· Winthrop Park near the Gales Ferry Community Center - Councilor St. Vil
stated an Informal Conversation has been scheduled for Thursday, November 7,
2024 at 5:00 p.m. He stated that he left Parks, Recreation & Senior Citizens
Director Scott Johnson, Jr., a voice message and sent him an email; however, he
had not heard back from Mr. Johnson yet. He questioned whether Administrative
Assistant Roxanne Maher had spoken with Mr. Johnson. Administrative Assistant
Roxanne Maher noted that she spoke with Mr. Johnson yesterday (10/15/1014)
and he was comfortable with the draft letter that would be mailed to property
owners that lived within a 1,000-foot radius of Winthrop Park. She stated the
letters were ready for Councilor Brunelle to sign, noting that the letters would be
mailed tomorrow and that flyers would be mailed out the last week of October.
Councilor St. Vil noted that he would facilitate the Informal Conversation and
would provide Parks, Recreation & Senior Citizens Director Scott Johnson, Jr., a
platform to present the proposals regarding the construction of Pickleball Courts
at Winthrop Park; and that they would look to receive feedback from residents.
He suggested the Community Relations Committee for Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion encourage members of the Town Council to also attend, noting that he
would send an email that would include the flyer to the full Town Council about
the November 5, 2024 Informal Conversation. He stated that he hoped it would
be a good conversation.
Discussion regarding ideas to increase communication/transparency with residents.
Ms. Beth Ribe, Governance Training Proposal
Councilor Brunelle noted this item was addressed during Item #1 earlier this evening
(see above).
Discuss starting a relationship with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council to help foster
communication and mutual points of interest.
Chairman Rodriguez stated that she has been in communication with Mashantucket
Pequot Tribal Councilor Crystal Whipple, noting that the Tribal Council was
interested in meeting. She also noted that Ms. Whipple stated that they would like to
include Daniel Meehan, who was the Chairman of their Historical/Cultural
Preservation Committee. She stated that she would continue to work to obtain some
dates that she and Councilor St. Vil could meet with members of the Tribal Council.
She stated that she hoped they could schedule something in November.
Councilor St. Vil noted that November was Native American Heritage Month. He
stated they would need to lay out the framework to facilitate a program similar to
what they have done in the past for Black History Month. He stated it would be great
to engage the students in a contest to recognize the contributions of Native
Americans; especially in our community.
Chairman Rodriguez stated that she thought the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council
would like to see a program regarding Native American Heritage Month. However,