741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Inland Wetland and Water Courses  
Meeting Minutes  
Justin DeBrodt  
Regular Meeting  
Tuesday, January 3, 2023  
7:00 PM  
Council Chambers -Hybrid Format  
Chairman DeBrodt called the Regular Meeting of the IWWC to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting  
was hybrid with some attending in person and others via zoom.  
Staff Present: Juliet Hodge, Director of Planning and Development, Len Johnson, Wetlands  
Enforcement Officer, and Makenna Perry, Land Use Administrative Asst.  
Chairman Justin DeBrodt  
Vice Chair Paul Maugle  
Commissioner Dan Pealer  
Commissioner Lynmarie Thompson  
Commissioner Beth E. Ribe  
Alternate Member Gary St. Vil  
No public comment.  
Application #IWWC22-18URA of Avery Brook Homes, LLC, 1641 Rte. 12, Gales Ferry, CT  
06335 for URA activities associated with the siting of new single-family homes with associated  
grading and utilities on 9 of 36 lots in a proposed 8-30g Re-Subdivision located on 94,96,98 and  
100 Stoddards Wharf Rd, Ledyard CT.  
Chairman DeBrodt reopened the public hearing for Application #IWWC22-18URA of Avery  
Brook Homes, LLC for a 26-lot resubdivision. Attorney Harry Heller and Peter Gardner, LS of  
Dieter & Gardner were present for the application. All regular members were seated.  
Attorney Harry Heller, 736 Route 32, Uncasville, asked the Commission to continue the public  
hearing. He explained that Commissioner Maugle requested various analyses from Avery Brook  
Homes, LLC to determine the environmental impact of the development. Avery Brook Homes,  
LLC has decided to work with the firm of Angus McDonald and Gary Sharpe in Old Saybrook,  
CT, to perform such analyses. Attorney Heller stated that the testing started a week after the  
information was requested at the December 6, 2022 meeting, but that the applicant is still  
working on retrieving the information requested. Attorney Heller mentioned the scope of the  
Commission's permitting jurisdiction. Attorney Heller stated that the Commission did not have  
jurisdiction over groundwater as well as a number of other items pertaining to the application.  
Attorney Heller stated that the Commission has permitting jurisdiction over matters concerning  
inland wetland and watercourses. He reiterated that the applicant is not proposing any activities  
in wetlands or watercourses, nor significant disturbances in upland review areas. Attorney Heller  
wanted to make sure the Commission limited their discussion to what they have jurisdiction  
Juliet Hodge, Planning Director of Ledyard, disagreed with Attorney Heller's statement about the  
Commission's limited jurisdiction.  
The Chairman welcomed public comment.  
The following people spoke:  
Karl Acimovic, PE representing the Water Division of Groton Utilities, explained that GU is  
submitting a memorandum and resume from consultant Michael Giggey from Wright-Pierce.  
The memo provides an initial review of water quality concerns such as Nitrogen contamination  
in private wells, Nitrogen loading to the watershed and stormwater contaminants reaching the  
regional water supply. Mr. Acimovic asked that Michael Giggey from Wright-Pierce to give a  
summary of his analysis.  
Attorney Steven Studer, Berchem & Moses, 75 Broad St. Milford, CT, noted for the record  
that he emailed a copy of both the memorandum and Michael Giggey’s resume to staff, Attorney  
Heller, and Attorney Carl Landolina. He questioned if the Commission had voted to accept  
Groton Utilities’ intervenor petition.  
Michael Giggey, PE, Senior Vice President of Wright-Pierce, summarized his memorandum  
that he submitted to Groton Utilities pertaining to his concerns with the proposed subdivision.  
Mr. Giggey identified three red flags: the close proximity to the drinking water reservoir; the use  
of onsite septic systems for waste disposal; and the use of private wells for drinking water  
supply. He stated his opinion that the project was unacceptable environmentally. He discussed  
his concerns about nitrates infiltrating into in the ground water along with other contaminants.  
He feels the proposed density is too great for the property. Mr. Giggey believed that 4-8 houses  
in this subdivision would be ideal to avoid negative impact to the water supply.  
Juliet Hodge, Director of Planning, believes that activity that occurs outside of a buffer area  
can still impact nearby wetlands and that any of the proposed activity could potentially impact  
wetlands and into the groundwater that eventually recharges the reservoir.  
Attorney Steven Studer, Berchem & Moses, 75 Broad St, Milford, CT, spoke again and  
asked that the Commission vote on the petition to intervene.  
