741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Planning & Zoning Commission  
Meeting Minutes - Draft Minutes  
Tony Capon  
Special Meeting  
Thursday, May 30, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers - Hybrid Format  
Join Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 868 9591 2518  
Passcode: 909318  
Chairman Capon called the Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting to order at  
6:00 PM at the Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building. The meeting was hybrid with  
some attending in person and others via zoom.  
Commissioner Marcelle Wood  
Chairman Tony Capon  
Vice Chair Paul Whitescarver  
Commissioner Howard Craig  
Commissioner Jessica Cobb  
Alternate Member Matthew Miello  
Alternate Member Beth E. Ribe  
In addition, the following were present:  
Elizabeth Burdick - Director of Land Use  
Alex Samalot - Zoning Enforcement Official  
Yaasmiyn Gonzalez - Land Use Assistant  
PZ#24-1SITE - 59 Kings Highway (Parcel ID: 92-1160-59), Gales Ferry, CT  
-Applicant/Agent, Peter C. Gardner, Attorney, Mark Branse, Halloran & Sage - Owner:  
Donco, LLC for a 10-unit Mobile Home Park/Affordable Housing Development in  
accordance with CGS §8-30g. (Submitted 03-26-24, Date of Receipt 04-11-24, Tabled to  
5/30/24 Spec. Mtng, Tabled to 6/13/24 Reg. Mtng, DRD 6-14-24)  
Chairman Capon announced that due to possible conflict of interest he is recusing himself  
from further participation in Agenda Item 4A PZ#24-1SITE; Yields the chair to Vice  
Chairman Whitescarver.  
Vice-Chairman Whitescarver asked Director Burdick for an update on PZ#24-1SITE.  
Director Burdick stated that she recommended the Application be postponed to the June 13,  
2024 regular PZC meeting as meeting materials were not able to be posted to the Town  
website for Commissioners to view in time for the meeting & that many of the file  
documents had come in during the week. She stated that she communicated same with the  
same attorney of the Applicant, Mark Branse of Halloran & Sage and he agreed.  
Vice-Chairman Paul Whitescarver tabled the application, PZ#24-1SITE to the June 13, 2024  
regular meeting of the PZC to be held at Town Hall Annex.  
Public Hearing: PZ#24-2RESUB - 96, 98, and 100 Stoddards Wharf Rd., Ledyard, CT  
Agent: Harry Heller, Esq. Heller, Heller & McCoy - Applicant/Owner: Avery Brook Homes,  
LLC, for an 18-Lot Resubdivision/Affordable Housing Development pursuant to CGS  
8-30g. (Submitted 03-28-24, Date of Receipt 04-11-24, PH set for 05-09-24)  
Chairman Capon opened the public hearing and stated for the record that Attorney Harry  
Heller of Heller, Heller & McCoy was in attendance on behalf of the Applicant and that  
Attorney Steven Studer may be in attendance via ZOOM. Chairman Capon outlined the  
process for the hearing. Chairman Capon reminded the public that they would be  
commenting on an incomplete application and there will be opportunity to comment at the  
next public hearing.  
Director Burdick addressed the Commission and stated that she is currently in the process of  
reviewing all the file documents to provide a staff report to the Commission and that she was  
awaiting Town staff reports from the Town Engineer as well as a report from the  
Connecticut Department of Public Health. Director Burdick asked Attorney Heller to  
address the Commission to clarify additional information required to complete the staff  
Attorney Harry Heller of Heller, Heller & McCoy, 736 Norwich-New London Turnpike,  
Uncasville, CT addressed the Commission on behalf of the Applicant, Avery Brook Homes,  
LLC. He stated that Avery Brook Homes is proposing an 18-lot Resubdivision under the CT  
Affordable Housing Act, C.G.S. §8-30g on three parcels of land located at 96, 98 & 100  
Stoddards Wharf Road (CT Route 214).  
