741 Colonel Ledyard Highway  
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339  
Finance Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
Kevin J. Dombrowski  
Regular Meeting  
Wednesday, May 3, 2023  
5:00 PM  
Town Hall Annex Building - Hybrid  
In -Person - Council Chambers, Town Hall Annex  
Join Zoom Meeting from your Computer, Smart Phone or Tablet:  
by Audio Only: Telephone: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 889 5981 5643; Passcode:  
the Meeting was called to order by Councilor Saums at 5:00 p.m.  
at the Council Chambers Town Hall Annex Building.  
Councilor Saums welcomed all to the Hybrid Meeting. He stated for the Town  
Council Finance Committee and members of the Public who were participating via  
video conference that the remote meeting information was available on the Agenda  
that was posted on the Town’s Website - Granicus-Legistar Meeting Portal.  
Councilor Bill Saums  
Councilor Andra Ingalls  
Councilor Tim Ryan  
In addition, the following were present:  
Mary McGrattanTown Councilor  
S. Naomi RodriguezTown Councilor  
Fred Allyn, III Mayor  
Matt Bonin Finance Director  
Roxanne MaherAdministrative Assistant  
Councilor Saums noted the Finance Committee and others in attendance this evening  
were wearing bow ties or the color green in memory of Conor Irwin, noting that  
today would have been his 21st Birthday.  
Councilor Irwin and Mrs. Irwin stopped by the Meeting and thanked the Finance  
Committee for the remembrance of their son Conor who passed away on December  
5, 2016 at the age of 14 in a tragic skateboarding accident. Mrs. Irwin stated seeing  
everyone wearing green to remember their son meant the world to them. She stated  
the Conor Irwin Memorial Classic Race honored their son Conor, who was an  
intelligent, funny, kind, and an amazingly fast young man. She stated people could  
participate in the event from May 3, 2023 - June 11, 2023. She stated all the proceeds  
from the race would go directly to the Conor Irwin Memorial Fund which provided  
scholarships to deserving students. She stated the 2023 the Conor Irwin Memorial  
Classic would again offer both a live and a virtual option. The live event would be  
held at Ledyard High School on June 10, 2023 at 9 a.m. on the Conor S. Irwin  
Memorial Cross Country Course. She stated Awards would be given to the top  
winners in their age groups. She stated this year they have raised the most money for  
the Scholarship and that more details regarding the Race was available on-line  
Finance Director's Report  
Finance Director Matthew Bonin stated that he would address items during the meeting.  
MOTION to approve the Finance Committee Regular Meeting Minutes of April 5, 2023  
Moved by Councilor Ryan, seconded by Councilor Ingalls  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Tim Ryan  
Andra Ingalls  
Saums, Ingalls and Ryan  
Financial Reports  
Revenue Year to Date Report vs. Actuals- March 31, 2023  
Expenditure - Year to Date Report vs. Actuals - March 31, 2023  
Finance Director Matthew Bonin noted that the Year-to-Date Financial Reports for April  
30, 2023 would be presented at the Finance Committee’s May 17, 2023 meeting.  
Continued discussion regarding the status and possible changes to Capital Improvement Plan  
(CIP) and Capital Non-Recurring (CNR) Fund based on the American Rescue Act Funding  
(ARPA) and the process to approve ARPA Projects and expend ARPA Funding.  
The Finance Committee reviewed the updated ARPA Projects Status Spreadsheet  
(see attachaed)  
The Group discussed the following:  
· Progress to date:  
ü 13 Projects Completed  
ü 15 Projects In-Process  
ü 9 Projects Not-Started  
· Senior Citizens ARPA Funding $29,000 - Mayor Allyn noted as he reported at the  
Town Council’s April 26, 2023 meeting the Federal Government designated ARPA  
Funding specifically for Senior Citizens Centers. He stated Ledyard would be  
receiving $29,000, noting that it was based on a per capita allotment. He stated the  
town had 18 months to designate the use of the funding and that the funds needed to  
be spent by 2026.  
Councilor Saums addressed the $29,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding  
and he noted that the town had allocated $160,000 to be used for the replacement of the  
Heating and Air Condition System (HVAC) ($155,000) and doors ($5,000) at the Senior  
Center. He suggested the town apply the $29,000 Senior Citizens ARPA Funding toward  
these Projects at the Senior Citizens Center, noting that it would free up $29,000 for cost  
overruns on other town ARPA Projects. Mayor Allyn stated that Councilor Saums’  
suggestion was a good approach.  
