Naomi Rodriguez, Jennifer Zeronsa (Zoom), Deborah Edwards (Zoom). No comments from
A. Correspondence
An email was received from Deborah Edwards (30 Bluff Road West, Gales Ferry) regarding the
granting of a bid waiver for Goman & York to provide a comprehensive study of the Route 12
corridor. She attached a copy of the Impact Study that Goman & York did for the Gales Ferry
Intermodal Site that she annotated with her comments. This has been shared with all
B. Justin LaFountain of Goman+York: Update of GF Corridor Study
Justin LaFountain introduced himself as the Senior Vice President of Planning & Economic
Development for Goman+York. They’ve been in business since 2011. They have three different
types of clients - municipalities, institutional, and private clients. He described his background
which includes previously working for the Southeastern Council of Governments for 5 years as a
regional planner. He went over the timeline for the Gales Ferry corridor study. They are looking
at current opportunities and barriers, infrastructure, and assets in that corridor. They want to get
public engagement so that they develop a plan that is good for both the town and the people.
Solli Engineering will be working as a subcontractor on the engineering related portions - traffic,
crash data, cost estimates, etc. They are just getting starting so they don’t have a lot to present
yet, but he expects he’ll have some actual data to share. They have the previous Rt. 12 studies
that have been done. They are doing data gathering using Placer AI to identify traffic patterns.
They are looking at the zoning regulations. They are working with the Solli engineer the physical
conditions of the area - dangerous areas, places that could use sidewalks, landscaping,
streetscaping, etc. They’ll be finalizing all of that research around mid-March. Stakeholder
engagement will follow. Then they’ll have a public outreach session where they’ll present the
data that they’ve found so far, and get input from the residents. They’ll also meet with focus
groups of the business owners in town. Those will probably happen in mid-to-late March.
Cherry asked LaFountain to clarify the bounds of the study, whether or not it was restricted to
just Rt. 12 or if it included any of Hurlbutt Rd or Military Hwy and whether it would extend all
the way to the Preston border. LaFountain stated that they would be including up to 500 ft off of
Rt. 12 in those areas and all the way to Preston.
Dreimiller asked if the timeline that he showed during his presentation could be shared with the
commission and LaFountain said that he had shared it with Burdick who said she’d send it to
Mayor’s Report
Not present.
Planner’s Report
The application for GFI LLC public hearings closed on Dec. 19, Jan 23rd at special mtg, no