Attorney Heller stated under the Connecticut Affordable Housing Appeal Act, bulk  
parameters of the zoning regulations and subdivision regulations are not allowed to be taken  
into consideration by Commission. The Affordable Housing Appeals Act allows  
Commissions to consider matters that affect public health and safety. Attorney Heller  
discussed the Affordable Housing Appeals Act under C.G.S. §8-30g adapted in 1989 in  
response to a Blue-Ribbon Commission Investigation on the availability of affordable  
housing in the State of Connecticut. Attorney Heller discussed that under The Affordable  
Housing Appeals Act - CGS §8-30g a developer is given a density bonus if at least 30% of  
the housing units are deemed affordable by way of the Affordability Plan submitted for the  
record by a 40-year deed restriction on the units and discussed formulas for rentals v.  
Attorney Heller discussed the affordability plan prepared in March 2024 for the  
development. The lower median income for the region at thet time of preparation was  
$112,300. The maximum sale price for 15% of the units sold to a qualifying buyer at 60% or  
lower of the region’s median income would be $239,250, roughly $200,000 less than the  
average sale price for a home in Ledyard. Another 15% that constitutes the 30% of the  
affordable homes sold to qualifying buyers between 60% and 80% of the region’s median  
income would be $316,875. Attorney Heller stated that any municipality in CT having less  
than 10% of its housing stock in affordable housing is subject to the Affordable Housing  
Appeals Act.  
Attorney Heller added that affordability is largely obtained by increasing density and  
decreasing lot size. He said that 30% of the homes in the development may not seem  
significant, but the ability for someone to buy a home in the $200,000 range is very  
significant to someone who otherwise would not be able to have the opportunity to enjoy  
Attorney Heller stated under the Affordable Housing Appeals Act, a Commission must  
justify the reasons for a denial of an affordable housing application or substantial  
modification to the application which comprises the affordability of the project itself.  
Attorney Heller went on to share that under the Affordable Housing Appeals Act, the burden  
is shifted to the Commission to show that there is not sufficient evidence in the records to  
support the denial or modification. Attorney Heller discussed the definition of "sufficient"  
and "substantial" as it pertains to the law in the affordable housing context. Attorney Heller  
stated sufficient evidence as enunciated in the case law means something more than a mere  
possibility of an adverse impact to a health or safety issue or another matter that is legally  
permissible to be considered by the Commission in adjudicating an application but is less  
than a preponderance of the evidence which would be the standard in a typical civil trial.  
Attorney Heller also addressed Groton Utilities’ intervening status in the proceedings as it  
pertains to the water shed. Attorney Heller submitted for the record, that protection of the  
water shed is a legally permissible consideration for the Commission. Attorney Heller stated  
the evidence submitted will be clear that the concerns of Groton Utilities will be a mere  
possibility of an adverse effect on the water shed. Attorney Heller added if a determination  
is made to deny or modify the application to protect substantial public interest and health  
safety, it must also determine the decision clearly outweighs the need for affordable housing  
in the Town of Ledyard and that the public interest that have been enunciated as a  
justification for a denial or modification cannot be protected by reasonable changes to the  
proposed affordable housing development. This is the legal framework under which the  
applicant will be operating in this proceeding.  
Attorney Heller presented select pages from the Resubdivision plan that was submitted with  
application showing three properties owned by Avery Brook Homes LLC, lots 96, 98, and  
100 Stoddards Wharf Road as a part of the application. Attorney Heller discussed the  
various soils found on the properties. This area of town does not use municipal water and  
sewer and project proposes the installation of onsite portable water supply wells as well as  
onsite subsurface sewage disposal systems. Attorney Heller referenced an exhibit from  
Ledge Light Health District indicating that all of the proposed lots are suitable for the  
installation of the subsurface sewage disposal systems that can comply with soil  
characteristics and separating distances from other wells and septic systems with the  
requirements of the CT Public Health Code.  
Attorney Heller shared the lot development plan for the subdivision. Sheet 3 of the plan is  
the lot development showing design of the project proposing access with a road to be  
dedicated as a Town Road Avery Court that will extend northerly from its intersection with  
Stoddards Wharf Rd in order to provide access to the proposed 18 lots in the resubdivision.  
Attorney Heller shared plans for storm water to be picked up in a closed draingage system.  