Linda C. Davis Food Pantry Vinyl Siding $170,000 - Mayor Allyn explained that the  
residing the Food Panty has not been done yet because the Food Panty would like to  
make some changes to the building to provide a covered area outside the door so that  
volunteers would be out of the weather when providing curbside pick-ups and when  
receiving deliveries. He stated the weather protection overhang would be about 12-feet  
wide and would project out 8-feet. He stated that they were also looking to install a  
concrete pad for a “Market Cart” in that same area.  
Mayor Allyn went on to explain the Market Cart was for food that nearing the expiration  
date, that the Food Pantry would make available to clients when they were picking up  
their regular food orders, noting that the clients could pick up extra supplies from the  
Market Cart. He stated the weather protection covering would be on the side of the  
building facing where the tennis courts use to be located. He stated once this work was  
completed that they would proceed with residing the building.  
Finance Director Matthew Bonin noted the following:  
ü Completed Projects: $31,000 Remaining  
ü Not Yet Committee: $226,000  
Total Available: $256,000 to be committed to other projects.  
Mr. Bonin noted the Federal Treasury definition of “Obligated Funds” meant “An order  
has been placed for property and services, or contracts, or some arm awards were  
made”. He stated just saying that the funds were going to be used for a particular project,  
was not considered “Obligated” and did not meet the Treasury’s definition. He stated  
they had to contracts or Purchase Orders in place.  
MOTION to grant a Bid Waiver to STV Construction Inc. not to exceed $91,496 due to  
receiving fewer than the required three bids in response to Bid #LPS 23-01 (Owner’s  
Representative Services for Select Capital Projects,), in accordance with Ordinance  
#200-001 (rev 1) “An Ordinance for Purchasing”.  
Finance Director Matthew Bonin stated the Permanent Municipal Building  
Committee (PMBC) met on May 1, 2023 and decided to update the bid specifications  
to include the full scope of work and to rebid the “Owner’s Representative Services  
for Select Capital Projects”.  
The Finance Committee noted that they were pleased with the PMBC’s decision to  
rebid the work, noting the importance to have a fair and equitable process; and that  
rebidding the work was the right process.  
The Committee agreed by consensus to remove the bid waiver request regarding the  
work for the “Owner’s Representative Services for Select Capital Projects” from  
their Agenda.  
Discussion regarding potential uses for the funding received from the National Opioid  
Settlement Payments.  
Councilor Saums stated the Ledyard Youth Services, and the Ledyard Prevention  
Coalition were continuing to look at options for the best use of the Opioid Settlement  
Payments and how they could be involved in this initiative.  
Continued discussion regarding potential uses of the revenue received from Public Act  
No.21-58 “An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management” in accordance with “Resolution  
Regarding Revenues Received from Beverage Container Surcharges” adopted on June 8,  
Councilor Saums stated unfortunately this year Earth Day was a wash-out rainy  
weekend. However, he stated that he along with some neighbors did do some  
roadside clean-up and that he was aware of other residents who did the same, noting  
that the Vajdos Family picked-up 500 nip bottles. He stated he delivered a total of  
about 600 nip bottles to Resident Mrs. Betsy Graham and he noted that Mrs. Graham  
has asked that they get the word out either through the Ledyard Beautification  
Committee or social media that those who were picking up the nip bottles to drop the  
bags off to her. Councilor Saums stated that Mrs. Graham was planning to bring the  
nip bottles to the State Capital in Hartford to bring awareness of this issue. He stated  
residents can obtain clear plastic bags from Southeastern Connecticut Regional  
Resource Recovery Authority (SCRRRA).  
Councilor Ingalls stated that she and Deb Vessels do roadside clean-up in the area  
from the Ledyard sign coming into town from Preston and that they typically collect  
at least 100 nip bottles in that area. She stated she liked the idea of delivering the nip  
bottles to Hartford. She stated although they could coordinate a town-wide  
community event roadside clean-up that it did not address the root of the nip bottle  
problem. Councilor Saums stated he agreed with Councilor Ingalls, noting that it was  
a complex problem, stating that the Liquor Lobby was successful because there was  
not mechanism or stream to redeem the nip bottles. He stated the current return  
bottle/can machines do not take the small nip bottles. He stated the whole intent of  
the nip bottle was to buy it, drink it, and throw it out the window while driving.  
Therefore, he stated it was his opinion that the liquor nip bottles should be out lawed.  
Mayor Allyn, III, stated that the Liquor Lobbyists were successful in blocking the nip  
bottle deposit proposal; with the State Legislature instead approving Public Act No.  
