741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Finance Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Chairman S. Naomi  
Regular Meeting  
Wednesday, June 5, 2024  
5:00 PM  
Town Hall Annex Building - Hybrid  
In -Person : Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex Building  
Remote Participation Information Noted Below:  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 811 9102 1472; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Councilor Saccone at 5:00  
p.m. at the Council Chambers Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Saccone welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. He stated for the Town  
Council Finance Committee and members of the Public who were participating via  
video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda  
that was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Tony Saccone  
Jessica Buhle  
Tim Ryan  
In addition, the following were present:  
S. Naomi Rodriguez Town Council Chairman  
Carmen Garcia-IrizarryTown Councilor  
Fred Allyn, IIMI ayor  
Jason HartlingSchool Superintendent  
Steve MasalinPublic Works Director/Town Engineer  
Jon MannChief Ledyard Center Fire Department  
Steve Holyfield Administrator of Emergency Services  
Roxanne Maher Administrative Assistant  
MOTION to approve the Finance Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 15, 2024  
Moved by Councilor Buhle, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
VOTE:3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Finance Director’s Report  
Mayor Allyn, III, reported on the following: (1) School(s) Consolidation/Improvement  
Projects (Middle School & Gallup Hill School) - Mayor Allyn stated today he was  
notified that the State would be releasing $7,841,311.00 to the town this week  
explaining that this was an interim payment, and that the Project(s) would now enter  
into the State’s Final Audit Process; (2) School Roof Projects $8,550,000 (Central  
Office, Gales Ferry School, Juliet W. Long School) - Mayor Allyn stated in preparation  
to go out to Bond for the School(s) Roof Replacement and Associated Projects, that he  
and Finance Director Matthew Bonin would be meeting with Standard & Poors to obtain  
a Bond Rating. He stated Ledyard would sell Bonds around the end of July, 2024.  
Financial Reports  
MOTION to authorize the purchase of a used SCBA Cascade filling station from the Town  
of Preston in the amount of $5,000 from Account # 0210-20-2050-20501-57300 (LFD CNR  
New Equipment).  
Moved by Councilor Buhle, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
Discussion: Ledyard Center Fire Chief Jon Mann stated the Fire Department has been  
seeking the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) to purchase a new Cascade/ Air  
Compressor Unit that would be installed at the Ledyard Fire Department on Fairway  
Drive. He explained because their Grant Applications to date have not been approved  
that purchasing the used SCBA Cascade filling station from the Town of Preston for  
$5,000 would be a stop gap measure. He stated currently the Ledyard Center Fire  
Department was filling their SCBA cylinders from the mobile unit on their Rescue  
Truck R-17 and then filling the Rescue Turck’s mobile system at the Gales Ferry Fire  
Station using their SCBA Cascade filling station. He stated because the Apparatus  
Replacement Schedule Plan would phase out their Rescue Truck R-17 they would not  
have a Cascade System on the Ledyard side of town.  
Mr. Mann continued by noting the SCBA Cascade filling station they were looking to  
purchase was a 20-year old used unit. However, he stated in talking with Preston’s  
Fire Chief he has given the system high marks, noting that all the service and  
maintenance was up-to date, stating that there were no known issues. He stated a new  
SCBA Cascade filling station could cost between $80,000 - $100,000.  
Councilor Buhle questioned whether moving from a mobile SCBA Cascade filling  
station to a fixed unit had any drawbacks. Mr. Mann stated that he believed the fixed  
unit would be better.  
Councilor Ryan noted the background information indicated the following:  
· By having an existing SCBA Cascade filling station that the Fire Department was  
looking to replace it would strengthen their Assistance to Firefighters Grant  
(AFG) Application.  
· An additional $2,000 was needed to install the unit for a total project cost of  
Mr. Mann responded to Councilor Ryan explaining that the Fire Department had  
the $2,000 available in their equipment maintenance budget to pay for the  
installation. He went on to explain because the installation would be done by  
different vendor, and the costs were below the $5,000 threshold, they were not  
required to seek bids in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 Purchasing  
Ordinance for the Town of Ledyard” .  
Councilor Ryan questioned whether there were obstacles preventing the Ledyard  
Center Fire Department from obtaining the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG).  
Administrator of Emergency Services Steve Holyfield stated the Assistance to  
Firefighters Grant (AFG) was a competitive process, explaining that they were  
competing with larger Agencies and Fire Departments that had a higher call volume.  
