Councilor Saums stated that he posted two articles on the Ledyard-Gales Ferry
Community Forum regarding Jordan Freeman and Lambo Latham. He stated both
these men were credited with killing Major Montgomery; and he noted to have these
slaves, who were freed by Colonel Ledyard, fighting by his side said a lot. He stated
he thought the Old Saybrook Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Article
was the most meaningful and he read the following:
“Why is our Chapter named after Jordan Freeman? On the sixth of September 1981
eighty plus men of all colors jointed together to unite in battle against the common
enemy the British Army run by Benedict Arnold, Traitor to the Colonies. The small
army was fairly decimated by the British but the few that survived were led by
Colonel William Ledyard to Fort Griswold. By his side was his servant Jordan
Freeman, who remained loyal to his formal owner to fight alongside Colonel
Ledyard. Although all of the men in the fort found themselves faced with
overwhelming odds and very small chance of success they were resolved in their
belief in the cause. They armed themselves as best they could against the inevitable
attack. With only a few small cannons, riffles with bayonets and spikes and a limited
supply of ammunition, the Patriots were prepared to hold their ground. To that end
and with that determination it was Jordan Freeman who speared and killed the
leader of the attackers Major Montgomery, as he scaled the walls of the Fort. A
battle ensued which was inevitably won by the British but the taking of Fort Griswold
was not the end of that battle, for the British were humiliated by the losses they
suffered at the hands of so few many. In an act of retaliation, the British brutally
slaughtered the surviving men in the Battle of Groton Heights, including Jordan
Freeman. The strength in character of Jordan Freeman along with loyalty,
determination, and resolve that he displayed throughout his life were the reasons he
was selected by the Founders of this Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution (DAR) to be honored with the Jordan Freeman Chapter name.”
Councilor Saums stated that history was often hard to discern noting that there was
another version of this account of history.
“Some historians believed that the British Officer that took Colonel Ledyard’s sword
and thrust it thru his body, was the earlier flag bearer loyalist Capitan George
Beckwith. Others claimed that it was Capitan Stephen Bromfield, who assumed
command after and Major Montgomery was killed.”
“So too, accounts differ as to which American revenged Ledyard’s murder by killing
the British Officer who killed the garrison bleeder. While some say it was Capitan
Allyn, others claim it was an African former slave, Lambo Latham, who dealt the
fatal blow. Some internet articles incorrectly state that Jordan Freeman had also
killed the Officer who murdered his In all events, Capitan Allyn and Lambo Latham
were soon among those who were slaughtered shortly thereafter.”
Councilor Saums stated that there were several versions of this account. He also
noted that the Twenty-nineth Regiment had a lot of men of color who were soldiers.
He stated that he was continuing to research these historical accounts, noting that he
was getting some help from a Ledyard Historian.