IWWC24-10RA - Proposed Text Amendments to Inland Wetlands and Watercourses
Regulations Sections 2.1, 7.5.b, 7.6.1, 7.8, 7.9, 11.6, 19.b, & 20 - Applicant, Ledyard
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission, Justin DeBrodt, Chairman, (Date of Receipt
9/3/24, PH opened 11/12/24, PH Cont. to 12/3/24, PH Cont. to 1/7/25, PH must close by
N/A, DRD N/A).
Director Burdick stated that a new exhibit has been added to the record for application
IWWC#24-10RA entitled “Memorandum Regarding Attorney Avena Review of Proposed
Regulation Amendments to Ledyard Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Regulations” prepared
by Attorney Robert Avena & the Director of Land Use & Planning, Liz Burdick. The
document will be marked as exhibit #7 for the record. She reviewed the nature of the
document with the Commission stating that it includes the current regulations, the original
proposed amendments and finally the suggestions by Attorney Avena.
Director Burdick invited Attorney Avena to begin reviewing the document with the
Attorney Avena of Suisman & Shapiro, 75 State Street, New London, CT Land Use Attorney
for the Town of Ledyard, began his review. He reviewed the previously completed legal
requirements of the applications as well as the work staff had done to review and gather
information for the Commission. Attorney Avena reviewed modification of 2.1 with the
Commissioner Pealer clarified that Attorney Avena’s suggested modification would allow
interested parties the opportunity to rebut assertions made by the Commission as opposed to
the original modification that states that the “The IWWC may rule that any other activity
located within such upland review area or in any other non-wetland or non-watercourse area
is likely to impact or affect wetlands or watercourses and is a regulated activity”. Attorney
Avena said that was correct and confirmed Commissioner Pealer’s interpretation of the
Commissioner Lynmarie Thompson and Attorney Avena clarified that the regulation
amendment defines the likelihood of impact but not the degree. Commission Lynmarie
Thompson asked what the procedure for Town staff to determine the significance of an
impact to the wetlands would look like.
Attorney Avena stated that if significant impact was determined there would be expert
testimony to support that conclusion and that the Commission would not be left to make that
assertion on their own without support. He spoke about the Wetlands Official being
responsible for reviewing all significant impact applications and thoroughly reviewing the
Director Burdick commented that because of the nature of the issue they will have to take
each application as they come since every situation is unique. She stated that every
application will go through the Wetlands Agent and if the staff feel they need more support
they will hire an outside certified soil scientist.
Vice Chair Ribe and Director Burdick discussed the cost burden related to these procedures.