Therefore, he stated those Fire Departments were being awarded the grant funding  
over Ledyard. He stated in the Evaluation of their Grant Application that Ledyard  
received 100% for the Technical portion, however, the issue was that their call  
volume was lower than the other Agencies. Therefore, he explained when they have a  
tie, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) looked at call volume,  
noting with Ledyard having between 600-700 calls a year, that it puts them behind  
the curve in terms of qualifying for the grants. He stated as Councilor Ryan noted,  
that by having a SCBA Cascade Filling Station that the Fire Department was looking  
to replace, it would strengthen their Grant Application because they would be  
upgrading their existing older equipment. He stated their last Assistance to  
Firefighters Grant Application was in the amount of $84,000, noting that it would  
have required a 5% local match, which was about $6,000.  
Mr. Holyfield went on to state by purchasing the used SCBA Cascade Filling Station  
from Preston for a total cost of $7,000 (equipment and installation) that it would  
keep the career Firefighters and their Rescue Truck -R-17 that was assigned to  
Ledyard Center and the Rescue Truck in Ledyard Center, so that they would not have  
to take the SCBA cylinders to Gales Ferry Fire Department to fill the cylinders. He  
stated they have career staff assigned to the different sides of town to minimize  
response time, and maximize customer service delivery to the taxpayers. He stated  
purchasing the SCBA Cascade filling station would aide them in achieving their  
Councilor Ryan thanked Mr. Holyfield for his explanation, noting that having a low  
call volume was a good problem to have. He stated he supported the purchase of used  
SCBA Cascade filling station, noting that should they receive the Assistance to  
Firefighters Grant and purchase/install a new system that there was also the idea of  
being able to sell the current SCBA Cascade filling station. Mr. Holyfield stated this  
could be a zero cost in the long run.  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Mr. Holyfield left the meeting at 5:11 p.m.  
Jessica Buhle  
Tim Ryan  
MOTION to appropriate and transfer $129,698 from Account #10188210-59300  
(Transferred Funds) to Account #2250101-49002 (BOE CNR Transfers In);  
In addition, appropriate $129,698 to Account #22570101-58261 (BOE CNR  
Moved by Councilor Ryan, seconded by Councilor Buhle  
Discussion: School Superintendent Jason Hartling, attending remotely, explained for the  
Fiscal Year 2023/2024 the town budgeted $850,000 to be received as revenue in the  
General Fund from the Agri-Science & Technology Education Grant (ASTE).  
However, he stated the town received $979,698 which was $129,698 more than the  
budgeted amount. He stated each year the excess funds were transferred the from the  
General Fund to their ASTE Capital Account to be used to purchase capital items for  
the Agri-Science Program.  
Councilor Saccone questioned whether the Board of Education knew how they were  
going to spend these ASTE Capital Funds. Mr. Hartling stated the Agri-Science  
Department provided a list of items that were needed at the beginning of this current  
school year. He stated he would be meeting with Ms. Okeefe to review the list before  
the end of the school year.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Councilor Saccone thanked Mr. Hartling for attending tonight’s meeting.  
Mr. Hartling left the meeting at 5:18 p.m.  
MOTION to transfer tax accounts in the amount of $68,748.54 listed in the report dated May  
1, 2024, to the “Suspense File”.  
In addition, authorize the transfer of non-refundable over payments in the amount of $197.41  
to the general fund listed in the report dated May 21, 2024.  
Moved by Councilor Buhle, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
Discussion: Mayor Allyn, III, noted both the Suspense File and Overpayments were  
part of their year-end housekeeping work. He explained that the Overpayments were  
just that, noting that overpayments of under $5.00 do not have to be refunded, in  
accordance with CGS Sec.12-129. He also noted in accordance with Ordinance  
#200-002 “An Ordinance Authorizing the Tax Collector to Retain Payments in  
Excess of the Amount Due Provided Excess is Less than Five Dollars” over payments  
under $5.00 were transferred to the General Fund. He stated for Fiscal Year  
2023/2024 the Overpayments totaled $197.41. He stated overpayments that were over  
$5.00 were refunded.  
Mayor Allyn went on to address the “Suspense File, explaining that each year the Tax  
Collector presented a list of accounts classified as “Uncollectable” to be transferred  
to the “Suspense List”. He explained that this action would remove the taxes, for both  
property and motor vehicle, from an active status to a non-active status. However, he  
stated the accounts that were being transferred would remain on the tax roll and would  
be flagged as a “Suspense Item”. He also explained that except for bankruptcy or  
deceased, the remaining bills would be sent to a collection agency, and would remain  
on the tax rolls for fifteen years from their due date. He stated in some cases a State  
Marshall was used to notify taxpayers of their delinquent taxes and that this was also  
helpful. He stated this year’s Suspense List was in-line with previous years, noting that last  
year the (FY 22/23) the Suspense File was $60,136.02. He stated their Tax Collection  
Rate was at 99.3% which was good.  
