the timing to fire this person from this  
position was inappropriate. She recommended the following be done for the greater  
good of the entire Town of Ledyard:  
(1) Rehire Juliet Hodge immediately.  
(2) An investigation into the why Ms. Hodge let go in the first place, needed to be  
taken up by the Town Council immediately.  
(3) A Moratorium on all Land Use Application should be put into place until the  
Land Use Office was fully staffed and up-to-speed.  
Ms. Roberts-Pierson stated that the Town Council was part of the checks and  
balances of keeping a leader of the town such as the Mayor in balance, and that it was  
also the role of the citizenry to apply checks and balances. She stated the abrupt firing  
of the Town Planner put all of their employees at a disadvantage. She asked that the  
Town Council take up her suggestions.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry thanked Ms. Roberts-Pierson for her comments.  
Mr. Earl (Ty) Lamb, 95 Lambtown Road, Ledyard, Board of Education Member,  
stated that he supported the proposed amendments to Ordinance #100-015 An  
Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal Building Committee for the Town of  
Ledyard that the Administration Committee would be discussing later this evening.  
He stated based on the delays, costs, and planning issues he felt that Ordinance  
#100-015 needed to be looked at to improve the system and process. He noted that he  
has heard that they were going to miss another season in getting the Board of  
Education Facilities Projects which included the Roof Replacement Projects, HVAC  
System and Solar Array’s done this year. He questioned if this was the case, whether  
the costs would be impacted once again.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry thanked Mr. Lamb for his comments.  
MOTION to approve the Administration Committee’s Regular Meeting Minutes of March  
13, 2024.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
2 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee  
MOTION to appoint Mr. Peter Diette (U) 15 Hyde Park Drive, Gales Ferry to the Library  
Commission to complete a two (2) year term ending November 7, 2024 filling a vacancy left  
by Ms. Gantz.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
Discussion: Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated that the Town Council received four  
applications to fill one vacancy on the Commission. She stated that all of the  
candidates offered an extensive educational background and experience. She  
continued by noting that she personally knew Mr. Diette and that she believed he  
would be a good addition to the Library Commission.  
Councilor Brunelle stated that she also knew Mr. Diette and agreed that he would be  
a good addition to the Library Commission.  
The Committee agreed to vote on each of the Candidates as follows:  
· Mr. Peter Diette (U) 15 Hyde Park Drive, Gales Ferry  
VOTE:2 - 0 Approved and so declared  
MOTION to appoint Ms. Cynthia Wright (D) 6 Laurel Leaf Drive, Gales Ferry to the Library  
Commission to complete a two (2) year term ending November 7, 2024 filling a vacancy left  
by Ms. Gantz.  
Ms. Cynthia Wright (D) 6 Laurel Leaf Drive, Gales Ferry  
VOTE:0 - 2 Failed  
Garcia-Irizarry and Brunelle  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that the Administration Committee would forward Mr.  
Diette to the Town Council for appointment to the Library Commission.  
MOTION to appoint Ms. Beth Ribe (U) 129 Rose Hill Road, Ledyard to the Planning & Zoning  
Commission as an alternate member, to complete a three (3) year term ending December 31,  
2026 filling a vacancy left by Ms. Cobb.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
Discussion: None.  
2 - 0 Approved and so declared  
April Brunelle  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Garcia-Irizarry and Brunelle  
MOTION to appoint Ms. Lauren Hawes (U) 8 Warbler Way, Gales Ferry, to the Ledyard  
Beautification Committee, to complete a three (3) year term ending October 26, 2026 filling a  
vacancy left by Ms. Vincent.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
Discussion: None.  
2 - 0 Approved and so declared  
April Brunelle  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Garcia-Irizarry and Brunelle  
MOTION to make the following appointment adjustments to the Cemetery Committee:  
Appoint Ms. Martha Reynolds (R) 1684 Center Groton Road, as a Regular Member, to  
complete a three (3) year term ending April 26, 2026 filling a vacancy left by Ms. Sheila Godino.  
Appoint Mr. Vincent Godino (D) 1906 Center Groton Road, Ledyard, as an Alternate  
Member, to complete a three (3) year term ending April 26, 2025 filling a vacancy left by Ms.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
Discussion: Background: Mr. Godino and Ms. Reynolds have both been serving on the  
Cemetery Committee for a number of years. Based on Mr. Godino’s request that he be  
moved to an Alternative Member status, in an email dated April 23, 2024 Committee  
Chairman William Bidal, III, requested that these two members be switched; making Mr.  
Godino an Alternate Member and Ms. Reynolds a Regular Member.  
