recommendation is no, with the only thing legitimate at this point is to close in the area over the
fan that is a price per square foot built into the Contract. Mr. Rongey added that depending on
what is done for some of the efface details there probably is an argument for a small change of
some of those but nothing over a few thousand dollars. Mr. Donaldson added there is no claim
as far he knows to come back because of working weekends and has not asked for it. Mr.
Donaldson stated the Contractor understands and had admitted that the issue with the original
panels that were installed incorrectly was his responsibility. Mr. Tyminiski inquired about the
reserve being held. Mr. Donaldson stated he has instructed both STV and Silver Petrucelli &
Associates not to issue payment in excess of what has been properly installed, as the repairs
move along, then the Contractor may bill and be reimbursed for that as we have already paid for
panels that were not installed correctly. If the Contractor walks away, we pull the bond. Mr.
Donaldson stated that we would have to pay the bonding company the balance of the Contract,
but they are obligated to finish the job for the full bond amount. Chairman Schneider inquired if
the Town Attorney and Mayor are being fully appraised of what the schedules are and how
things are moving. Mr. Donaldson replied that everything that he Committee is getting is going
through Ms. Chapman and being shared with the Mayor.
Chairman Schneider requested a budget update. Mr. Rongey stated that there have been no
change orders since June. There are two anticipated changes he is waiting for not to exceed a
few thousand dollars for the fan cut in and the efface details. There may be some work that is
outside of the detail in the drawings. Chairman Schneider inquired when we should move funds
between projects. Mr. Donaldson replied that we should wait until we are done with the projects
to have a better understanding as the State is looking at this as one project including the solar
portion. Chairman Schneider inquired when is the notification to proceed with the EV portion
anticipated. Mr. Donaldson stated that Juliet Long cannot go in until the upgrade to the switch
gear next summer. Nothing can be done at Gales Ferry until the roof is complete. Mr. Rongey
added that is would be best to do it all next summer for less disruption to the students. Mr.
Donaldson and Mr. Rongey shared that there are some shop drawings and a bit of work to be
done before the solar installation may begin. Mr. Tyminiski inquired if this project is going to
run out to April when does this end, will there be additional costs from Silver Petrucelli &
Associates and others that are not in the current budget estimate. Mr. Donaldson replied that he
has asked Silver Petrucelli & Associates to submit additional time for their work on site moving
forward. Mr. Donaldson recommends the Committee approve a per day rate for inspections as
needed. STV has also approached Mr. Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson stated that when the project
was first initiated all of STV's work for review of the plans was removed and they did step up to
the plate when Silver's first set of drawings were rejected. Mr. Donaldson added the STV
assisted with obtaining accurate drawings and avoiding tens of thousands of dollars in change
order for items that were not detailed in the original drawings. Mr. Donaldson stated that STV
will be submitting a request to continue monitoring the project. Mr. Donaldson recommended
the additional charges be charged back to the Contractor. Mr. Donaldson has also directed STV
and Silver Pettrucelli & Associates to ensure we hold back funds for additional expenses
incurred for failure to meet the deadline on the project. Mr. Tyminiski inquired if the Contractor
is aware of possible back charges. Mr. Donaldson replied that the Contractor is aware that he is
responsible for all additional inspections and anything above the Contract. Mr. Donaldson
added that we will continue to make payments to the Contractor for the work that has been
completed up to the point when we reach the amount we think we are due back. Mr. Donaldson
added that these projects are not yet set up in the State system to submit a payment request. Mr.
Donaldson is awaiting a response from the State.