60 Kings Highway  
Kings Corner Manor  
Gales Ferry, Connecticut 06335  
Housing Authority  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Charles Duzy  
Monday, February 5, 2024  
7:00 PM  
Kings Corner Manor  
Chairman Duzy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Kings Corner Manor Housing  
Board Member Thomas Cassabria  
Board Member Dayna Waterhouse  
Chairman Charles Duzy  
Board Member Paula Crocker  
Board Member Margaret Boyd  
In addition, the following were present:  
Colleen Lauer - Housing Director  
Gary Paul - Town Council Liason  
Eleanor Murray, 16 Chapman Lane, Gales Ferry  
Ed Murray, 16 Chapman Lane, Gales Ferry  
Tenants Present - Units 3,7, 13, 14, 15, 24, 27  
(Comments limited to (3) minutes) Total Time Allotted Thirty (30) Minutes  
Ms. Linda Rapson #14 read a letter she had written  
1. One concern I have is although outsiders have a right to be here, as a resident I feel it is  
an invasion of my privacy. Up until today I have been reluctant to speak in front of the visitors.  
I suggest that anyone who is not a resident here send a letter addressed to the board along with  
requesting the issue be discussed at a meeting along with responding with their decision. Via  
2. A local resident who lives outside of our complex suggested the smokers be allowed  
back to the carport until the designated area is created.  
3. This is just a thought, I am aware I may not get my wish but here is my idea. I love the  
idea of a Gazebo, however, I don’t like it to be screened in, because the birds get in as a result of  
age. It would be nice to have an open one, Maybe not this year but next year.  
4. I plan to give a couple youth group leaders a walk through the trail that leads to the  
senior center so that they can make arrangements for the youth to work on creating a wider path.  
I will present this to Colleen or the powers that be for approval and recommendations, I can also  
arrange for the lady’s group I belong to to provide refreshments to the volunteers. I have also  
counted the steps and there are 800 steps each way but the path is too narrow to walk.  
5. At a recent meeting of my women’s group they requested a list of suggestions so they can  
collect for our private food bank.  
Chairman Duzy thanked Ms. Rapson for her comments.  
Ms. Shari Fernandez Unit #3, stated she has been to two Town Council meetings because the  
LHA meetings were canceled. and she has been ignored for months by the Board Members and  
the Town Council. She stated this was a subsidized facility and by definition is owned by the  
State and we are creating fraud. Ms. Fernandez added this facility is owned by the state and an  
eviction attorney stated the addendums are null and void. Ms. Fernandez stated that the smoking  
addendum should state no smoking within twenty five feet from buildings and common areas.  
Ms. Fernandez stated per HUD they only have the authority to make no smoking policies in  
buildings and office space 25 feet away from buildings. Ms. Fernandez stated we are not  
privately owned and would not be eligible for a small cities grant.  
Chairman Duzy thanked Ms. Fernandez for her comments.  
Ms. Murray, 16 Chapman Lane, Gales Ferry stated that she has been working on issues for 6 or 7  
months. Ms. Murray stated her son in law is an attorney and in his point of view some civil  
rights are being trampled. Ms. Murray stated that the Chairman said LHA was not public and he  
should be relieved of his duties. Ms. Murray added she believes there are five laws being  
breached. Ms. Murray also added that she was the one who got wreaths hung on doors no mater  
what anybody else says. Ms. Murray stated that residents receive retaliation for speaking up and  
FOIA is being violated in the minutes. Ms. Murray sated that she has been treated with rudeness  
and is only trying to work for the residents. Ms. Murray added that residents were told there  
would be a lottery for empty apartments but that did not happen and apartments were given to  
someone else. Ms. Murray handed copies of the following letter to board members and tenants:  
From the desk of Advocate Eleanor J Murray  
February 5, 2024  
Meeting of the Ledyard Housing Authority  
1. Public organization? Admit the LIE told at the Budget Meeting (and reflected in the  
minutes) or return the 2023 Grant money only provided to eligible PUBLIC organizations.  