2 - 0 Approved and so declared  
MOTION to appoint Ms. Kristie Gardiner-Lundgren (U) 70 Iron Street, Ledyard, to the  
Cemetery Committee, as a regular member, to complete a three (3) year term ending April 26,  
2026 filling a vacancy left by Mr. Godino.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Dombrowski  
Discussion: Background: Ms. Kristie Gardiner-Lundgren enjoys working to maintain  
abandoned cemeteries. Her family has been an active participant in the Adopt a Cemetery  
Program through the Cemetery Committee. She has also been attending the Cemetery  
Committee Meetings noting that she was interested in volunteering more time and to take  
on more responsibility in caring for the town's cemeteries. With Mrs. Shelia Godino’s  
February 13, 2024 resignation, the Cemetery Committee endorsed the appointment of  
Ms. Gardiner-Lundgren to fill the vacancy.  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
April Brunelle  
Kevin Dombrowski  
MOTION to appoint Ms. Lauren Hawes (U) 8 Warbler Way, Gales Ferry, to the Parks,  
Recreation & Senior Citizens Commission, as an Alternate Member, to complete a three (3)  
year term ending June 28, 2027 filling a vacancy left by Mr. Gallagher.  
Moved by Councilor Brunelle, seconded by Councilor Garcia-Irizarry  
Discussion: Background: Ms. Hawes has been an active member of the community serving  
as a member of the Ledyard Soccer Club and she been involved with coaching Youth  
Athletic Programs in town. She has Certifications in a number of areas with included  
Personal Trainer Corrective Exercise Specialist, Youth Exercise Specialist, Coaching Kids  
Certifications, and was employed as a Service Trainer US Navey’s MWR Fitness  
Department at the New London Subbase.  
In a recent request for reappointment endorsements the Parks, Recreation, & Senior Citizens  
Commission noted that Mr. Gallagher was not interested in continuing to serve.  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
April Brunelle  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Garcia-Irizarry, Dombrowski and Brunelle  
Discussion and possible action to amend Ordinance #100-015 “An Ordinance Establishing a  
Permanent Municipal Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard” as presented in the draft  
dated April 29, 2024.  
Mayor Allyn, III, explained this originated with construction of the Police Headquarters  
Facility which cost about $7 million; and continued with the School(s)  
Consolidation/Improvement Projects (Middle School & Gallup Hill School) cost about  
$60 - $65 million. He stated that these were tremendous projects for the Town of  
Ledyard noting that they ask a lot of the volunteers who serve on the Permanent  
Municipal Building Committee to manage these massive projects. Therefore, he stated  
the thought was to break it up into two project classifications, as follows: (1) Under  
$500,000; and (2) Over $500,000. He explained for projects that were over $500,000 that  
a either a Consultant Engineer or a Project Manager to oversee the process, in  
conjunction with the Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC).  
Mayor Allyn went on to note in speaking to the School Superintendent Mr. Hartling that  
he recommended “Projects eligible for State Funding through the Board of Education  
shall have a Building Committee of no less than three-persons appointed by the Board”.  
Mayor Allyn noted that currently Ordinance #100-015 called for five Regular Members  
and for each Project they could have two temporary representative members serve on the  
PMB. He stated for the language also stated for Board of Education Projects that at least  
one of the two temporary members for School Projects was required to be a Board of  
Education Member. Therefore, he stated that Mr. Harting was looking to have three  
Board of Education Members.  
Mayor Allyn went on to explain because some of the projects were substantial that they  
needed people to review the actives on a daily basis. He noted as an example for the  
Multi-Use Pathway and Sewer Line Extension Projects going from Ledyard Center to the  
High School, that they have people on the job every day witnessing the burial and  
bedding of the pipe and the blasting as needed. He stated that this was a critical  
component for the Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC) explaining that  
the people on the job could bring the information to the PMBC would be helpful. He  
stated that the same would be true for the School Roof Projects, noting that a lot of  
progress could happen. He stated that they could not expect a volunteer member of the  
PMBC to know about methods were used for torched down roofing opposed to a tar and  
gravel roof, etc.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated that he agreed with the proposal to break the projects out  
into two classifications and to hire Consultant Engineer or a Project Manager to oversee  
the process, in conjunction with the Permanent Municipal Building Committee (PMBC)  
for the reasons the Mayor presented; and because they often run up against deadlines for  
Grant Applications; or do not receive the required number of bids, etc.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated although he was not opposed to having three Board of  
Education Members serve on the Permanent Municipal Building Committee; he was  
interested in why the number was three. Therefore, he questioned whether it was a State  
Statute or other requirement related to receiving State Grant Funding; or was it just  
because the Superintendent wanted three Board of Education Members on the Permanent  
Municipal Building Committee. Mayor Allyn explained that he did not believe it was a  
State Statue requirement, however, he stated that he would follow-up with School  
Superintendent Mr. Hartling to obtain more clarification.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated the current language stated the following:  
“For Board of Education projects, at least one of their two temporary  
members shall be a Board of Education member. Board of Education  
Temporary Members shall be appointed by the Town Council. “  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted that because the language stated “at least one” that they  
could have more than one Board of Education Member. Councilor Dombrowski stated if  
it was a State requirement that they have three Board of Education Members serving on  
the PMBC then they would need to update Ordinance #100-015 to call for three Board of  
Education Members.  