Councilor Buhle stated in many cases military service people who have registered  
their vehicles here and then move out of state do not receive their motor vehicle tax  
bill. She stated when they move back to Connecticut they cannot register a vehicle  
because they owed back taxes.  
Mayor Allyn noted Councilor Buhle’s comments regarding delinquent motor vehicle  
taxes, and he explained all of Connecticut’s Municipalities’ Tax Collection Systems  
were connected to the Department of Motor Vehicle. Therefore, he stated that they  
would have to pay their delinquent motor vehicle taxes be for they could register a  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Jessica Buhle  
Tim Ryan  
MOTION to set Fiscal Year 2024/2025 a Real Estate and Personal Property Mil Rate of  
35.21 and a Motor Vehicle Mil Rate of 32.46.  
Moved by Councilor Ryan, seconded by Councilor Buhle  
Discussion: Mayor Allyn, III, stated at the May 21, 2024 Referendum the townspeople  
approved a Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Budget in the amount of $67,430,573 (GG  
$29,060,750; and BOE $38,369,823) which represented a 0.65 mil increase. He stated  
for this year’s Budget Referendum they had a 4.1% voter turnout.  
Mayor Allyn went on to explain that the mil rate for the motor vehicles was lower  
than the real estate mil rate because of the State’s Car Tax Cap of 32.46 mils which  
remained the same as the previous year. He stated because the Car Tax Cap would  
result in a loss of tax revenue for several towns, the State of Connecticut would  
reimburse Municipalities for the loss of tax revenue for the delta between the town’s  
mil rate 35.21 and the state’s cap 32.46. He stated that they do not know if this  
would change going forward, however, he stated that it was something they needed to  
keep in mind.  

In accordance with the Town Charter, Chapter VII; Section 6 "On or before the first day  
of July the Town Council shall fix the tax mils fourth Monday in June”.  
VOT3E- :0 Approved and so declared  
Tim Ryan  
Jessica Buhle  
MOTION to approve Standing Bid Waivers as follows: Vendors included in the Town of  
Ledyard Standing Bid Waiver List for FY 2025, Capital Region Purchasing Council Bids,  
State of Connecticut bids, other states' bids, purchasing cooperatives (i.e. Sourcewell) , and  
federal government bids.  
Moved by Councilor Buhle, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
Discussion: Mayor Allyn, III, stated each year the Town Council approved a  
Standing Bid Waiver List” for unique vendors, lowest possible prices obtainable,  
sole vendors, and fewer than three bidder situations, noting that the Town’s  
Purchasing Ordinance required them to request competitive bids for items in excess  
of $15,000.  
Mayor Allyn went on to note per Ordinance #200-001 “An Ordinance for Purchasing”  
the purchasing thresholds were as follows: (1) For purchases of goods or services  
between $5,000 - $14,999 the Town shall solicit a minimum of three quotes; and (2)  
For purchases over $15,000, a minimum of three (3) proposals are required through a  
competitive bid process.  
Mayor Allyn explained at one time the Standing Bid Waiver List was about  
six-pages, but that they have worked to reduce the number of vendors on the List. He  
noted the following vendors were new additions to the list this year:  
· AAA Police Supply - Police Ammunition - Mayor Allyn stated the State had a  
contract with AAA Police Supply, noting that it was a favorable contract price.  
· Nex-Gen System- Mayor Allyn stated that Nex-Gen was a proprietary CAD  
System for the Police Department and Emergency Communications Dispatch.  
Councilor Buhle stated Nex-Gen was the leading system in the State. She noted  
the Connecticut State Police and other Police Departments in their region such as  
Montville, Waterford, etc., were using this software. She stated by using Nex-Gen  
that Ledyard would be able to seamlessly collaborate with others in their region.  
Councilor Ryan stated the previous vendor, Central Square, was also on the List.  
· MIS Department - Mayor Allyn stated MIS Director Justin Dube found a fiber  
supplier that provided equipment that was the same quality or better, for a lower  
· Hydroseeding - Parks & Recreation - Mayor Allyn explained that they do not  
hydroseed often. However, he stated because of the time involved to solicit bids  
and the timing to get the hydroseed down during the growing season that Parks,  
Recreation & Senior Citizens Director Scott Johnson, Jr. requested this vendor be  
included on the Standing Bid Waiver List.  
