Ms. Fernandez Unit #3 sated she would like to respond to some of the things Ms. Crocker stated
last month. Ms. Fernandez stated they were told the Executive Director has no vote and she is
well aware of that fact, she also has eyes and ears and tape recordings that clearly show the
Executive Director, Ms. Lauer telling the Board President what to say at Board meetings. Ms.
Fernandez added that secondly there are no lights along the driveway and there will be snow and
ice during the winter when you come to the stop sign at the end of the driveway. Ms. Fernandez
stated look to your right and tell her if you can see anything but blackness. Ms. Fernandez noted
here are no lights or sidewalks on Kings Highway were they are being sent to smoke. Ms.
Fernandez added please don't tell her the health and well being of the residents were considered.
Ms. Fernandez stated that two weeks ago they were told they were State owned to call CHFA
and the Board told them they don't know who owns Kings Corner and the grant states we are
owned by an LLC, someone or everyone is lying. Ms. Fernandez added the quote Ms. Crocker
made from the employee handbook only relates to the Town owned and managed properties and
the Town claims no responsibility for Kings Corner, these points of Ms. Crocker's speech are
mute. Ms. Fernandez stated she is not an employee, she lives here and pays rent, please do not
tell her how to dispose of her butts when she is off property. Ms. Fernandez stated the comment
about the tiki torches being addressed as soon as it was mentioned was not true. Ms. Fernandez
added she has a comment/suggestions form that was typed and dated April 5, 2021 where she
made mention that she had concerns about tiki torches at that time. Ms. Fernandez stated she did
not believe Ms. Crocker was on the Board at that time. Ms. Fernandez stated she will reiterate
Ms. Crocker's own words from the last meeting and address them to the Board, giving
misleading or false information is never appropriate.
Chairman Duzy thanks Ms. Fernandez for her comments.
Ms. Murray, 16 Chapman Lane, Gales Ferry stated freedom of information is a law and the
meeting minutes come under that law, it is absolutely unlawful to say anything in the minutes
that did not occur or to make editorial comments like deciding to say the last comment is from
me personally and not necessarily from the Board and go off on a tangent. Ms. Murray added
there are a number of comments people have stated that are listed in the minutes and did not
happen or were listed as opinion and did not occur and it is unlawful to do that in a public
meeting. Ms. Murray stated this was a warning that minutes cannot be done like that and are
not appropriate. Ms. Murray asked for the minutes to be taped and if there was a tape from the
last meeting use that for the minutes. Ms. Murray added that she understood people had to move
out of their apartments for renovations and move back in. Ms. Murray stated that many of these
senior citizens have health issues and are being required to move themselves. Ms. Murray stated
she would guarantee that and she would be happy to spend the money or do research herself, but
does not think it should be her job to find out if there is money in the grant to move the
residents. Ms. Murray added that she does not believe the senior citizens are required to take the
stuff out of their apartments and move the stuff back in. Ms. Murray stated she bets there is
money to do that and she understood that other people got help. Ms. Murray added the last thing
she would like to point out is people in this community have oxygenators and they need to be