Attorney Heller referenced a report submitted by LBM Engineering demonstrating  
compliance with the Storm Water Management Ordinance for the Town of Ledyard as well  
as demonstrates compliance with the 2004 Connecticut Storm Water Quality Manual.  
Attorney Heller introduced two new exhibits into the record and stated he would provide  
them to Attorney Studer. Exhibits introduced include Exhibit 34-24RESUB  
TwnLedyardResWaterUsage2024 Rec 053024 a partial print out of water usage in the Town  
of Ledyard from homes that are on public water supply, and Exhibit 35-24RESUB GPU  
WaterSystemMasterPlan LanduseWtrshds Rec 05302024 a Plan of the City of Groton Water  
Shed Lands in the Town of Ledyard.  
Attorney Heller discussed concerns regarding pollutant run off from the proposed Avery  
Court road.  
Peter Gardner- 1641 Rt 12 Gales Ferry, briefly assisted in identifying the location of Morgan  
Pond Reservoir on the Plan of the City of Groton Water Shed Lands.  
Peter Gelderman- Law Firm of Birch and Moses 75 Broad St Milford, who is Attorney  
Studer’s partner, stated Attorney Studer was unable to attend meeting and deferring to the  
next meeting with the intent to respond to Attorney Heller and the Commission once all of  
the evidence is submitted by Attorney Heller.  
Chairman Capon reiterated that the answer to the question of whether Groton Utilities  
wanted to present their evidence, is they will once the all of the information is available.  
Chairman Capon opened the meeting to public comment.  
Randy Palmer- 101 Stoddard’s Wharf Rd of Ledyard, stated he is familiar with Sandy  
Hollow Rd, and he encourages to take a look to see how many houses are there and how  
many people are fertilizing their lawns and this is what Groton Utilities “brought up last  
Eric Treaster- 10 Huntington Way of Ledyard, stated he submitted an exhibit to the record  
and unsure if applicant has read it. It consists of several questions that he is hoping can be  
addressed by the applicant. He directed a question to Attorney Heller with the concern of  
gravel driveways and whether it would prohibit the homeowner from paving their driveways.  
Attorney Heller answered that there would be restrictive convenance that would prohibit  
paving. Mr. Treaster also asked Attorney Heller what the significance of the required  
Affordable Housing Plan is. Chairman Capon interjected and reminded Mr. Treaster that  
concerns and questions should be addressed to the Commission and not to the Attorney and  
that the Attorney can answer during the next meeting if he so chooses. Mr. Treaster  
expressed his concern for the electric bill cost and insurance cost difference between an  
affordable home, a 60% home, 80% home, and market rate home.  
Director Burdick confirmed Eric Treaster’s comments were received May 8, 2024 and  
forwarded at that time, to Attorney Heller and the Applicant.  
Attorney Heller requested the hearing be continued to June 13, 2024 and also stated that if  
they did not get the Angus McDonald Gary Sharp Pollution Renovation Analysis to Attorney  
Studdard with enough time for their firm to review, that they would consent to an extension  
to the July meeting.  
MOTION to continue the public hearing to June 13,2024 at 6:00PM at the Town Hall Annex  
Building and Zoom.  
Tony Capon  
Howard Craig  
Wood, Capon, Whitescarver, Craig, and Cobb  
Discussion & Decision: PZ#24-2RESUB - 96, 98 and 100 Stoddards Wharf Rd., Ledyard,  
CT Agent: Harry Heller, Esq. Heller, Heller & McCoy - Application/Owner: Avery Brook  
Home, LLC, for an 18-Lot Resubdivision/Affordable Housing Development pursuant to  
CGS §8-30g. (Submitted 03.28-24, Date of Receipt 04-11-24, PH set for 05-9-24).  
Chairman Capon noted informally that Commission has received a letter dated May 24, 2024  
from Attorney Heller withdrawing applications PZ#24-3SUB & PZ#24-4CAM 1736 & 1761 Rt.  
12. The letter could not be incorporated into the record due to this being a Special Meeting but  
will do so at the June 13, 2024 PZC regular meeting.  
Without objection the meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  