Mayor Allyn, III, reported on the following: (1) Streetlight Banners - Ledyard Center -
Mayor Allyn stated today he was talking Public Works Building & Grounds Supervisor
Shawn Ruszcyk about hanging the Streetlight Banners for the summer. He stated Mr.
Ruszcyk explained because the wreaths were not the same size as the banners, that they had
adjust the brackets each year to accommodate the wreaths and that it compromised and
weakened the brackets. He stated Mr. Ruszcyk suggested that rather than use the wreaths for
the holiday season that they get perforated banners with something festive printed on them
such as wreaths, or poinsettias, etc.; (2) Schools Consolidation/ Improvement Projects
(Middle School & Gallup Hill School) - Mayor Allyn noted a few weeks ago he sent an
email to the State to: (a) express the town’s frustration regarding the State’s release of the
grant reimbursement funding for the School(s) Project(s); and (b) requested a meeting
because Ledyard has been waiting a very long time for the Grant Reimbursement funding.
He stated since Ledyard began the School(s) Consolidation/ Improvement Project(s) (Middle
School & Gallup Hill School) that the State has had a turnover in the Commissioner seat
twice. He stated the Acting Commissioner responded to his email stating that they would
review Ledyard’s paperwork as soon as they received that they would pay the town as soon
as possible, less the retainage. He stated the Commissioner informed him that it could take 5
- 6-years to receive the retainage; therefore, Mayor Allyn explained that the town would
have to continue to carry the retainage using Short-Term Borrowing. He went on to report
that Colliers Project Leaders, the consultant who has been working with the Permanent
Municipal Building Committee and the Board of Education, submitted the final closeout
paperwork to the State for the School(s) Project(s). He stated the good news was that the
town should be receiving State Grant Reimbursement in the amount of $9 - $10 million very
shortly; (3) Long Pond Dam Watershed Project - Mayor Allyn stated in response to the
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) (Whitford Brook Watershed Infrastructure Improvements
-1 ) Public Works Director/Town Engineer Steve Masalin, a Planner from Southeastern
Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) Planner, and someone from Southeastern
CT Stormwater and Climate Resilience Agency (SERCA) interviewed the Engineering
Firms that submitted proposals. He stated all the Engineering Firms interviewed well. He
stated the next step in the process was to issue a Request for Qualifications for the project;
(4) Administrator of Human Resources - Mayor Allyn stated Ms. Marisa Rodriguez started
as the town’s new Administrator of Human Resources on Monday, noting that after twelve
years of service that Mr. Don Steinhoff retired on April 6, 2023; (5) 334 Colonel Ledyard
Highway - Mayor Allyn stated the Lead and Asbestos Survey went well, noting that there
was no asbestos in the house. He stated the only asbestos that was on the house was the
black tar mastic that was used to bond between the chimney and the flashing. He stated a
contractor would be hired to remove the tar mastic and the well would be filled in by
professionals per Ledge Light Health District. He went on to explain that next week they
would conduct a demolition review with a contractor and per the Demolition Rules the
Town issue a Register Letter Notice to Abutters, to inform them about the pending
Demolition Permit.. He stated there was only one abutting property owner, noting the town
owning the other abutting properties; (6) Taxation on Indian Lands - Mayor Allyn stated the
State Legislature has proposed a Working Group to report on taxation issues on Indian Lands
which would involve the both the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN) Chairman,
and Mohegan Sun Tribe Chairman, Montville Mayor, himself and six members of the State
Legislature. He stated the Working Group would meet twice a month in Harford for
six-months. He stated that he has expressed his concern to their Legislators questioning the