Groton Utilities used the area as a watershed.
Avalonia Land Conservancy was seeking to purchase the neighboring property
located at 148 Stoddards Wharf Road.
Mr. Marelli went on state that he has not spoken to any parties about the Conservation
Commission’s interest for the town to acquire the property, because he wanted to inform
the Town Council first of their interest in the property, and also provide them with some
background information regarding the parcel and its surroundings.
Chairman Dombrowski asked that Mr. Marelli work with the Mayor’s Office
regarding the Conservation Commission’s interest to purchase the open space parcel.
He explained that there was a town process in place to obtain authorization for the
town to seek a Grant, noting that there would be some town expenses just to file the
Grant Application, such as conducting a A-1 Survey, property appraisal, legal
description of the property, legal fees, etc. as Mr. Marelli noted earlier this evening. He
also explained that they would need to identify and appropriate the funding source for
the town’s local share, and that in accordance with state statute163(e) a Public
Hearing was required; and in accordance with Chapter VII of the Town Charter a
Special Town Meeting would be required for the townspeople to vote on the town
purchasing the property. He also noted that the Planning & Zoning Commission
would be required to conduct an 8-24 Review.
Mr. Marelli addressed the Grant Application process and he noted that they were
required to show that the purchase of the property would be in-keeping with the most
recent Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) which was last updated in
2012. Chairman Dombrowski explained that state statute required the POCD to be
updated every ten years and he suggested Mr. Marelli talk with the Planning &
Zoning Commission regarding the latest version of the POCD.
Councilor Marshall questioned the previous use of 154 Stoddards Wharf Road. Mr.
Marelli stated that he was told that the property was formerly used as a quarry. He stated
in walking the property he saw some dykes or berms on the property, which he thought
may be some type of geological feature. Chairman Dombrowski questioned whether
there were any dams on the property. Mr. Marelli stated there were no dams on the
The LUPPW Committee noted that no action was required this evening regarding the
Conservation Commission’s interest to purchase 154 Stoddards Wharf Road to be added
to the town’s open space inventory.
Water Pollution Control Authority e-mail dated January 25, 2023 re: Response to
Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority (SCWA) Chairman January 19, 2023 Report
pertaining to a requested 150-foot radius easement around the SCWA well that would come
onto town property where the Route 117 Ledyard Center Water Storage Tank was located.
Chairman Dombrowski stated he asked that this communication be included on
tonight’ s LUPPW Committee agenda for informational purposes only. He noted