ü Interest on Deposits has earned $838,000.
· Expenditure Year-to Date Report- April 30, 2024
Mr. Bonin noted the Expenditures were continuing to track as been previously
MOTION to approve a water rate increase of 5% to become effective on July 1, 2024 as
recommended by the WPCA and contained in the water and sewer rate table presented at the
WPCA April 23, 2024 Public Hearing; in accordance with Ordinance #400-001 “An
Ordinance Creating a Water Pollution Control Authority for the Town of Ledyard”)
Moved by Councilor Buhle, seconded by Councilor Ryan
Discussion: Councilor Saccone explained in accordance with Ordinance #400-001 “An
Ordinance Creating a Water Pollution Control Authority for the Town of Ledyard”
and CGS Chapter 102, Section 7-239, the Town Council shall set just and equitable
rates or charges of the water system that shall be sufficient for the payment of
expense of operation, repair, replacement and maintenance and foreseeable capital
expenses of such system. He noted that WPCA Chairman Ed Lynch was present this
evening and he asked him to provide additional information regarding the requested
5% water rate increase.
Mr. Ed Lynch, 11 Red Brook Lane, Ledyard, WPCA Chairman, attending remotely,
explained there were the following two reasons for the Water Rate increase:
(1) Water Rate Increase - Mr. Lynch stated that Groton Utilities notified the WPCA that
they would be increasing the cost of water by 5% to commence on October 1, 2024. He
stated in accordance with CGS Chapter 102, Section 7-239, and Ordinance #400-001
the WPCA held a Public Hearing on April 24, 2024 to present the proposed water
rate increase to the rate payers.
(2) Lead Survey - Mr. Lynch stated in past years the WPCA did not allocate funding in their
Contingency Account. However, he stated because the State Department of Health
(DPH) was pressing water providers to conduct a Lead Survey, the WPCA allocated
$35,476.44 in their Contingency Account for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2024/2025. He
explained that this would be an on-going process for the next 3-5 years to determine if
they had any lead in their system. He stated a Consultant from Boston has been
working with DPH and he noted that the WPCA obtained a $455,000 quote from the
Consultant to conduct the Lead Sampling Survey. He stated the WPCA applied for a
Grant through the Department of Health; however, he stated because they were not a
distressed community, he was not sure if the WPCA would qualify for a 100% Grant,
explaining that they may be able to obtain a No Interest Loan from DPH. He went on
to state the WPCA was going to try to appeal to the DPH to perhaps conduct the Lead
Survey a different way, such as checking the service line when they replace water
meters. He stated the WPCA would need to submit documentation to the DPH by