2. When public officials lie publicly They can be found in breach of professional conduct and  
relieved of their duties.  
3. Laws currently being broken by the Housing Authority:  
a. Freedom of Information Act: Minutes of public meetings must accurately reflect the  
content of each meeting. If the Secretary is provided with corrections to the minutes, the  
corrections must be included. There is no requirement that these corrections be assist  
b. Wage and Hour Law: a part-time employee whose hours are identified as 20 {or 30}  
hours per week cannot by law work more hours that that without pay. Per Connecticut Wage and  
Hour Law. Numerous tenants report that the Manager works many more hours than that and  
often see her nearly every day.  
c. HIPPAA: The Manager demands an unlawful level of medical information when 1} an  
ambulance transports a tenant: and 2} when over the counter drug expenses are to be approved.  
d. Refusal to assist in providing an elected Tenant organization.  
e. ADA Compliance: return/repair equipment for hearing & vision impaired tenant; provide  
safe covered access for smoking 25 feet from buildings as provided by HUD, discontinuing  
unsafe 1,500 foot route outside in inclement weather and across a public road; allow tenant  
purchase of power packs for use in case of loss of electricity for oxygen and motorized  
4. Connecticut State Officials I have contacted on behalf of the tenants. I encourage you to  
contact these officials on your own. The Ledyard Town.Council appoints the members of the  
Housing Authority and has a Liaison at each meeting. They have the responsibility to determine  
that these members are operating in the best interests of the tenants.  
Attorney General William Tong, 860-808-5318  
Ramses.baptiste@chfa.org <mailto:Ramses.baptiste@chfa.org>, 860-571-4345  
Karen Futoma@chfa.org <mailto:Futoma@chfa.org>, 860=571-4223  
Mr. Ed Murray, 16 Chapman Lane, Gales Ferry stated he is aware Ms. Sonn was concerned  
about equipment that was for her well being and her ability to live by herself was not handled  
correctly. Mr. Murray stated that her are small pre-charged unites that residents can have during  
power outages for oxygen tanks. Mr. Murray stated this was important for the well being of  
everyone. Mr. Murray added that the Town Council takes no action. Mr. Murray stated there  
are names of people on the last page of Ms. Murray's letter to contact. Mr. Murray suggested  
residents reach out to those names for assistance. Mr. Murray added the goal should be to follow  
the law and not do things just because.  
MOTION to accept the Payments of Bills and Financial Report of December 2023 and January  
Ms. Crocker asked why the payroll taxes were much higher in December than they were in  
November 2023 and January 2024.  
Ms. Lauer responded that they were paid extra hours with grant money and LHA paid the  
payroll taxes.  
Paula Crocker  
Thomas Cassabria  
Cassabria Duzy Crocker Boyd  
Reports of the Executive Director  
We rented 2 units in January, welcome Jean in 15 and Gail in 16. Unit 6 is in the process of  
being rented and unit 9 is being prepped to rent.  
Recertification packets went out in December and paperwork is due by March 1st. I have  
received a couple. Copier in the community room is available for tenants to make necessary  
copies. The Renters Rebate applications are out already, make an extra copy of your 2023  
income documents if you’re going to apply, applications in the hallway of the community  
building, call Karen if you have any questions.  
We are working on finishing up the outside stuff, ruts in the ground, it has been so rainy and wet,  
Stay on the sidewalks not on the grass.  
We went with a different laundry company, new machines were installed in January. $1.25 to  
wash with upgrade options and $1.25 to dry. In August those rates will increase by .25 to $1.50,  
its 60 minutes of dry time vs 45 minutes previously.  
Casella Waste is using cameras and computers to analyze materials in recycling bins I have sent  
out multiple notices and still having issues with people throwing regular trash into the recycle  
bins. The postcard provides the images of the contaminants, I haven’t received any but I  
anticipate getting them because it continues to be an issue. Please follow the recycling rules and  
bag up the regular trash.  
