in the past.
Councilor Saums stated except for the low voter turnout that each of Ms. Diaz’s
suggestions were on tonight’s agenda. He stated the Committee to Review the Budget
Process has been discussing the town’s low voter turnout for the annual budget and
how information was communicated. He stated the most recent problem was that The
Day Newspaper does not have a reporter assigned to Ledyard, and therefore, there
were no articles regarding local issues happening in Ledyard being published in the
newspaper. He also noted in years past that The Day Newspaper would either have
someone talk with each Party and their Candidates and ask questions about their
ideas, and what the issues were in Ledyard, etc. and publish an article in the
newspaper; or they would host Moderated Forums for local elections. However, he
stated because this was no longer happening they were reduced to social media, and
the posting of legal ad’s in the newspaper every time there would be a town vote. He
stated the Committee to Review the Budget Process talked about all the things that
town was doing to get information out to the residents and despite all of the work and
places information was made available (i.e. all public meetings were posted on the
town’s meeting portal, information was available on the town’s website and social
media page, legal ad’s were published in the newspaper, residents could sign up to be
notified for announcements, information was published in the quarterly Events
Magazine that was delivered to every household, etc.).
However, he stated despite all these efforts, that they have a problem, noting as an
example that they may have ten people show up the Budget Public Hearing. He stated
times change, and that he was not blaming the newspapers, noting that people were
getting their information from social media. He stated the date of October 17, 2023
Referendum was posted on the town’s website along with a detailed description
explaining the reason they were holding the Referendum, and that several Town
Councilor’s posted the date of October 17, 2023 Referendum on their social media
pages, however, he stated not everyone sees those, because of the way facebook
worked. He stated although he did not have a solution, that he would agree that
Ledyard has a problem with voter turnout, noting for the Annual Budget that only 2
out of 30 people voted.
Councilor Rodrigeuz stated for the Annual Budget Referendum that 2.5% voted; and
for the October 17, 2023 Referendum to increase the funding for the Schools Various
Projects to include the redesign of Heating and Ventilation (HVAC) System at the
Juliet W. Long School that 2.3% of the registered voters turned out to vote.
Councilor Paul stated that he agreed with Councilor Saums’ comments regarding the
efforts being made to provide information to the public. He also noted the importance
to provide information regarding the candidates who were seeking election.
Councilor Saums stated to find out about the Annual Budget Referendum and other
meetings that residents could sign-up for Website Updates, Calendar Updates, News
Alerts, or Tax Department Notifications at: by clicking on the “Notify Me” Tab on
the front page of the towns website, he stated they could receive text messages on
their cell phones or emails or both depending on what type of notification they select.