Attorney Harry Heller, for the applicant, spoke again. He explained that he did not say the  
Commission does not have jurisdiction to consider the impact of activities occurring outside of  
the wetlands buffer area, but that the Commission is limited to evaluating the direct or indirect  
impacts of activity on wetlands and watercourses. He quoted information from two famous  
cases, Mystic Marine Life Aquarium and Connecticut Fun for the Environment, that assert that  
Inlands Wetlands and Watercourses agencies are not mini environmental protection agencies. He  
reiterated that the Commissions jurisdiction is limited to impacts of Inland Wetlands and  
Chairman Justin DeBrodt stated that he had reviewed relevant reports and information and  
introduced his own memorandum into the record. In his memorandum he introduced numerous  
questions about quality of water, permeability rates, nutrients, runoff, and pollutants. He will  
have a copy sent to Groton Utilities and the Applicant.  
Betsy Graham, 72A Long Pond Road South, spoke against the application. She read a letter  
that she submitted to the record which identified her concerns about the potential impact to the  
drinking water supply in Groton, as well as surrounding towns. Ms. Graham is concerned about  
depleting the drinking water supply as well as the proposed density of the Avery Brook Homes  
development. She asked the Commission to take her comments into consideration.  
Len Johnson, Wetlands Enforcement Officer, read his suggested motion for denial and  
suggested motion for approval from his staff report at the request of the Chairman.  
Mike Cherry, 5 Whippoorwill Drive, asked the Commission to confirm what they can  
regulate. Mr. Cherry also asked that the Commission look at conclusions they can draw from  
data before them.  
Commissioner Thompson asked that staff get clarification about the required vote on accepting  
the petition for intervener status from Attorney Landolina. She believed that Landolina should  
look over both the approval and denial motions and assist the Commission with adding  
additional information.  
Juliet Hodge, Planning Director, read Carl Landolina's email about the petition/statement from  
the City of Groton. Ms. Hodge also asked that Commissioner Thompson confirm for the record  
that she had watched the recording of the December 6, 2022 meeting and reviewed the material  
submitted to date.  
Commissioner Thompson stated for the record that she had reviewed all relevant material.  
Motion made by Commissioner Pealer and seconded Commissioner Maugle to continue the  
Public Hearing to February 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM, as requested by the applicant. Motion  
passed unanimously.  
Lynmarie Thompson  
Beth E. Ribe  
Election of Officers, Budget & Goals Discussion  
Chairman Justin DeBrodt explained that since the IWWC November, 2022 meeting was  
cancelled, the Commission did not vote on election of officers, review goals, or discuss the  
Motion made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Ribe to amend  
the agenda to discuss 2023 goals, the 2023 budget and election of officers. Motion passed  
The Commission discussed the election of officers. The Commission agreed to keep the same  
slate of officers as Justin DeBrodt, Chairman, and Paul Maugle, Vice Chair. Motion made by  
Commissioner Ribe and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to continue the current  
slate of officers as presented. Motion passed unanimously.  
The Commission discussed their 2023 goals and determined them as follows: create a policy for  
official map updates; that all Commission members complete mandatory education training: and  
aid staff in filling vacancies within the Land Use Department.  
The Commission discussed the 2023 budget. The Commission agreed to keep the 2023 budget  
the same as the 2022 budget at $500.00.  
Approved and so declared.  
Staff Reports  
WEO, Len Johnson did not have anything else to report other than what was submitted  
concerning the Avery Brooks Homes Subdivision.  
Approval of December 6, 2022 Minutes  
Motion was made by Commissioner Ribe and seconded by Commissioner Pealer to  
approve the December 6, 2022 minutes with the corrections identified. Motion passed  
Beth E. Ribe  
Dan Pealer  
Commission members reviewed their meeting noting that the technology worked well, and that  
they had received their reports ahead of time. Commissioner St. Vil thanked the Chairman for  
the time he took to review all the documents received.  
Commissioner Thompson noted that even though the draft minutes contained numerous typos,  
the content of the very complicated meeting was accurately recorded and was really helpful.  
Motion was made by Commissioner Pealer and seconded by Commissioner Ribe to  
adjourn at 8:35 PM. Motion passed unanimously.  
Approved and so declared.  
Dan Pealer  
Beth E. Ribe  
Respectfully Submitted,  
Chairman, Justin DeBrodt  