**POST MEETING NOTE: 5/20/2024** Mayor Allyn, III, provided clarification, noting that  
School Superintendent Mr. Hartling was referring to a separate Building Committee  
appointed by the Board of Education.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry noted throughout Ordinance #100-015 the approvals were  
required by the Town Council except for in the following paragraph and she questioned  
the reason it was the Mayor and not the Town Council:  
“Where external funding sources are used to fund the project, such  
requirements of the funding authority shall apply to the selection process as  
well. Where conflicts occur between this ordinance and the funding  
authority’s requirements, the most stringent requirement(s) shall be  
applicable as determined by Mayor or their designee.”  
Mayor Allyn explained for Grant Funding that he was required to be the signer, and that  
some require the School Superintendent be the signer and for some that both he and  
Superintendent Hartling were required to sign.  
Mr. Gary Schneider, 101 Inchcliffe Drive, Gales Ferry, Permanent Municipal Building  
Committee Chairman, stated that he only had a short time to review the proposed  
amendments to Ordinance #100-015 An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent  
Municipal Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard” and that he wanted to provide  
some general comments as follows:  
· Large Projects - Mr. Schneider stated that he agreed with the Mayor regarding the  
large projects, noting that they need either a Consulting Engineer or a Project  
Manager under the guidance of town government, or in this case the Permanent  
Municipal Building Committee. He stated this was a must noting that the projects  
were too critical, and time driven.  
· School Roof Projects - Mr. Schneider stated for the School Roof Projects the PMBC  
hired STV who was helping them with the bid documents, noting that the three  
Roofing Projects would be done during the 2024 summer break. He stated that there  
may be some Punch List Items that would go into the fall, noting that they would all  
be done within the Regulations of working with school children and working  
· HVAC Design - Mr. Schneider stated that STV was also helping the PMBC with the  
HVAC Design which would be done in 2025. He stated that he does not believe that  
Ledyard has received notification that their Grant Application has been approved yet.  
· Proposed Ordinance Amendments:  
ü Project Classifications: Mr. Schneider stated whether the project classification  
threshold was: (1) Under $500,000; (2) Over $500,000; (3) $250,000; or (4)  
$750,000 that he did not have an opinion. He stated in some instances that they  
may be purchasing two Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumps that would cost over  
that amount; rhetorically questioning whether they would need a Project Manager  
Engineer for that, stating probably not. However, he stated the $500,000 limit was  
probably good for most of their building projects.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry suggested for projects such as the purchase two  
Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumps that language be added to provide for a  
ü Document - Mr. Schneider stated there were some editorials corrections needed n  
noting that some paragraphs that did not match another. Mr. Schneider noted  
Section 5 “Powers and Duties” stated “ When an Owner’s Representative is  
required for the project, the Permanent Building Committee shall hire the  
Owner’s Representative prior to selecting the architect…” He note that the  
PMBC does not hire, noting that they made recommendations on who should be  
ü Ex-Officio Members- Mr. Schneider suggested adding the Board of Education  
Director of Facilities and Ground and the Public Works Director. He noted for the  
School Projects that Director of Facilities and Grounds Wayne Donaldson  
attended the PMBC Meetings and participated in the discussions.  
Councilor Dombrowski explained that the Administration Committee was just beginning  
its work to Ordinance #100-015 An Ordinance Establishing a Permanent Municipal  
Building Committee for the Town of Ledyard” noting that they would not be acting on the  
draft they were reviewing this evening. He suggested the Administration Committee  
forward the proposal to the Permanent Municipal Building Committee for their review  
and recommendations.  
Ms. Kate DiPalma-Herb, 20 August Meadows Drive, Gales Ferry, Board of Education  
Representative on the Permanent Municipal Building Committee addressed the proposal  
to have three Board of Education Members serve on the PMBC. She explained in some  
informal brainstorming about how to handle Board of Education Projects going forward  
that there may have been some thoughts of having a separate committee of three  
members, not to increase the number of Board of Education Representatives under the  
current model. However, she stated that they may want to get some clarity from the  
Board of Education regarding this information.  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Carmen Garcia-Irizarry  
Committee Chairman  
Administration Committee  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  