Councilor Ryan questioned whether having a vendor on the Standing Bid Waiver List  
would prevent them from going out to bid. Mayor Allyn stated not at all. Councilor  
Ryan stated that although he did not mind the Hydroseeding being on the Standing  
Bid Waiver List, that he thought that this was something they should go out to bid  
3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Ledyard Center Fire Chief Jon Mann left the meeting at 5:41 p.m.  
Jessica Buhle  
Tim Ryan  
Discussion to reschedule the Finance Committee’s June 19, 2024 meeting date.  
Background: Juneteenth: Independence Day, Freedom Day “The Emancipation  
Proclamation” was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.  
Mayor Allyn stated in 2021 President Joe Biden signed a Bill that was passed by  
Congress to set aside Juneteenth (June 19th), as a federal holiday; and on May 27,  
2022 Governor Ned Lamont signed into law Public Act 22-128  
selBillType=Public+Act&which_year=2022&bill_num=128>, which established a  
new legal state holiday on June 19 known as Juneteenth Independence Day, which  
was scheduled to be legally recognized in 2023. He stated with Connecticut being a  
state declaring Juneteenth as a state holiday, that both State and Municipal  
Employees have the day off. He stated because Town Offices would be closed that  
Committees cannot meet. Therefore, he suggested the Finance Committee reschedule  
their meeting to Tuesday, June 18, 2024.  
By consensus the Finance Committee agreed to reschedule their June 19th meeting to  
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.  
**POST MEETING NOTE: 6/12/2024**: Due to no New Business the Finance Committee did not  
schedule a Special Meeting on June 18, 2024.  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee  
Continued discussion regarding the status and possible changes to Capital Improvement Plan  
(CIP) and Capital Non-Recurring (CNR) Fund based on the American Rescue Act Funding  
(ARPA) and the process to approve ARPA Projects and expend ARPA Funding.  
Mayor Allyn, III, noted that Finance Director Matthew Bonin provided an updated  
ARPA Spreadsheet regarding the completed projects, projects in progress, and projects  
not started.  
The Finance Committee, Mayor Allyn, III, and Public Works Director/Town Engineer  
Steve Masalin reviewed and discussed the following Projects:  
· Sewer Line Extension Project Phase I $1,200,000- Public Works Director/Town  
Engineer Steve Masalin stated Phase I of the Sewer Line Extension was currently  
in-process. He explained that there has been some savings because they have  
coordinated this work with the construction of the Multi-Use Pathway (pedestrian  
and bicycle) along Colonel Ledyard Highway, which was being paid with the  
$2,540,000 Local Transportation Capital Improvement Grant Program (LoTClP).  
Councilor Ryan addressed the reallocation of ARPA Funding that was remaining  
from completed projects relative to the uncertainty of costs/surplus for the Sewer  
Line Extension Project (Phase I & Phase III) noting that they only had six-months  
remaining to get contracts in place, otherwise the funds would need to be returned to  
the US Treasury.  
Councilor Ryan went on to note Phase I of the Sewer Line Project stating there would  
be approximately $609,000 remaining that could be reallocated to the other two  
Phases of the Project. Mr. Masalin stated that they would have some funding  
remaining; however, he stated that they were hitting a lot of rock, noting that there  
was still some uncertainty at this stage about how much funding would be left from  
Phase I. Councilor Ryan questioned when they would have some fidelity on the dollar  
amount that was going to be left. Mr. Masalin explained that they were front loading  
the sewer pipe, and then the Multi-Use Pathway would be installed over the top of it,  
noting the Pathway was being  
paid with LOTCIP Grant Funding. Mayor Allyn stated that Councilor Ryan was  
correct in that they were going to be up to a spending deadline. Councilor Ryan stated  
that he would not like to see the town have to send any money back to the US  
Treasury. Mayor Allyn stated that they had some good backup plans.  
· Sewer Line Phase II - Public Works Director/Town Engineer Steve Masalin stated  
Phase II was the Commercial District and was currently not on the table. However, he  
stated it needed to be kept in reserve. He stated the Water Pollution Control Authority  
was proceeding to secure Engineering Service proposals to begin the Design Work.  
Chairman Rodriguez questioned the cost of the design plans for Phase II. Mr.  
Masalin stated he spoke with Wastewater Supervisor Steve Banks, noting that the  
Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) needed to decide what the sewer service  
area would look like relative to how it would be piped to existing businesses and  
perspective development on Fairway Drive and Colby Drive. He went on to explain  
that he has been directing those who have come to him which included Mr. Dave  
Holdridge, and the owner of Valentinos Restaurant to the WPCA. He also noted that  
it was his understanding that the owner of Ledyard Center Village Market was also  
interested in the sewer line project.  
