741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Community Relations Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Kevin J. Dombrowski  
Regular Meeting  
Wednesday, June 21, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Town Hall Annex - Hybrid Format  
In -Person: Council Chambers - Town Hall Annex Building  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
Or by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; +Meeting ID: 856 4305 0597; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Paul at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers -  
Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Paul welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. He stated for the Town Council  
Community Relations Committee and members of the Public who were participating  
via video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the  
Agenda that was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Insite Meeting Portal.  
Bill Saums  
Gary Paul  
John Marshall  
In addition, Administrative Assistant Roxanne Maher was present.  
MOTION to approve the Community Relations Committee Regular Meeting Minutes of May  
17, 2023  
Moved by Councilor Paul, seconded by Councilor Saums  
VOTE: 2 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Gary Paul  
Bill Saums  
Saums and Paul  
Discuss the 2024 Black History Activity/Contest.  
No Action.  
Continued discussion and possible action draft a schedule for Public Information Forums to  
present to residents the types of services the town offers; how to access services and the  
authority residents should direct concerns regarding services.  
Councilor Paul stated last summer (2022) the Community Relations Committee  
found that hosting booths at the Farmers Market was successful in providing  
information to residents regarding the many services and programs that were  
available. He noted that the Committee planned to host three Booths again this  
summer and he provided an overview of the Committee’s previously agreed upon  
schedule and the status of the work that has been done to date to organize each of  
three events as follows:  
Councilor Paul noted he spoke with Farmers’ Market Committee Chairman Lauriann  
Hary, noting that the Farmers Market could accommodate the Community Relations  
Committee’s Booth on the three dates they selected. He stated the Community  
Relations Committee worked to coordinate their subject matter with the Farmers  
Market’s Weekly Themes. He stated he submitted the Application Form to the  
Farmers Market Committee to formalize the process.  
Councilor Paul went on to note that he has spoken to all of the participants that the  
Community Relations Committee would like to feature at each of the three Markets  
to bring awareness to the programs and services that were available to residents. He  
stated everyone was enthusiastic about participating in the events, noting that the  
Community Relations Committee worked to schedule their topics to be in-keeping  
with the Farmers’ Market weekly themes.  
· July 19, 2023 Mental Health Awareness  
Councilor Paul went on to note that many of these groups participated at the  
Community Relations Committee’s Farmers’ Market Booths last summer. However,  
he stated SERAC would be a new addition to their Mental Health Awareness Booth this  
summer. He provided some background noting that SERAC was a non-profit  
organization located in Norwich that served 41 communities in Eastern Connecticut,  
noting that they provide programs and services to reduce the impact of substance  
abuse, problem gambling, and mental health challenges, noting that May was Mental  
Health Awareness Month. He stated he spoke with SERAC Representative Mark  
Irons (Suicide Prevention Lead) and he noted that Mr. Irons stated that SERAC  
would like to participate in July 19, 2023 event, noting that SERAC would like to  
have a presence in Ledyard. Councilor Paul suggested that the Community Relations  
Committee may want to invite SERAC to a Town Council meeting, as they did last  
year with the Brian Dagle Foundation, so that SERAC could inform the community  
about the programs they provide. Councilor Paul stated because of the number of  
organizations they would be featuring at their July 19, 2023 Farmers’ Market Booth  
that he requested space for three tents.  
· August 30, 2023 - Library Services  
Councilor Paul stated the Farmers’ Market August 30, 2023 Theme was “Back to  
School” and that the Committee felt that the Library services would be in-keeping  
with that Theme. He stated at their Booth the Community Relations Committee  
would provide literature regarding the services the Library offered and refer residents  
to stop by the Library Open House. H stated when the Farmers Market closed that the  
Library would provide a short Presentation that same evening.  
· September 19, 2023- Hometown Heroes -  
Councilor Paul stated in preparation for the September 19, 2023 “Hometown Heroes”  
he met with both Ledyard Center Fire Chief Jon Mann and Gales Ferry Fire Chief  
Tony Saccone. He stated he received a tour of both Fire Stations, and he noted that  
both Fire Chief’s were looking forward to participating in the Community Relations  
Committee September 19, 2023 Farmers’ Market Booth, noting that it would be good  
opportunity for them to talk with residents about becoming a volunteer firefighter and  
for the Police Department to talk with young people who may be interested in a  
career in law enforcement or becoming a police officer.  
The Community Relations Committee also discussed inviting other town  
Committees/Commissions/Boards to talk about how residents could volunteer to  
serve on a town committee that they may be interested in serving on.  
