Samaritan Law”.
Section 2. Exempt from Liability
The Good Samaritan Law exempts the Town of Ledyard from liability; and its
agents from liability, including paid and volunteer firefighters, police officers,
emergency medical services personnel in providing emergency services to people in
This includes protection from civil liability for damages as a result of forcible
entry believing that a person inside is in need of assistance or first aide.
Section 3 . Severability.
If any section, or part of a section, of this Ordinance shall be held by a court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding shall not be deemed to
invalidate the remaining provisions hereof.
Section 4.
Effective Date
In accordance with the Town Charter this ordinance shall become
effective on the twenty-first (21st) day after such publication following its final
Adopted by the Ledyard Town Council on: _______________
Kevin J. Dombrowski, Chairman
Approved / Disapproved on: ___________
Fred B. Allyn, III, Mayor
Published on:
Effective Date:
Patricia A. Riley, Town Clerk
Background: There has been some incidents for which the Town received a bill for
damages due to the breaching of a home in responding to an Emergency 911 Call and
concern for the wellness of the individual and concern that the individual could have
been unconscious and laying on the floor.
In accordance with the “Good Samaritan Law” the town decided to adopt an
Ordinance to clearly state that the town as a non-profit and their agents were exempt
from liabilities.
Moved by Councilor Paul, seconded by Councilor Marshall