Reports of the Chairman  
Mr. Duzy asked how long the warranty was for. Ms. Lauer responded she thought most things  
were a year but she would double check.  
Tenant Representative Comments  
MOTION to approve the Housing Authority Special Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2023  
and the Housing Authority Special Meeting Mintes of December 28, 2023  
Charles Duzy  
Margaret Boyd  
Cassabria Waterhouse Duzy Crocker Boyd  
Suggestion Box  
Renovation Updates  
The bulk of the renovations are complete. BRD still has some open items that need to be  
addressed, if you are affected you will be notified when entry to your unit is needed.  
BRD will be here next week, still waiting on time/dates  
If you had items damaged during the renovations and have not already submitted your list please  
do that asap. BRD’s process to replace damaged items was received and posted several months  
If you notice something needs attention please let us know, renovation work is warrantied but if  
we aren’t made aware of the issues we can’t get them fixed. Some things need to be fixed by  
BRD due to warranty and we shouldn’t be fixing those items, We need to keep them up to date.  
Discussion and possible action regarding the Smoking Policy  
No further discussion until the Town completes the sidewalk work.  
Discussion and possible action on the Housing Authority monthly meeting location. Vote for  
the monthly meeting location - ballots are available in the office, 1 per tenant. Voting closes on  
2/20/2024 and votes will be opened/counted at the 3/4/2024 meeting.  
Monthly Meeting Survey - Please choose 1  
_____ VOICE record the meetings at Kings Corner Manor with loaned equipment from the  
Town when available (No cost)  
_____ Zoom Link (voice record/video) can join from computer/phone at home (Owl equipment  
$1899.05+ and Laptop $300+ required equipment)  
_____Move the meetings to the Town Hall Annex  
There is a new vote on where residents would like monthly meetings to be held. Residents were  
directed to check only one box, if more than one box is checked the vote will be null and void.  
Voting will close on February 20, 2024 and results will be shared at the next meeting.  
Ms. Crocker stated she though the cost of buying the Owl equipment needed to record the  
meeting was excessive for the amount of time it would be used.  
Any Old Business Proper to come before the Board  
Chairman Duzy read the following Housing Authority Letter dated January 24, 2024.  
The Ledyard Housing Authority owns and operates the property at Kings Corner Manor, the  
town of Ledyard's Elderly and Disables Affordable Housing. Chartered under state law, the  
Ledyard Housing Authority is an autonomous, public organization overseen by a 5-member  
Board of Commissioners. The Ledyard Housing Authority is a quasi-independent agency, not a  
municipal government agency. It does not receive subsidized funding for housing operations,  
nor is it owned or operated by the State of Connecticut.  
As in the case of all housing authorities, the Ledyard Housing Authority is directed by the Board  
of Commissioners, which are appointed by the Ledyard Town Council. Property management  
and daily operations of Kings Corner Manor is the responsibility of the Executive Director,  
Colleen Lauer, at the direction and discretion of the Ledyard Housing Authority. It is at this  
direction by the Ledyard Housing Authority, that the executive director is enforcing the  
non-smoking policy which went into effect August 1, 2023. The residents of Kings Corner  
Manor were notified of the non-smoking policy on March 17, 2023. At this time, there will be  
no addendum to the lease regarding the non-smoking policy.  
Charles Duzy, Chairman Ledyard Housing Authority  
Any New Business Proper to come before the Commission  
Ms. Boyd stated that she has been working on a new protocol of rules and regulations for  
Housing Authority meetings.  
Ms. Crocker asked if there was a protocol and rules on the Town's website and if so shouldn't the  
Authority follow those rules.  
Ms. Boyd sated she would check and make sure that ours would not conflict with anything the  
Town already has in place.  
Mr. Duzy moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Ms. Boyd  
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.  
VOTE: 5 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Respectively Submitted,  
Chairman Duzy  
Ledyard Housing Authority  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  