Aged Reports/Finance.
Nothing unusual in the reports.
Year to Date Water/Sewer Report.
No comments.
PSR - Steve Banks.
A bid waiver request was sent to the Town Council for a Rotary Drum Thickener panel
replacement which is a necessary and vital upgrade to the Highlands WWTF. The adjustable
frequency drives and associated electrical components are obsolete and need to be replaced. This
is part of the ARPA fund program.
A meeting was held with Weston and Sampson, and they will be providing a definitive
construction cost on Phase III (main extension from Ledyard High School to Pennywise).
Chairman Lynch pointed out that the Cummins emergency generator water pump went down on
July 3rd. Because parts were not available until the following Monday a 175 kW generator was
rented until the parts came in and the unit was repaired. DB Electric will provide a quote to
purchase a standby portable generator. Possibility to use some of the surplus ARPA money. This
would be a trailer mounted unit which all Town departments potentially could use.
The Town of Ledyard Planning Department is currently receiving some plans for development in
Ledyard Center and Gales Ferry. Presently, there is capacity for around 50,000 - 60,000 gallons
at the Highlands Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Ledyard Center projects will need to
provide the WPCA with accurate estimates of flow so it can be determined which projects would
be allowed to discharge to the plant. The last infiltration study was completed over twenty years
ago. A significant amount of infiltration was eliminated by replacing manhole covers, relining
manholes, capping at grade cleanouts, and relining a few sections of pipe. Relining the
remaining pipe is the next step in this process. This would be a significant and costly effort to
further reduce the effects of infiltration and loading of the plant
Water Report Review continued.
Chairman Lynch asked Groton Utilities for reports to provide the number of billable gallons, the
number of metered gallons on Route 117 and the cost of the metered gallons on Route 117. He
reported a few issues found in the raw data. There are inconsistencies in the billing, for example
the water rate charges for Route 12 and Route 117 are different. Some water is lost in flushing,
leaks and possibly un-metered residents but this amount of loss appears to be excessive. Mr.
Jones suggested comparing a list of all Ledyard properties to the customer list to see the
discrepancies, although there will be some exceptions for homes in the service area but using a
Review of Trail/Sewer line continued.