741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Land Use/Planning/Public Works  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Regular Meeting  
Monday, August 5, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Town Hall Annex - Hybrid Format  
In -Person Location: Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
Remote Participation: Information Noted Below:  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 870 6101 1047; Passcode:  
The meeting was called to order by Councilor St. Vil at 6:00 p.m. at the  
Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor St. Vil welcomed all to the Hybird Meeting. He stated for the Town Council Land  
Use/Planning/Public Works Committee and members of the Public who were participating  
via video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda that  
was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Gary St. Vil  
Jessica Buhle  
Kevin Dombrowski  
In addition, the following were present:  
S. Naomi RodriguezTown Council Chairman  
Kim Andrews Resident  
Mehgan Youmell Resident  
Roxanne MaherAdministrative Assistant  
Ms. Meghan Youmell, 24 Lake Street, Ledyard, stated that she has lived in Ledyard  
for eight years and that she and Ms. Andrews have had concerns regarding a neighbor  
who has been throwing their yard debris over the fence that runs along the property  
line. She stated that they have both unsuccessfully talked with the resident to politely  
asked that they not throw their yard debris over the fence. She stated they were now  
at a point where the leaves and other debris was piling up and that it was going to fall  
over the fence. She stated that they were hoping the town could implement an  
Ordinance that would address the issue of dumping.  
Councilor Dombrowski questioned whose property was the neighbor dumping their  
yard debris on. Ms. Youmell stated that her yard and the neighbor’s yard were side by  
side and they each had a fence, and that the property line ran between the two fences,  
noting that they were dumping the yard debris between the two fences on the property  
line, noting that it was an eyesore.  
Councilor Buhle questioned what type of debris the neighbor was throwing over the  
fence. Ms. Youmell stated that it was mostly yard debris, noting that a few years ago  
they were throwing bags of debris, however, she stated since they have asked the  
neighbor not throw the bags of debris between the fences, that they were now just  
throwing the yard debris not bagged, noting that the bags were still under the pile.  
Councilor St. Vil questioned whether Ms. Youmell and Ms. Andrews have talked  
with other Town Staff regarding their concerns.  
Ms. Youmell stated that there was also stuff piled in the neighbor’s yard, noting that  
she did not understand the reason the property had not been condemned, noting the  
condition of the property. She stated she has talked with Staff in the Land Use Office  
(Blight Enforcement Officer) and submitted a formal blight complaint; however, she  
did not know if they contacted the property owners.  
Ms. Kim Andrews, 19 Marla Avenue, Ledyard, stated a few years ago the house they  
were referring to had been abandoned, it was overgrown, and wild animals were  
coming out of the garage. She stated at that time she talked with the Mayor’s former  
Executive Assistant Mary-Beth Hubbard, who put them in contact Ledge Light  
Health District. However, she stated that Ledge Light Health District could not go  
into the home. She stated in 2018 the family moved back into the house, and  
immediately started to throw their yard waste over the chain link fence, which  
divided their two backyards, noting that she did not know the actual property line.  
She stated that she asked them not to throw their brush and yard debris over the  
fence, but they disregarded her request. She stated when she spoke with Mayor Allyn,  
III, about her concerns this past Spring 2024, that he was aware of the property. She  
stated because the town did not have an Ordinance that the Zoning Officer stated that  
they did not have a mechanism to get them to stop throwing the debris over the fence.  
Therefore, she stated at the previous Zoning Officer’s suggestion she threw the debris  
back over the fence, noting that the debris still remains there today. Ms. Andrews  
also noted that she spoke with the Police Department and that they explained that  
they have no authority to do anything to help her. Therefore, she stated that she was  
appealing to the LUPPW Committee to see if they could find a solution, noting that  
the residents needed to have some type of recourse. She stated when they have video  
of their neighbor throwing debris over the fence, they need to be able to call someone  
in town, whether it was the Police or the Blight Enforcement Officer, who could go  
to the home and issue a Cease and Desist; and impose a fine if they do not comply.  
Councilor St. Vil stated that he understood Ms. Andrews and Ms. Youmell’s  
concerns; and that he appreciated the work they have done by talking with the  
Mayor’s Office, the Land Use Office, Ledge Light Health District and the Police  
Department. Therefore, he stated he stated he understood their rationale to propose  
the town consider an Ordinance to deal with this type of matter. However, he  
explained that drafting an Ordinance and the approval process would take some  
Councilor Buhle noted that Ordinance #300-012 (rev 2) 300-012 An Ordinance  
Concerning Blight and Public Nuisance for the Town of Ledyard” Item # 7 stated the  
“It creates substantial and unreasonable interference with the reasonable  
and lawful use and enjoyment of other space within the neighborhood as  
documented by neighborhood complaints, which complaints have been  
independently substantiated.”  
Chairman Rodriguez stated that the public does not like the government getting  
involved in their lives, noting that it was situations such as the one Ms. Andrews and  
Ms. Youmell described, in which one resident causes the town to have to implement  
rules. She suggested that perhaps Ordinance #300-012 (rev 2) 300-012 An  
Ordinance Concerning Blight and Public Nuisance for the Town of Ledyard” could  
be used to address the dumping issue.  
The LUPPW Committee discussed the following the path forward:  
· Research what neighboring towns have done to address dumping on property that  
was not owned by the individual who was doing the dumping.  