Chairman Rodriguez questioned the timing. Mr. Masalin explained the process  
stating that they would have to engage a Consultant to help them scope out where the  
sewer lines were going to be installed before they could draw up the specific design  
plans. He stated that he thought they could get a contract in-place by the end of the  
calendar year. He stated the timeframe was tight, noting that things take longer than  
you expect. He stated the WPCA needed to get moving on Phase II and Phase III.  
· Sewer Line Phase III: $950,000 ARPA Funding - Public Works Director/Town  
Engineer Steve Masalin stated Phase III would bring the sewer line from the High  
School to the Pump Station, and on to Pennywise Lane. He stated the sewer line in  
this area needed to be enlarged to handle the load coming from Ledyard Center. He  
stated the Phases of the Project seemed to be out of order in terms of their numbering.  
Mayor Allyn stated the design work for Phase III has been moving along, noting that  
they have been paying invoices. He stated that Mr. Masalin would be contacting  
Weston & Sampson Engineers to check on the status of their work, noting that it  
would probably be a couple more months before they would have the design work  
completed. He noted that they had some advantage for Phase III because the laying of  
the larger sewer pipe would follow the path of the existing undersize sewer line. He  
stated that the timing was going to be tight.  
· Town Hall Exterior Locking Doors $23,000 ARPA Funding - Public Works  
Director/Town Engineer Steve Masalin stated the installation of the Automated  
Doors for the Town Hall front entrance was completed, noting that they may have  
approximately $18,000 remaining.  
· Town Hall Vertical Lift $250,000 - Public Works Director/Town Engineer Steve  
Masalin stated that he initiated architectural work to install a Vertical Platform Lift at  
the Town Hall. He stated it was an alternative to a full elevator, noting that it would  
provide access from the lower floor to the upper floor. He stated although they may  
not be in violation of the American Disabities Act (ADA) that the lift was needed,  
explaining for people who cannot navigate the stairs, have to drive their car around  
Town Hall and park on the street to access the upper level of Town Hall.  
· Ledyard Center Sidewalk In-Fill: $35,000 ARPA Funding - Public Works  
Director/Town Engineer Steve stated the $35,000 may not be enough funding to  
complete the construction oof the sidewalks in the two missing sections: (1) In front  
of Holdridge Garden Center; and (2) Across the street in front of Dime Bank up to  
the Post Office. However, he stated that they would have plans and State Permits  
in-place and would get as much accomplished as they could with the ARPA Funding  
and would then continue to work to complete the sidewalks as funding becomes  
available. He noted the Multi-Use Pathway, which was being paid by Local  
Transportation Capital Improvement Plan (LOTCIP) Grant Funding would install  
sidewalks in the area after Valentinos Restaurant to the Bestway Market on Route  
LED Message Signs - $70,000- Mayor Allyn stated the sign in front of the Gales Ferry  
Fire Department on Route 12, Gales Ferry, was installed and was now operational. He  
stated he finally received approval from the State to install the second LED Message  
Sign in Ledyard Center that would be located in the arch of the stonewall in front of the  
Upper Town Green. He stated that he had to contact the Commissioner of the  
Department of Transportation to finally move Ledyard’s request along.  
· Erickson Park Improvements $55,000 - Mayor Allyn stated the stone dust path was put  
down this past fall (2023). He stated a Contractor has been hired; however, he stated  
Parks, Recreation & Senior Citizens Director Scott Johnson, Jr. was trying to work  
around the June 8, 2024 Harvard-Yale Regatta Festival. He stated that he would  
follow-up with Mr. Johnson tomorrow.  
· Mental Health Balance $150,000 - Mayor Allyn stated based on the current caseload  
that they were projecting to have approximately $100,000 left at the end of 2026. He  
stated Clinician Pat Frost had two cases, and he noted that only one client accepted  
services for the summer. He stated Social Services Director Karen Goetchius has  
been looking to hire an additional Clinician on a Per Diem basis. However, he stated  
if there were no takers of the service that the Per Diem Clinician would not be paid.  
He stated that he was considering making a recommendation to leave $50,000  
earmarked for Mental Health Services, which at the current usage rate would provide  
for two years of services. He noted the Finance Committee would need make a  
determination within the next two meetings on the allocation of these funds.  
Discussion regarding potential uses for the funding received from the National Opioid  
Settlement Payments.  
