Ms. Ginina Diaz, 1546 Route 12, Gales Ferry, thanked Councilors Rodriguez, Marshall,
Saums and Paul for the productive dialogue during the Community Relations Committee
September 20, 2023 meeting. She stated as Councilor Marshall noted they have identified
the problem. Ms. Diaz stated that it was her hope that these types of conversations could
continue to happen, noting that maybe they could find some solutions for their
community. She stated the solution that she offered in her September 21, 2023 email;
combined with Councilor Paul’s suggestion, which was to hold all meetings at the Town
Hall Annex, noting that it would solve the following two issues: (1) Concerns of some
residents regarding speaking on public record; and (2) For the safety of our senior
citizens and disabled residents. She stated with the increase of residents comments and
concerns at multiple Board and Committee meetings in recent months that she would ask
the Community Relations Committee consider holding an open meeting where residents
could address their various concerns. She stated when residents were felt heard and or
validated that it helped them to feel that the issues they were concerned about mattered.
She stated that this could potentially be the first step to creating a transparent and
productive relationship for our community. She stated lately the frustrations among
residents were not Board specific; noting that residents had increased concerns overall.
She stated what they seemed to have in common was a lack of transparency and
accountability, the behavior of some who hold positions of power, favoritism, and the
seeming lack of concern for the safety of our senior citizens and our youth. She stated
with elections approaching that she would ask the Board what was important to them.
She stated if these issues were directly affecting their children or their loved ones, how
would they feel. She questioned what they could do to work together for the best interest
of everyone in our community. Thank you.
Chairman Dombrowski thanked Ms. Diaz for her comments.
Ms. Sheri Fernandez, 60 Kings Highway, Gales Ferry, stated tonight she hoped to get an
answer to the question that she the Town Council at their September 13, 2023 meeting,
which was: “If by their own admission, the Housing Authority did not own the Kings
Corner Senior Citizens Housing Facility, then what authority did they have to prohibit
smoking”. She stated the Connecticut.Gov website stated: “There were no federal or
state laws preventing owners or landlords from banning smoking and vaping on the
property”. She went on to note that the Marium Webster Dictionary defined “Landlord”
as “The owner of property, land, houses, apartments, etc.” Ms. Fernandez went on to
state at the Housing Authority’s September 5, 2023 meeting that Board Member Paula
Crocker told them that when the tenants were off-site that they need to dispose of their
cigarette butts and debris appropriately. Ms. Fernandez stated now the Kings Corner
Senior Citizens Housing tenants were not only being told what they could do on-site, the
tenants were being told what they could do off-site. She stated to her the word
“megalomaniacs” a was a fitting description for the Board Members.
Ms. Fernandez continued by stating in addition to all of this that she has been approached
by a Ledyard Police Officers two more times during the last two-weeks. She stated the
second time she was approached, that while she was retrieving her identification card