Councilor Saums, noting that overall they received good feedback and a positive response.
He stated the only negative comment they received was questioning the need for the new
Pathway. He stated they spent a couple of hours with the property owners discussing various
components of the project including the level of pedestrians and bicyclists activity of during
the day which included the High School kids walking to Colonel Ledyard Park or to the
Library. He stated Public Works Director/Town Engineer Steve Masalin mentioned that
once the Pathway was built that people would use it; (4) MIS Director Retirement - Mayor
Allyn stated MIS Director Regina Brulotte retired on March 2, 2023 after 20 years and nine
months of service to the town. He stated Justin Dube has accepted the MIS Director position.
He stated Mr. Dube has been with the town serving as the MIS Technician for thirteen
years. He stated Mr. Dube was very knowledgeable, he was a great hands-on-person, gets in
the field and gets the job done. He stated the MIS Technician position has been posted and
they have received one application to date. He stated this was a full-time “in the field”
position and he encouraged interested parties to apply, noting that there were a number of
open positions posted in Town Hall; (5) Administrator of Human Resources Retirement -
Mayor Allyn stated Administrator of Human Resources Don Steinhoff would be retiring on
April 6, 2023. He stated they have completed interviews to fill the position and extended an
offer to Ms. Marisa Ianella-Rodriguez. He stated they hoped to receive a response from
Ms. Ianella-Rodriguez within the next few days. He noted Ms. Ianella-Rodrigeuz was no
relation to Councilor Rodriguez; (6) Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Budget - Mayor Allyn stated
he delivered his proposed Fiscal Year 2023/2024 on Monday, March 6, 2023 (first
Monday in March) in accordance with Chapter VII; Section 3 of the Town Charter. He
stated they had some minor technical difficulties with the cloud-based software Clear
Gov. He stated this was a good example of when you use Cloud-Based Software, and the
cloud goes down. However, he stated they were able to get the budget together and filed
on-time. He stated the proposed $65,476,753 was an increase of $3,254,548 or 3.19%
over the current year’s budget and would call for a 35.04 mil rate for a 1.22 mil increase.
He noted the proposed budget was comprised of a General Government budget in the
amount of $29,568,385 and a Board of Education budget in the amount of $35,908,368.
He stated there were still some changes that could occur in the budget that could save the
town money, however, he explained that they were not prepared to make those changes at
the time was budget was due. Therefore, he stated that there was more work that the
Finance Committee could do to bring the mil increase down to a 0.8 mil increase; (7)
Linda C. Davis Food Pantry - Mayor Allyn thanked Mr. Mike Lamb and Ms. Tammy
Darvey for their very generous donation of 280 pounds of ground beef to the Food
Pantry. He stated the Food Pantry and Social Services have been very busy, noting that
they have had some challenging needs over the past few months, explaining that people
have been coming in to seek assistance after their heating fuel tank was already empty,
which makes for a very difficult situation, especially when you know someone was out
of heating fuel and it was going to be cold over the next few days. However, he stated
donations from people like Mr. Lamb and Ms. Darvey go a long way because the
residents who were struggling to fill their heating fuel tank also use the Food Pantry; (8)
334 Colonel Ledyard Highway - Mayor Allyn provided some background noting in-lieu
of foreclosure the Town received the deed for 334 Colonel Ledyard Highway on January 25,
2023. He stated they conducted a tour of the property, noting that Councilor Saums
participated in tour. He stated the house was condemned noting several floor joists were
rotted; and because of the unsafe condition of the structure, they did not view the upstairs of
the house. He stated he has been in discussions to convey the property to Avalonia Land
Conservancy to be used as a parking area to access the Founders Preserve property. He