Mayor Allyn, III, stated Ledyard received an Opioid Payment in the amount of $9,098;  
noting to-date the town has received a total of $109,703.61; and that they would  
continue to receive Opioid Funding through 2037. He went on to explain at their  
September 27, 2023 meeting the Town Council appropriated $36,100 from the National  
Opioid Settlement Funds to Ledge Light Health District/ Ledyard Prevention Coalition to  
implement programs to address opioid use disorder and prevention, and to expand access to  
intervention, treatment, and recovery options. He stated Emergency Narcan Kits were  
installed at the Upper Town Green in Ledyard Center and at the Gales Ferry Community  
Center parking lot. He suggested the Town Council expand the use of the Opioid Funds,  
noting at the Finance Committee’s April 3, 2024 he suggested they consider other  
Agencies such as SERAC, located in Norwich, noting that they do similar work. He stated a  
recent article reported that to-date only 3% of the Opioid Settlement Funds have been spent  
in Connecticut. He stated that Ledyard was one of few towns that has been putting the  
money out into the community. He offered to invite SERAC to give a 10-15 presentation to  
the Town Council, should the Finance Committee be interested and learning about their  
Councilor Saccone questioned whether the Emergency Narcan Kits have been used.  
Mayor Allyn stated Ledyard Prevention Coalition Kerensa Mansfield would be  
providing updates on the resupplying of the Kits.  
Chairman Rodriguez stated that people were happy that the Emergency Narcan Kits  
were available, noting that pictures of the Kits have been posted on social media. She  
stated they needed to get this information out to the public to help lower the number of  
Councilor Buhle questioned whether the Opioid Funds could be used for a Comfort Dog.  
Mayor Allyn stated there were very specific uses of the funds. He stated it was a lengthy  
document and that he would need to review it again to refresh himself on the various  
uses and report back at the Finance Committee’s July 17, 2024 meeting.  
Councilor Buhle questioned whether they could use the Opioid Funding to purchase  
Narcan to distribute to people when they drop off their unused medications at the Drug  
Take Back Days. She stated that they need to have an Event to emphasize that Narcan  
was not just for drug addicts. She stated often times pain medications were prescribed  
after a surgical procedure or for other injuries; and people do not recognize the dangers  
of the medications. She stated overdoses could affect any family, and they have to create  
an environment to normalize having Narcan in your home and break the stigma that it  
was for people who have an addiction.  
Chairman Rodriguez stated during the Drug Take Back Day they do not distribute  
Narcan. She stated that Ledge Light Health District has been at the Farmers Market in  
the past, and that they demonstrated how to use the Narcan. She stated it would be great  
if Ledge Light Health District could be at the Farmers Market at least once during this  
summer, noting they could reach a lot of people there. She stated that she would mention  
doing a Community Educational Event to the Ledyard Prevention Coalition at their next  
Mayor Allyn noted Councilor Buhle’s suggestion, and he stated the funds could be used  
to purchase Narcan in bulk. He went on to state that they could distribute the Narcan at  
the Farmers Market noting about 1,000 people visit the Farmers Market each week.  
Councilor Saccone addressed the importance to have Narcan in your home so that it was  
available should someone need it.  
Councilor Ryan stated he did a quick word search on the following words: “therapy,  
canine, dog” for the permitted uses of the Opioid Settlement Funding. He stated only  
therapy” came up noting that he did not find therapy dog as a permitted use of the  
money. However, he stated a number of the uses they were discussing this evening were  
permitted uses.  
Continued discussion regarding potential uses of the revenue received from Public Act  
No.21-58 “An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management” in accordance with “Resolution  
Regarding Revenues Received from Beverage Container Surcharges” (Nip Bottle Revenue)  
adopted on June 8, 2022.  
Public Works Director/Town Engineer Steve Masalin stated as follow up to the April 3,  
2024 Finance Committee meeting that he obtained information regarding  
Lease/Purchase Plan for a Pelican Street Sweeper along with sharing the piece of  
equipment with the Town of Preston.  
Mr. Masalin began by providing some background noting that the Town of Ledyard sold its  
20-year-old sweeper in 2022 with the thought that the Department could economically cover  
the Town’s annual sweeping needs through a rental. He stated the Town rented a sweeper in  
2023 and 2024, using the Beverage (“Nip”) Container Surcharges Revenue. However, he  
stated the results substantially failed to meet their expectations for a number of reasons. He  
went on to state that they also learned that the availability of rental units significantly  
declined, with no prospects of increasing. He stated in light of this predicament, he now felt  
that owning a sweeper would be the best, and most economical way to meet the town’s  
needs. He stated that coincidentally the Town of Preston’s Street Sweeper was at the end of  
its lifecycle, and they were looking to replace it. He stated Ledyard has been providing some  
services to Preston which included mechanic services and maintaining Preston’s fleet.  