· Blight Officer engage with the resident about the dumping of debris. Councilor  
St. Vil noted that the LUPPW Committee would also talk with the Blight  
Enforcement Officer about Ms. Andrews and Ms. Youmell bringing their  
concerns to the LUPPW Committee’s attention; and would ask him whether he  
has visited the property.  
· Provide objective evidence to the Police Department showing the neighbor  
dumping the debris over the fence.  
· Review Ordinance #300-012 (rev 2) 300-012 “An Ordinance Concerning Blight  
and Public Nuisance for the Town of Ledyard” to consider amending the  
Ordinance to address this type of dumping issue.  
· Review State Statute that would allow the town to implement provisions  
regarding dumping, as well as the state statute regarding blight issues to see if  
there have been any updates to the State Statues that could assist the town with  
this type of situation.  
Councilor Dombrowski explained the objective of Ordinance #300-012 (rev 2)  
300-012 “An Ordinance Concerning Blight and Public Nuisance for the Town of  
Ledyard” was to try to get voluntary compliance. However, he stated if the property  
does not come into compliance that the Ordinance does provide for the town to fine  
the resident on a daily basis; as well as a path to take the matter to Superior Court.  
Councilor Dombrowski went on to note that the Blight Enforcement Officer provided  
a Report for tonight’s meeting, and he stated the property that Ms. Andrews and Ms.  
Youmell was referring to this evening was not on the Report as an active or recently  
removed property.  
Ms. Andrews stated that the issues they described this evening regarding their  
neighbor’s property was not new noting that it has been going on for years, and  
therefore, she was surprised that it was not included in the Blight Report.  
Ms. Youmell stated that she submitted a Blight Complaint and she encouraged the  
members of the LUPPW Committee to drive by the property to see what they were  
describing. Councilor St. Vil noted that the Complaint could be in-process, which  
might be the reason it has not yet appeared on the Blight Report.  
Ms. Andrews and Ms. Youmell thanked the LUPPW Committee for their time this  
evening and left the meeting at 6:27 p.m.  
MOTION to approve the Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee Minutes of June 3,  
Moved by Councilor Buhle, seconded by Councilor Dombrowski  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Continued discussion regarding the progress of enforcing regulations to address blight issues.  
Councilor St. Vil noted an updated Blight Report for the period ending August 5,  
2024 was provided for tonight’s meeting. He noted the LUPPW Committee discussed  
the Blight Report during - III Citizens Petitions (see above).  
Spicer Homestead Ruins - Historical Research and Photos.  
Councilor St. Vil stated that he appreciated the research Councilor Dombrowski  
provided at their June 3, 2024 meeting to outline the process required to seek and  
obtain a historic designation of an identified property. He asked whether Councilor  
Dombrowski had any additional information to add since their last meeting.  
Councilor Dombrowski noted that part of the Road Map he previously provided  
included the steps to assign the Administrative Control of a portion of the Clark Farm  
that would be preserved for Spicer Homestead Ruins to the Historic District  
Commission. However, he stated the Town Council did not necessarily have to  
provide Administrative Control to the Historic District Commission. He explained  
that the Historic District Commission would be responsible for historic aspect of the  
area designated for the Spicer Homestead Ruins, but that they would not need to have  
Administrative Control to do that.  
Councilor Dombrowski went on to explain in reviewing the State Statute relative to  
seeking a Historic Designation, that if the town was to make an area Historic, the  
State would not take that property. He noted as an example that if someone’s house  
was in a Historic District that they would still own their property, however, he stated  
that there may be some limitations on what they could do the property because of its  
Historic Designation. He continued by explaining if they were going to designate an  
area as a historic property that everyone who owned property in the historic district  
would have to vote on it; and if the property was owned by the municipality that the  
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (Mayor, First Selectman) would need to vote on  
adding the historic designation. Therefore, he stated by the Town owning the Clark  
Farm Property that they would continue to maintain the Administrative Control of the  
property, even if a portion of the property were to be obtain a historic designation.  
Councilor St. Vil stated in reviewing the State Statute it appeared that the Historic  
District Commission could execute their duties which included:  
· Seeking funding: Prepare and Apply for Grant funding  
· Seeking local, state, and federal designation as a historical area; Prepare  
Applications, etc.  
However, Councilor St. Vil stated that it did not mean that the Historic District  
Commission would need to have exclusive Administrative Control of the area  
designated for historic preservation.  
Councilor Dombrowski stated that he was in-favor of preserving the Spicer  
Homestead as a historic site. However, he stated that they would need to  
define/establish the boundaries of the area for the Spicer Homestead Ruins to obtain  
the historic designation.  
Councilor St. Vil stated on behalf of the LUPPW Committee he sent a letter dated  
June 13, 2024 to the Historic District Commission to request they provide the  
Provide a general description of the area to be included within the historic  
designation, including the total number of buildings and landmarks according to their  
known or estimated ages.  
Create a map showing the exact boundaries of the area to be included within the  
historic designation.  
Request that the Administrative Control of the designated area of the Spicer  
Homestead Ruins be assigned to the Historic District Commission.  
Councilor St. Vil stated that he would contact Historic District Commission Member  
Karen Parkinson to ask if she needed any support relative to the LUPPW  
Committee’s request.  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Buhle moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor  
6:32 p.m.  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at  
Respectfully submitted,  
Gary St. Vil  
Committee Chairman  
Land Use/Planning/Public Works Committee  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  