Month. She stated that she would keep Mayor Allyn updated on the planning of the
Councilor Paul stated he liked the idea of the Board of Education being involved with Black
History Month Essay and Poster Activities. He stated he had hoped the Board of Education
would agree to take the lead on the Black History Poster Activity and Essay Contest, noting
that he believed the schools would be able to do more with the students by focusing
additional programs on Black History Month with things like school assemblies, etc. He
stated as the Community Relations Committee discussed at their October 19, 2022 meeting
that perhaps the Essay Contest winner could read their essay at a Town Council meeting;
and as they did last year, the winning posters could be displayed.
Continued discussion and possible action draft a schedule for Public Information Forums to
present to residents the types of services the town offers; how to access services and the
authority residents should direct concerns regarding services.
Councilor Paul stated he learned a lot from Public Works Director/Town Engineer Steve
Masalin’s presentation this evening. He stated that he yearned for more residents to attend
the Community Relations Committee’s meetings and their Informational Forums because
they provide a lot of great information regarding the services to the community.
Chairman Dombrowski noted at their November 7, 2022 meeting the Land
Use/Planning/Public Works Committee discussed working with the Land Use Departments
to put together a presentation to help residents understand the Land Use processes relative to
the approval of applications, etc. He noted the complexities of Land Use stating that it
involved Regulatory, the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD), etc., He stated
Land Use matters were not discretionary, explaining that an Application either met the
Regulations or it did not meet the Regulations.
Councilor Paul stated in-light of some of new developments in Gales Ferry such as the
Dollar General Store and the Cashman Marine Dredging at the former Dow Chemical
property, that residents have been questioning the Land Use process and approvals. He noted
the LUPPW Committee discussed ways to provide information to residents pertaining to the
structure and
operations of the Town’s Land Use process which included posting a Frequently Asked
Question (FAQ) Sheet and/or uploading short videos on the town’s website which would
answer land use questions and that could be linked to social media pages. He suggested the
Community Relations Committee invite Land Use Director Juliet Hodge to give a
presentation regarding the Land Use Departments in February or March, 2023.
Councilor Saums thanked the residents who attended tonight’s meeting in-person at the
Council Chambers to see the Public Works Department Presentation, noting that there were
no residents in attendance on-line. He stated it was very informative and that he wished
more residents could have seen the presentation.
Continued discussion and possible action to identify various town venues to host “Informal