Mr. Masalin continued by reviewing a quote from Pelican in the amount of $285,990 which  
was attached to the Agenda on the meeting portal for tonight’s meeting. He stated because  
they did not have funding in a Reserved Capital Account to purchase the Street Sweeper,  
that this would be a Lease/Purchase Arrangement, which Ledyard has done twice before for  
other large pieces of equipment. He stated the Annual Lease/Purchase Payment would be  
$66,467 including a 5% interest rate.  
Mr. Masalin explained that Ledyard had an opportunity to share this Street Sweeper with  
Preston, which would easily cover the annual scope of work for each town and also be  
available for spot needs throughout the year. He stated the cost share would be allocated  
proportionally on the basis of paved road mileage as follows:  
Ledyard: 110 miles of roadway = 220 Lane Miles Per Year $44,000 (2/3 cost)  
Preston: 55 miles of roadway = 110 Lane Miles Per Year $22,000 (1/3 cost)  
Mr. Masalin stated he and Councilor Buhle discussed the proposal to use the Nip Bottle  
Revenues to pay for the Street Sweeper. He noted Finance Director Matthew Bonin stated  
the Beverage Container Surcharges (Nip Bottles) Account current balance was  
$44,362.83 which would be enough money to cover the first two annual payment and  
beyond that.  
Mayor Allyn stated Ledyard’s Nip Bottle Revenue averaged about $15,729.28 every six  
months for an annual Revenue of $32,458.65, noting that the town would still have to  
supplement the annual cost for the Street Sweeper. Mr. Masalin stated that their Street  
Sweeper Operator told him that there were more Vaping Cartridges on the roads than nip  
The Finance Committee and Mr. Masalin discussed the following:  
Term of Lease:- Five year Lease. Mr. Masalin stated CN Wood was the franchise holder  
of the Pelican Sweeper. He stated this Lease/Purchase Arrangement would be through a  
Sourcewell Contract, who was on Ledyard’s Standing Bid Waiver List and that Preston  
also used the Sourcewell for their Financing/Lease Program.  
State Street Sweeping Requirements:- Mr. Masalin stated annual sweeping was a  
requirement of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program. He stated  
although both towns (Ledyard and Preston) have shifted to treated salt for winter operations;  
and have eliminated the accumulation of sand that use to accompany road treatment, that  
there was still a considerable amount of debris that collected along the road edges from other  
sources. He stated for the 2024 sweeping season, thirty-two (32) large dump truck loads  
(about 100 tons) of debris was collected from their roads.  
Preston’s Funding: - Mr. Masalin stated that he has been working as an Interim Public  
Works Director for Preston, noting that their new Director would be hired this month. He  
stated he has been discussing the shared Street Sweeper arrangement with Preston for a  
couple of weeks, noting that their funding approach and purchasing process was different  
than Ledyard’s. He stated he was working to draft a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)  
between Ledyard and Preston. He stated once the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was  
approved that Preston would then work out their details for funding.  
Renting Street Sweeper from another Town: Mr. Masalin stated he did not believe another  
town would rent their Street Sweeper to Ledyard. He stated in the past that he would not  
lease Ledyard’s Street Sweeper to any other town. He stated “Regionalizationwas a great  
buzz word. However, he stated mutually sharing certain types of equipment could be a  
nightmare. He stated because there was a small scope of use of a Street Sweeper that the  
risk, wear and tear, accountability, timing, etc. made sharing a street sweeper challenging.  
Councilor Buhle stated if Ledyard could lease a street sweeper from Groton for $10,000 a  
year that it would be less expensive than the Lease/Purchase of $44,000 a year. Mr. Masalin  
stated that he did not look into renting a sweeper from another town, noting that the  
proposed arrangement with Preston would work because they did not have a lot of road  
milage and they would be able to complete sweeping the roads in both towns before paving  
season began.  
Conveyance Revenue Balance : - Ordinance #200-009 “An Ordinance Providing for the Transfer  
of Certain Revenue from the Real Estate Conveyance Tax to Specific Town of Ledyard Funds” stated:  
“…… all revenue remitted to the town by the Town Clerk from the real estate conveyance  
tax shall be deposited to the following Town of Ledyard Funds in the specified percentages.  
