our highways that were already stressed, noting that this was only part of a terrible plan. He
stated since the Mira Connecticut Solid Waste Plant in East Hartford closed Tipping Fees
have increased by 30 percent. Therefore, he stated the cost to dispose of solid waste was
dramatically increasing. He stated Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recycling
Authority (SCRRRA) was currently subsiding Ledyard’s Tipping Fees; however, this subsidy
would run out in 2030 and it has been projected that the Town’s Tipping Fees would increase
by 80 percent, bringing the cost up-to $135.00 per ton. He stated, in addition, recycling costs
have been projected to outstrip the tonnage costs for solid waste, noting that this was going to
be a huge problem. Therefore, he stated they were working to develop programs to remove
things from the waste stream in an effort to reduce tonnage. He noted the following two
PILOT Programs: (a) Awareness Campaign - Artificial Intelligence Cameras - This Pilot
Program was scheduled to begin on September 1, 2023. Mayor Allyn explained that the
Trash Collection Trucks would be equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Cameras to
monitor what was going into the trash carts and what was going into the recycling carts. He
stated, as an example, if people were bagging their recycling, which they should not do; the
AI Camera would detect that the recycling was bagged and would generate a postcard and
mail it to that house; (b) Textile Recycling Bin - Mayor Allyn explained this PILOT Program
would provide Textile Recycling Bins for people to dispose of clothing/towels/textile items
that were not good enough to donate to places such as the Good Will or other organizations.
He stated the Textile Recycling Bins would need to be located where it could be connected to
WI-FI, because the system included a camera and a sensor to monitor when the Bin was full,
noting that it would send a message for the Bin to be emptied. He stated went on to note that
organics were about 25 percent of the tonnage and that the next PILOT Program they planned
to roll-out was to remove organics from the waste stream; (5) Salty Heffer Restaurant Ribbon
Cutting - August 18. 2023 - Mayor Allyn stated he attended the Ribbon Cutting on Colonel
Ledyard Highway, noting that 75%-80% the Restaurant’s food was Farm to Table noting in
addition to having
their own farm that the owners also shopped at the Farm Farmers Market for fruits and
vegetables, noting that they also use local vendors for their milk, ice cream, cheese, and eggs;
(6) Nuclear Safety Drill - Mayor Allyn stated as Councilor Saums’ mentioned earlier this
evening he participated in the Nuclear Safety Drill earlier today at the Emergency Operations
Center (EOCO) that was located in the basement of the High School. He stated the Drill went
well. He thanked Councilor Saums for attending, Ms. Tomica Hollins from FEMA, and Mr.
Clark Maxson from Dominion Energy (Milestone Nuclear Power Plant); (7) Southeastern
Connecticut Water Authority (SCWA) Town Representative - Mayor Allyn stated he was
looking for a volunteer who was a SCWA Ratepayer to serve as one of Ledyard’s
Representatives on SCWA. He stated this would be someone who lived and area that was
serviced by SCWA such as Christy Hill Road, Barret Park, Bird Land, Parsonage Hill Manor;
(8) Tri-Town Trail Parking Lots -Eversource - Mayor Allyn noted as he has reported at
previous Town Council meetings (November 9, 2022) that in exchange for closing two of the
Tri-Town Trailheads until the Spring, 2023 for safety reasons, while they Eversource was
operating large excavators and other equipment on-site to work on the High-Tension
Transmission Line they offered put in two gravel parking lots for residents to access the
Tri-Town Trail. He stated Eversource planned to start the construction of the two parking lots
next week noting that the work would go into the first week of September, 2023. He stated
one parking lot would be located behind the Red Barn at the Clark Farm and one would be
located across from the Preston Plains Park (trail head). He stated Eversource would be
scraping out some topsoil and putting down processed gravel, and would be rolling,