The Committee discussed having the List of Town  
Committees/Commissions/Boards; their Appointing Authority along with brief  
roles/responsibilities description for each Committee available for residents to  
pick-up. Administrative Assistant Roxanne Maher noted that the information the  
Committee was discussing was available on line at:  
<https://www.ledyardct.org/244/Commissions-Committees-Boards> or could be  
found by visiting the town’s website at: <http://ledyardct.org> and selecting from the  
Department Drop Down” menu select Committee/Commissions/Boards. She  
explained that the List of Committees & Boards along their role descriptions and  
vacancies could be found there. She went on to explain that residents could also  
apply on-line to volunteer to serve on town committee from this link. She noted that  
this was part of the Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Town Council Appoints the following:  
· Agricultural Commission  
· Ledyard Farmers’ Market Committee  
· Library Commission  
· Retirement Board  
· Board of Assessment Appeals  
· Building Code Board of Appeals  
· Cemetery Committee  
· Parks, Recreation & Senior Citizens  
· Historic District Commission  
· Housing Authority  
· Planning & Zoning commission  
· Planning & Zoning Commission  
· Inland Wetland & Watercourses Commission· Southeastern CT Regional Resources Recovery  
· Ledyard Beautification Committee  
· Southeastern CT Water Authority  
· Water Pollution Control Authority  
Mayor Appoints the following:  
· Cable TV Advisory Board  
· Conservation Commission  
· Eastern Regional Tourism  
· Public Safety Commission  
· Social Services Board  
· Zoning Board of Appeals  
· Economic Development Commission  
Councilor Saums stated last year they could see people looking at their Booth, noting  
that some would keep their distance because they did not know who they were or  
what they were offering. However, he stated once members from the Community  
Relations Committee approached the residents with a card that they were appreciative  
of the information that was made available to them. The Community Relations  
Committee stated they looked forward to hosting the Booths at this Summer’s  
Farmers Market noting  
that this year residents would easily be able to recognize that they were a town  
organization, as they would be under the new Town of Ledyard canopy. They also  
discuss using a picture of the new town canopy in their advertisements so resident  
would know to look for them.  
Continued discussion and possible action to identify various town venues to host “Informal  
Conversations in the Park” to engage residents in discussions regarding their concerns and  
their ideas for potential solutions.  
Councilor Paul stated the Park & Recreation Commission has been discussing  
scheduling a tour to visit the many recreational parks in town. However, he stated  
Parks & Recreation Commission cancelled their June 20, 2023 meeting. He stated  
that he would keep the Community Relations Committee informed as more  
information becomes available.  
Administrative Assistant Roxanne Maher noted that in accordance with Ordinance  
#001-016 (rev. 1) “An Ordinance Combining Parks And Recreation Commission and  
Senior Citizens Commission for the Town of Ledyard” members would be appointed  
to the newly combined Parks, Recreation, and Senior Citizens Commission at the  
Town Council’s June 28, 2023 meeting. She noted that the Commission would hold  
their Organizational Meeting shortly thereafter; and decide on their regular meeting  
schedule and other items of business.  
Councilor Paul stated that the newly combined Commission would most likely take  
on the scheduling of the tour to visit the town’s recreational parks and that he would  
update the Community Relations Committee once a date has been scheduled to visit  
the parks. Councilor Saums noted the new combined Commission may be able to  
schedule the tour of the parks until August, 2023.  
Councilor Saums stated he would like to visit the new Lantern Hill Waterfront Park  
that was being very generously leased to the Town by Mr. and Mrs. Graham. He  
stated that Parks & Recreation was making some non-permanent improvements such  
as a gazebo, boat launch for small boats, and some picnic tables. He stated it would  
be great to do something for the residents to see the new park and to hear about the  
history of the property. Councilor Paul stated Mrs. Betsy Graham was on the  
Conservation Commission and he noted the history of the property was interesting.  
The Committee agreed to consider possible dates to visit the Lantern Hill Waterfront  
Park at their July 19, 2023 meeting.  
Continued discussion regarding the possibility to schedule joint meetings with the  
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation to discuss items of mutual interest.  
Councilor Saums stated he was hoping they could get something scheduled for May  
or June. He stated Mashantucket Pequot Tribal (MPTN) Council Member Crystal  
Whipple was going to reach out to the Tribal Secretary to try to get something  
scheduled; however, he has not heard back from her regarding a date.  
Councilor Paul stated they all have busy schedules, and as he suggested at their April  
19, 2023 meeting, that perhaps the Informal Gathering could be something as simple  
as morning coffee. Councilor Saums agreed with Councilor Paul’s suggestion, and he  
stated that he would continue to try to get something scheduled between the two  
Continued review of status regarding the progress of improvements at the Park on East  
Councilor Paul stated that he did not communicate with Police Chief John Rich  
before tonight’s meeting to find out if there were any new developments/complaints  
at the Park.  
Councilor Saums noted the following email thread received earlier today from Mr.  