A sum equal to forty percent (40%) of the money thus received shall be deposited to Fund 8,  
the Parks and Recreation Capital and Non Recurring Expense Fund; an additional forty  
percent (40%) of said money shall be deposited to Fund 6, Capital and Non Recurring  
Funds, to be used only for capital/infrastructure expenses; and the remaining twenty  
percent (20%) of said money shall be deposited to Fund 6, Capital and Non Recurring  
Funds, with an Acquisition of Open Space Allocation”  
Mr. Masalin explained that 40% of the conveyance tax collected was transferred to the  
Public Works Heavy Equipment Capital Non Recurring Account. He stated that he did not  
know the balance of that fund.  
Five-Year Historical Street Sweeper Expenses: - Mr. Masalin stated that there were  
consumables such as brooms and some other things they had to purchase every year.  
However, he stated that he did not know how far back their expense history was available  
on the system.  
Extended Warranty: - Mr. Masalin stated the Quote provided for tonight’s meeting was  
quickly put together, noting that there were a few details such as an extended warranty that  
needed to be worked out. He stated the Town Garage has done some routine maintenance  
work on the previous Street Sweeper, noting that periodically they would send the sweeper  
back to the manufacturer for extensive refurbishment work. He stated in the past that he  
included funding in the Heavy Equipment Reserve Account so that the funding was  
available for the refurbishment work when needed.  
The Finance Committee agreed that both the Street Sweeper and the Food Scrap Composting  
were important initiatives that had to be addressed and were a good use of the revenue  
received from Beverage Container Surcharges (Nip Bottles).  
The Committee agreed to move on to Item #4 Compost PILOT Program.  
Discussion regarding PILOT Food Scrap Composting Program.  
Councilor Ryan stated the Compost Program was going to become another unfunded  
mandate, noting the merit of the PILOT Program for the use of the revenue received  
from Beverage Container Surcharges (Nip Bottles).  
Councilor Garcia-Irizarry stated based on the May 15, 2024 Finance Committee Meeting  
she obtained updated Quotes from Blue Earth Compost, noting that the pricing did not  
change. She stated the new Quotes were attached to the Agenda on the Meeting Portal.  
The Finance Committee reviewed the Blue Earth Compost costs as follows:  
Starter Kit at a cost of $3,901 would include the following:  
ü 100 - 6 Gallon Container ($1,738)  
ü 2,500 Compostable Bags ($450)  
ü 64 Gallon Bin at the Transfer Station - No Container Delivery Fee (If starter Kits  
and 64-Gallon Bin were delivered the same day)  
One -Year Contract $7,802; Six-Month Cost $3,901  
ü $35 per week service collection  
ü $12 X 2 per week 64-Gallon Bin Fee  
ü $2 X 2 per week Cleaning Fee  
Total Weekly Fee: $63.00 X 26 Weeks = $1,638  
Early Termination Fee 1-Month charge ($250)  
Councilor Buhle stated the six-month service cost of $3,901 would include the Starter  
Kit as noted above. She stated thereafter the cost would be $1,678 providing the costs  
stayed the same, noting that the Stater Kit was a one-time cost.  
The Finance Committee noted that during the Fiscal Year 2025/2026 Budget preparation  
(next year’s budget) that they would need to address the funding options to support both  
the Street Sweeper (see above Old Business Item #3) and the Food Waste Compost  
Program, noting that both initiatives were viable uses of the Beverage Container  
Surcharges Revenues (Nip Bottles).  
Public Works Director/Town Engineer stated he had enough money in his Sanitation  
Account to operationally fund the Blue Earth Compost Contract. He also noted that  
Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resources Recycling Authority (SCRRRA) would  
eventually absorb the destination and integrate the Food Waste Composting Program  
into the Curbside Collection Services.  
The Finance Committee questioned whether they needed to vote on the Blue Earth  
Compost Contract. Mr. Masalin explained that no action was needed because the Blue  
Earth Compost would be paid out of the proper budget account “ Sanitation” and  
because the contract was under the $5,000 threshold they were not required to solicit  
The Finance Committee thanked Mr. Masalin for taking on the cost this Compost PILOT  
Program noting the importance to begin reducing trash tonnage by removing the Food  
Waste from the household waste stream; and for residents to become aware and  
participate in the Blue Earth Compost Pilot Program.  
Councilor Buhle noting the following Next Steps:  
Order the Starter Kits  
Contact the Farmers Market to reserve a space to talk to residents about the Composting  
Distribute the Compost Containers and Compostable Bags.  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  