21-58 “An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management” in accordance with  
“Resolution Regarding Revenues Received from Beverage Container Surcharges” -  
Nip Bottle Surcharge Disbursement. He reported that Ledyard received $13,048.20  
from the Nip Bottle Surcharge, noting that this equated to 260,964 nip bottles (17  
nips bottles per capita) sold in Ledyard during the past six-months.  
Mayor Allyn went on to state unfortunately Public Act No. 21-58 which imposed a  
.05 cent surcharge on each nip bottle sold has not addressed the Municipalities  
concerns regarding the littering of nip bottles on the roadways and more importantly  
it has not deterred motorists from drinking, and driving, and throwing the nip bottles  
out of their car windows. He explained that the Municipalities were looking for a .25  
cent returnable deposit on each nip bottle sold to provide an incentive for people to  
return the nip bottles, noting that you see people cleaning up the roads collecting  
other beverage containers to return them to the store for the refund. He stated the  
reason nip bottles were not picked-up was because there was not a bottle return and,  
as Councilor Saums noted, there were no bottle collection machines for nip bottles,  
noting their irregular sizes.  
The Finance Committee reviewed the data sheet which listed the Nip Bottle  
Surcharge Disbursement for each of the state’s 169 towns noting the following  
Municipality Surcharge Disbursement  
East Lyme $12,835.80  
Essex $4,925.60  
Groton $46,199.35  
Hartford $78,448.85  
Ledyard $13,048.20  
Lisbon $3,577.20  
New Haven $115,073.05  
New London $35,838.20  
Municipality Surcharge Disbursement  
Preston $4,845.00  
Stonington $12,653.20  
East Lyme $12,835.80  
Councilor Ryan noted based on the data sheet that 231 nip bottles were being sold  
every day, per liquor/package store or 7,000 per month per package store.  
They Finance Committee discussed the importance to bring awareness to their State  
Legislators regarding this issue and other ideas for the use of Nip Bottle Surcharge  
Funding noting the following:  
· Try to engage Package Stores in a positive way to collect nip bottles, in an  
incentive type of way.  
· Support local non-profit groups such as Booster Clubs by having them use the  
collection of nip bottles as a fund raiser and the Town could provide a monitory  
donation to the non-profit organization for the nip bottles using the Surcharge  
Councilor Saums stated that he would like to see the Beautification Committee be  
involved in the nip bottle collection to bring this issue to Hartford. However, he  
stated the roadside clean-up needed to be done either in the Spring before the brush  
begins to grow, or in the Fall. Councilor Ingalls stated that she was the Liaison to the  
Beautification Committee and that she would email their Chairman Jen Eastbourne  
and that she would include Councilor Saums to get the conversation started.  
Any other Old Business proper to come before the Committee.  
MOTION to appropriate $9,500 to Account #21020301-57300-G0015 (Fire Marshall - New  
Equipment - State Grant).  
In addition, authorize the expenditure of up to $9,500 for the purchase of three 800 MHz  
radios for Emergency Management.  
The funding source for this project is the Town of Ledyard’s FY 2023 Nuclear Safety  
Emergency Program Funding Allocation (2023-47).  
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Ryan  
Discussion: Councilor Saums stated the town has already applied for and received  
this Nuclear Safety grant funding. He stated tonight’s action was to appropriate and  
authorize the spending of the grant funding to purchase three 800 MHz radios for  
Emergency Management.  
Mayor Allyn, III, explained that the State was moving to the 800 MHz radios  
(Tri-BAN), which would allow everyone in the state to communicate with each other.  
He stated this project has been in-process for about ten-years. He stated Director of  
Emergency Management Jim Mann has received approval from DEMIS Region 4 to  
use these funds to purchase the radios.  
VOTE: 3 - 0 Approved and so declared  
Andra Ingalls  
Tim Ryan  
Saums, Ingalls and Ryan  
Any other New Business proper to come before the Committee.  
Councilor Saums stated a resident showed him her 25-acre property located on Long  
Pond, which at one time was used as a Camp for Boys. He stated that periodically  
some of the people who once spent the summer at the Camp drive down Long Pond  
Road South and recall the time they spent there as a kid. He stated the resident would  
like to preserve the property and thought that it would be a great park for the Town.  
Councilor Ingalls moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilor Ryan.  
VOTE:3 - 0 Approved and so declared, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,  
William D. Saums  
Committee Chairman  
DISCLAIMER: Although we try to be timely and accurate these are not official records of the  