Jamison regarding the paving of East Drive; and Public Works Director/Town  
Engineer Steve Masalin’s response as follows:  
“From: Steve Masalin <pwd@ledyardct.org  
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 2:05 PM  
To: Roxanne Maher <council@ledyardct.org  
<mailto:council@ledyardct.org>>; Fred Allyn, III  
<mayor@ledyardct.org <mailto:mayor@ledyardct.org>>; Town  
Subject: RE: East Drive paving issue still not resolved  
Just to clarify. This damage was due to a ruptured SCWA waterline,  
not due to the Town’s prior resurfacing through Pasteryak. The  
restoration has been complete for some while, and we were not aware  
of any lingering issues. I have asked Joe Tillman to follow up  
according to the complaint to assess the matter.  
From: William Jamieson Jr <williamjamiesonjr@gmail.com  
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 1:34 PM  
To: Fred Allyn, III <mayor@ledyardct.org  
<mailto:mayor@ledyardct.org>>; Town Council Group  
<mailto:TownCouncil@ledyardct.org>>; Blakely Elizabeth Jamieson  
Subject: East Drive paving issue still not resolved  
Good Afternoon Mayor Fred and Council Members,  
I am inquiring if the town is still planning on fixing East Drive that  
they messed up paving last year?  
Public works told us they would be doing that this spring and we  
haven't seen them yet. The road was heaved in one area. When the  
heaving caused our 6 year old daughter to crash her scooter and  
resulted in a concussion, even though she had on a helmet, the town  
came out the following day and performed a temporary repair. This is  
about a 5' x 20' patch. We opted to not seek restitution for her injuries,  
but expect the promised repairs will be completed.  
The pitch of the street was done incorrectly causing major puddling at  
the bottom of the hill about 15' shy of the street drain. This was very  
hazardous during the winter months especially, causing an ice skating  
rink coming into the sharp turn at the bottom of the hill across from the  
playground entrance on East Drive. I provided photos to public works  
of the situation at which time they said it would be addressed this  
Also, the curb height was significantly reduced causing the rain water  
to overtake the curb and wash out the mulch from our flower bed into  
the street.  
We hate to see the town spend money for this level of quality and hope  
that it can be resolved before more injuries result.  
William Jamieson, Jr  
16 East Dr, Gales Ferry  
Councilor Paul commented on the need to stay on track of the agenda item. He noted  
the paving issue Mr. Jamison addressed in his June 21, 2023 was not related the  
improvements at the Park itself on East Drive (Christy Hill Park).  
***POST MEETING NOTE: 6/27/2023***  
From: Steve Masalin <pwd@ledyardct.org>  
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 1:09 PM  
To: Fred Allyn, III <mayor@ledyardct.org>; Roxanne Maher  
<council@ledyardct.org>; Town Council Group  
Cc: Kristen Chapman <mayoral.asst@ledyardct.org>; Joseph Tillman  
Subject: RE: East Drive paving issue still not resolved  
On June 27th I visited the road frontage in the vicinity of 16 East Drive. Joe  
Tillman had visited the site earlier and we have found nothing that rises to the  
level represented by the resident.  
On the matter of the repaired area associated with the water main break, this  
is above the frontage of the resident’s property in the vicinity of their neighbor  
at 12 East Drive. There are no issues with this. The final patching is  
acceptable, functional, and not a hazard.  
On the matter of standing water that doesn’t reach the basin, this is related to  
the original paving job. Below is a picture of the puddle that was left by last  
night’s rain.  
Though there is an obvious issue, it doesn’t seem to rise to the level alleged by  
the resident. We will continue to assess what may be appropriately done in a  
way that the cure is not worse than the disease.  
On the matter of condition of the curb, we find that it is adequate to perform  
its basic function regarding drainage. Joe Tillman has previously explained to  
the resident that the aesthetics of curbing is secondary to the primary purpose  
of drainage.  
Finally, while there I noted that the resident is in violation of Ordinance  
300-027 regarding placement of obstructions in the right-of-way. The picture  
below shows that the resident has placed several large tree chunks within 10  
feet of the curbline.  
Councilor Paul continued to note with the improvements such as the lights,  
removing the brush to open up the entrance area, the new wood chips, etc. that the  
Park on East Drive looked great and that he would like to have a follow-up to the  
July 20, 2022 Informal Gathering they had last summer with the residents in the area,  
noting that he appreciated the residents who attended the first Informal Gathering. He  
stated they were all volunteers and that somethings took time to address, but that  
progress was made. He stated it was important for the residents to know that Parks &  
Recreation Director Scott Johnson, Jr., was available for them to bring their concerns  
to. He stated Mr. Johnson does a good job at keeping the parks looking great, noting  
that it was just as important to Mr. Johnson as it was to the residents that the town’s  
parks were being treated properly.  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Paul reminded the Committee that their July 19, 2023 Regular Meeting  
would be cancelled, as they would be hosting the Mental Health Awareness Booth at  
the Farmers Market that evening.  
Councilor Paul moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor Saums.  
VOTE: 2 - 0 Approved and so declared. The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Gary Paul  
C o m m i t t e e  
C h a i r m a n  
Community Relations Committee  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  